Programming and Special Project Fees Sample Clauses

Programming and Special Project Fees. Additional fees at $175 per hour, or as quoted by project, may apply for special programming or projects to meet your servicing requirements or to create custom reports or data extracts. Out-of-Pocket Expenses Out-of-pocket expenses include but are not limited to normal recurring expenses such as pricing services, postage, express delivery charges, courier services, printing of reports, photocopying, stationery, record retention/storage/retrieval, travel on behalf and request of the fund, bank account service fees and any other bank charges, and expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, incurred in connection with responding to and complying with SEC or other regulatory investigations, inquiries or subpoenas, excluding routine examinations of UMB in its capacity as a service provider to the funds. All fees, other than basis point fees, are subject to an annual escalation equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index–Urban Wage Earners (CPI) not to exceed 5%. Such escalations shall be effective commencing one year from the effective date of the Agreement and the corresponding date each year thereafter. No amendment of this fee schedule shall be required with each escalation. CPI will be determined by reference to the Consumer Price Index News Release issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Fees for services not contemplated by this schedule will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. Schedule C to the Administration, Fund Accounting and Recordkeeping Agreement by and between the Funds on Appendix A and UMB Fund Services, Inc. ◾ Accounting records, including Investor Account Ledgers, Portfolio Transactions Journals, Cash Receipts and Disbursements Journal, General Ledger, Subsidiary Ledgers, Portfolio Securities Ledger, Commissions Ledger, Capital Account Ledger and Trial Balances. ◾ Copies of the Fund’s Operating Agreement and minute books. ◾ Investor correspondence (including e-mail communications) relating to matters required to be maintained by Section 31(a) of the 1940 Act Appendix A to the Administration, Fund Accounting and Recordkeeping Agreement by and between the Funds on Appendix A and UMB Fund Services, Inc. Funds Jurisdiction Master, Feeder or Holder NB Crossroads Private Markets Fund VI Holdings LP Delaware Master NB Crossroads Private Markets Fund VI LP Delaware Feeder NB Crossroads Private Markets Fund VI Custody LP Delaware Feeder NB Crossroads Private Markets Fund VI Advisory LP Delaware Feeder
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Programming and Special Project Fees. Additional fees at $175 per hour, or as quoted by project, may apply for special programming or projects to meet your servicing requirements or to create custom reports. CONVERSION COSTS TBD OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES Out-of-pocket expenses include but are not limited to: copying charges, facsimile charges, inventory and record storage and reprocessing, statement paper, check stock, envelopes, tax forms, postage and direct delivery charges, tape/disk storage, travel, CPU usage, telephone and long distance charges, retirement plan documents, NSCC participant billing, P.O. box rental, toll- free number, customer identity check fees, bank account service fees and any other bank charges. OPTIONAL SERVICES To be determined by the services selected and their scope. MONEY MARKET EXCHANGE VEHICLES o Exception check writing (per set definition, per occurrence) $ 2.00 o One-time set-up fee per money market fund used $ 2,000 o Monthly base fee per money market fund used $ 650 NSCC AND FUND/SERV TRADING o Use of UMB Distribution Services, LLC NSCC Membership (per fund, per year) o Each of first three funds in fund family $ 2,000 o Each additional fund $ 1,000 VRU SERVICES o One-time VRU set-up fee $ 3,000 o Annual VRU maintenance fee $ 1,800 o VRU charge (per call) $ .40 INTERNET SERVICES o BROKER BROWSER o One-time set-up fee (standard) $ 1,000 o Inquiry no charge o SHAREHOLDER BROWSER o One-time set-up fee $ 5,000 o Annual maintenance fee $ 2,500 o Inquiry (per occurrence) $ .15 o New account set-up, one-time fee per account $ 1.60 o Transactions* (per occurrence) $ .40 o Account maintenance (per occurrence) $ .50 *additional purchases, exchanges and redemptions o WEB-BASED DOCUMENT MAILINGS* o One-time set-up fee $ 1,500 o Per shareholder, per mailing $ .10 *statements, prospectuses, financial reports, etc. o VISION Per fund family, per month $ 1,200 o ADVISOR CENTRAL Per fund family, per month $ 1,200 FULFILLMENT SERVICING FEES o STANDARD PACKAGE FOR MAILING o Up to four pieces $ 1.50 o Each additional item $ 0.25 o SPECIAL PROCESSING/MANUAL ENTRY o E-mail/fax request $ 2.75 This fee schedule is valid through April 30, 2007. Fees for services not contemplated by this schedule will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. SCHEDULE D TO THE TRANSFER AGENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE ADVISORS' INNER CIRCLE FUND II AND UMB FUND SERVICES, INC. RECORDS MAINTAINED BY UMBFS Account applications Canceled certificates plus stock powers and supporting documents Checks including c...
Programming and Special Project Fees. Additional fees at $175 per hour, or as quoted by project, may apply for special programming or projects to meet your servicing requirements or to create custom reports. Conversion Costs TBD Out-of-Pocket Expenses Out-of-pocket expenses include but are not limited to annual year-end programming fees, copying charges, facsimile charges, inventory and record storage and reprocessing, statement paper, check stock, envelopes, tax forms, postage and direct delivery charges, tape/disk storage, travel, CPU usage, telephone and long distance charges, retirement plan documents, NSCC participant billing, P.O. box rental, toll-free number, customer identity check fees, bank account service fees and any other bank charges, and expenses.
Programming and Special Project Fees. Additional fees at $175 per hour, or as quoted by project, may apply for special programming or projects to meet your servicing requirements or to create custom reports.
Programming and Special Project Fees. Additional fees at $175 per hour, or as quoted by project, may apply for special programming or projects to meet your servicing requirements or to create custom reports. Out-of-Pocket Expenses Out-of-pocket expenses include but are not limited to annual year-end programming fees, copying charges, facsimile charges, inventory and record storage and reprocessing, statement paper, check stock, envelopes, tax forms, postage and direct delivery charges, tape/disk storage, travel, CPU usage, telephone and long distance charges, retirement plan documents, proxies and proxy services, DTCC/NSCC participant billing, P.O. box rental, toll-free number, customer identity check fees, bank account service fees and any other bank charges, and expenses, including but not limited to attorney’s fees, incurred in connection with responding to and complying with SEC or other regulatory investigations, inquiries or subpoenas, excluding routine examinations of UMB in its capacity as a service provider. All fees, other than basis point fees, are subject to an annual escalation equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index–Urban Wage Earners (CPI). Such escalations shall be effective commencing one year from the effective date of each Fund and the corresponding date each year thereafter. No amendment of this fee schedule shall be required with each escalation; however, a formal notice of the fee increase, which may be as included in an invoice, shall be provided defining the exact escalation amount. CPI will be determined by reference to the Consumer Price Index News Release issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor. Optional Services ■ ■ Tier 2: Activate Mutual Fund Profile II – UMBFS supports Advisor in populating data □ One-time set-up fee, per fund family $1,000 □ Monthly maintenance fee – up to 25 CUSIPs $250 □ Monthly maintenance fee – more than 25 CUSIPs $500 *Funds using Mutual Fund Profile II services will also pay out-of-pocket fees charged by DTCC of $850/mo. for up to 25 CUSIPs or $2,000/mo. for 26+ CUSIPs. VRU Services ■ One-time VRU set-up fee $1,500 ■ Annual VRU maintenance fee $1,500 ■ VRU charge (per call) $ .40 Internet Services ■ Broker Browser □ One-time set-up fee (standard) $1,500 □ Inquiry no chargeOnline Access and Web-based document mailing – per fund family □ One-time set-up fee $10,000 □ Annual maintenance fee – up to 50,000 accounts $9,000 □ Annual maintenance fee – over 50,000 accounts $16,500 □ Per shareholder, per mail...

