Protective Equipment/Clothing Sample Clauses

Protective Equipment/Clothing. It is recognised that safety is the prime responsibility of every employee of the employer. The employer recognises an obligation to provide a safe working environment, to provide adequate safety equipment, to provide training for employees in safe operating procedures and to establish and enforce safety regulations.
Protective Equipment/Clothing. The EMPLOYER shall furnish protective equipment/clothing for employees engaged in work that requires such equipment/clothing as prescribed by DeCA and federal directives. The nature of the duties, not the frequency, dictates the requirement for the equipment/clothing. WG employees in the Meat Departments will be given butcher white pants in stores that employees desire to wear these. Cleaning, repair and replacement of such issued equipment/ clothing will be provided by the EMPLOYER as needed. The employees will be trained on the proper use and care of all safety equipment. Training will be properly documented and put in employees' files.
Protective Equipment/Clothing. The Corporation shall supply each employee personal protective equipment and protective clothing to ensure their safety in the performance of their normal duties. The Corporation shall provide each employee uniform clothing to be determined on the basis of their position and as deemed necessary and appropriate. Replacements will be provided based on demonstrated need or on an as needed basis. All personal protective equipment, protective clothing and uniform clothing are deemed to be the property of the Fire Department. On leaving the service of the Fire Department, the employee may be required to return all articles of uniform or equipment in their possession to the Caledon Fire and Emergency Services Department.
Protective Equipment/Clothing. The Employer agrees to supply personal protective equipment, clothing and footwear to Employees as required. These items will be renewed on a fair wear-and-tear basis. Employees are responsible for the good care of issued uniform and clothing and are not to be worn or taken off site.
Protective Equipment/Clothing. The EMPLOYER shall furnish protective equipment/clothing for employees engaged in work that requires such equipment/clothing as prescribed by DeCA and federal directives. The nature of the duties, not the frequency, dictates the requirement for the equipment/clothing. Cleaning, repair and replacement of such issued equipment/ clothing will be provided by the EMPLOYER as needed. The employees will be trained on the proper use and care of all safety equipment. Training will be properly documented and put in employees' files.

Related to Protective Equipment/Clothing

  • Protective Equipment Licensee, and its employees and contractors, shall utilize and install adequate protective equipment to ensure the safety of people and facilities, consistent with Applicable Standards. Licensee shall at its own expense install protective devices designed to handle the voltage and current impressed on its Communications Facilities in the event of a contact with the supply conductor, as specified in Applicable Standards. Except as provided in Article 15.1, District shall not be liable for any actual or consequential damages to Licensee’s Communications Facilities or Licensee’s customers’ facilities.

  • Protective Clothing & Equipment While not being part of any issue of protective clothing/equipment, the company shall be required to provide the following protective equipment (SAA approved) for use, when necessary, by employees during the performance of their required duties: i. safety helmets; ii. ear/hearing protection; iii. gloves;

  • Protective Clothing and Equipment The Employer shall provide and pay for all protective devices, clothing and other equipment necessary to properly protect employees from injury and unhealthy conditions. The Employer shall make provisions for the proper cleaning and maintenance of all safety equipment, devices and clothing at no cost to the employees.

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE Each employee responding to or engaged in fire suppression activities will use the appropriate safety clothing and equipment. Each department is responsible for seeing that CAL/OSHA standards for safety clothing and equipment are provided and used for wildland firefighting. Wildland fire suppression safety clothing and equipment includes:  Safety helmet that meets the minimum standards required by California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Section 3410  Goggles, protection that meets the minimum requirements for design, construction and use as required by CCR, Title 8, Sections 3382 and 3404.  Ear protection to comply with CCR Title 8 Sections 3405 and 3410(c)  Nomex hood, shroud, or equivalent face and neck protection  Nomex shirt  Nomex pants  Gloves, CAL/OSHA approved for wildland fire fighting  Safety work boots, heavy-duty, lace-type, with deeply lugged soles and heels, and leather tops at least eight inches in height.  Headlamps w/spare batteries  Chain saw chaps for chainsaw operator  Wildland fire shelter

  • New Equipment Where new types of equipment and/or operations, for which rates of pay are not established by this Agreement, are put into use after the ratification date of this Agreement within operations covered by this Agreement, rates governing such operations shall be subject to negotiations between the parties. This paragraph shall apply to all new types of equipment including office and clerical equipment. In the event an agreement cannot be reached within sixty (60) days after the date such equipment is put into use, the matter may shall be submitted to the National Grievance Committee for final disposition. Rates agreed upon or awarded shall be effective as of the date equipment is put to use

  • Protective Footwear Effective January 1, 2002, and on that date for each subsequent calendar year, the Hospital will provide $80 per calendar year to each full-time and $45 per calendar year to each regular part-time employee who is required by the Hospital to wear safety footwear during the course of his duties. The employees who will be required to wear safety footwear will be negotiated locally and set out in the Local Provisions Appendix. Note: The existing central language designating the classifications of employees which are deemed to require appropriate safety footwear shall be transferred to the local appendix.

  • Personal Protective Equipment 65.1 While not being part of any issue of work clothing/equipment supplied (see clause 28), the Employer shall be required to provide personal protective equipment (SAA approved) for use, when necessary for the Employee to perform their required duties including: (a) ear/hearing protection; (b) gloves; and (c) skin protective cream/sun screen (30+/50+ rating). 65.2 In addition, one pair of UV-rated safety glasses or UV-rated clip-ons suitable to overlay prescription spectacles, shall be made available for Employees who are required to work on reflective surfaces such as: (a) metal decking; (b) large concrete slabs exposed to sunlight; (c) roofing; and (d) curtain xxxxxxx.

  • Equipment Cleaning (a) Areas, known by Forest Service prior to timber sale advertisement, that are infested with invasive species of concern are shown on Sale Area Map. A current list of invasive species of concern and a map showing the extent of known infestations is available at the Forest Supervisor’s Office. For purposes of this provision, “Off-Road Equipment” includes all logging and construction machinery, except for log trucks, chip vans, service vehicles, water trucks, pickup trucks, cars, and similar vehicles.

  • Capital Equipment Collaborator’s commitment, if any, to provide ICD with capital equipment to enable the research and development activities under the Research Plan appears in Appendix B. If Collaborator transfers to ICD the capital equipment or provides funds for ICD to purchase it, then ICD will own the equipment. If Collaborator loans capital equipment to ICD for use during the CRADA, Collaborator will be responsible for paying all costs and fees associated with the transport, installation, maintenance, repair, removal, or disposal of the equipment, and ICD will not be liable for any damage to the equipment.

  • Special Equipment The Employer agrees to provide specialty tools, emergency supplies/equipment, testing equipment and safety equipment as needed to perform required duties as determined and authorized by the Chief or designee. The emergency supplies/equipment will include appropriate survival provisions and equipment for each permanent Maintenance Mechanic 4 and the Law Enforcement Communications Systems Supervisor when they are performing duties that would require such provisions and equipment. When necessary, the employer will replenish used or expired survival provisions and damaged and unusable equipment. All supplies and equipment will be returned to the employer when the employee is no longer performing the duties that would require the survival provisions and/or equipment.