Related to Programming and Special Project Fees

  • Construction Fee A fee or other remuneration for acting as general contractor and/or construction manager to construct improvements, supervise and coordinate projects or to provide major repairs or rehabilitations on a Property.

  • Construction Contract; Cost Budget Prior to execution of a construction contract, Tenant shal] submit a copy of the proposed contract with the Contractor for the construction of the Tenant Improvements, including the genera] conditions with Contractor (the “Contract”) to Landlord for its approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Following execution of the Contract and prior to commencement of construction, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a fully executed copy of the Contract for Landlord’s records. Prior to the commencement of the construction of the Tenant Improvements, and after Tenant has accepted all bids and proposals for the Tenant Improvements, Tenant shall provide Landlord with a detailed breakdown, by trade, for all of Tenant’s Agents, of the final estimated costs to be incurred or which have been incurred in connection with the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements to be performed by or at the direction of Tenant or the Contractor (the “Construction Budget”), which costs shall include, but not be limited to, the costs of the Architect’s and Engineers’ fees and the Landlord Coordination Fee. The amount, if any, by which the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget exceed the amount of the Tenant Improvement Allowance is referred to herein as the “Over Allowance Amount”. In the event that an Over-Allowance Amount exists, then prior to the commencement of construction of the Tenant Improvements, Tenant shall supply Landlord with cash in an amount equal to the Over- Allowance Amount. The Over-Allowance Amount shall be disbursed by Landlord prior to the disbursement of any of the then remaining portion of the Tenant Improvement Allowance, and such disbursement shall be pursuant to the same procedure as the Tenant Improvement Allowance. In the event that, after the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget have been delivered by Tenant to Landlord, the costs relating to the design and construction of the Tenant Improvements shall change, any additional costs for such design and construction in excess of the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget shall be added to the Over-Allowance Amount and the total costs set forth in the Construction Budget, and such additional costs shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord immediately as an addition to the Over-Allowance Amount or at Landlord’s option, Tenant shall make payments for such additional costs out of its own funds, but Tenant shall continue to provide Landlord with the documents described in items (1), (ii), (iii) and (iv) of Section of this Tenant Work Letter, above, for Landlord’s approval, prior to Tenant paying such costs. All Tenant Improvements paid for by the Over-Allowance Amount shall be deemed Landlord’s property under the terms of the Lease. 4.2.2

  • Information Systems Acquisition Development and Maintenance a. Client Data – Client Data will only be used by State Street for the purposes specified in this Agreement.

  • Construction Budget Administrative Agent shall have received each of the Construction Budget in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to Administrative Agent (in consultation with the Independent Engineer).

  • Construction, Etc Each covenant contained herein shall be construed (absent express provision to the contrary) as being independent of each other covenant contained herein, so that compliance with any one covenant shall not (absent such an express contrary provision) be deemed to excuse compliance with any other covenant. Where any provision herein refers to action to be taken by any Person, or which such Person is prohibited from taking, such provision shall be applicable whether such action is taken directly or indirectly by such Person. For the avoidance of doubt, all Schedules and Exhibits attached to this Agreement shall be deemed to be a part hereof.

  • Project The Land and all improvements thereon, including the Building, the Parking Facilities, and all Common Areas.

  • Construction Schedule 5.1 Coordination:

  • Construction Management Fee In connection with the Construction Projects, on a project by project basis, Property Manager shall be paid a fee equal to five percent (5%) of the hard costs for the project in question (the “Construction Management Fee”). The Construction Management Fee shall be payable from the Operating Account or from other funds timely provided by Company.

  • Project Completion Within five (5) days after the delivery by Supplier to Purchaser of a Commissioning Certificate for the Project’s final Turbine, Supplier shall also deliver to Purchaser a completion certificate for all Turbines in the Project (the “Project Completion Certificate”), in the form attached hereto as Exhibit N, together with a list of any remaining Punch List Work on any Turbine, a schedule for completing the Punch List Work and an estimate of the cost of each item of Punch List Work. Supplier shall thereafter promptly complete all Punch List Work.

  • Plans and Specifications Tenant shall be solely responsible for the preparation of the final architectural, electrical and mechanical construction drawings, plans and specifications (called “plans”) necessary for Tenant to construct the Premises for Tenant’s occupancy, which plans shall be subject to approval by Landlord’s architect and engineers and shall comply with their reasonable requirements to avoid aesthetic or other conflicts with the design and function of the balance of the Building. Landlord’s approval is solely given for the benefit of Landlord, and neither Tenant nor any third party shall have the right to rely upon Landlord’s approval of Tenant’s plans for any purpose whatsoever other than that Landlord does not object thereto under this Lease. Landlord’s architects and engineers shall respond (with approval or disapproval) to any plan submission by Tenant within 8 business days after Landlord’s receipt thereof. If Landlord fails to respond to any such submission within such 8 business day period, which failure continues for more than 2 business days after Tenant gives Landlord a written notice (the “Deemed Approved Notice”) advising Landlord that such plan submission shall be deemed approved within 2 business days of Landlord’s receipt of the Deemed Approved Notice, then such plan submission shall be deemed approved hereunder. The Deemed Approved Notice shall, in order to be effective, contain on the first page thereof, in a font at least twice as large as the font of any other text contained in such notice, a legend substantially as follows: “FAILURE TO RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE WITHIN TWO (2) BUSINESS DAYS AFTER RECEIPT HEREOF SHALL CONSTITUTE LANDLORD’S APPROVAL OF SUBMITTED PLANS.” In the event Landlord’s architect’s or engineers’ approval of Tenant’s plans is withheld or conditioned, Landlord shall send prompt written notification thereof to Tenant and include a reasonably detailed statement identifying the reasons for such refusal or condition, and Tenant shall promptly have the plans revised by its architect to incorporate all reasonable objections and conditions presented by Landlord and shall resubmit such plans to Landlord. Landlord’s architects and engineers shall respond (with approval or disapproval) to any plan re-submission by Tenant within 8 business days after Landlord’s receipt thereof. Such process shall be followed until the plans shall have been approved by Landlord’s architect and engineers without unreasonable objection or condition. Without limiting the foregoing, Tenant shall be responsible for all elements of the design of Tenant’s plans (including, without limitation, compliance with law, functionality of design, the structural integrity of the design, the configuration of the Premises and the placement of Tenant’s furniture, appliances and equipment), and Landlord’s approval of Tenant’s plans shall in no event relieve Tenant of the responsibility for such design. Tenant agrees it shall be solely responsible for the timely preparation and submission of all such plans and for all elements of the design of such plans and for all costs related thereto. (The word “architect” as used in this Section 3.2 shall include an interior designer or space planner.) Tenant shall reimburse Landlord Landlord’s reasonable out-of-pocket expense incurred in connection with the review of Tenant’s plans.

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