Quality Assurance Project Plan. All monitoring data must be collected according to the EPA approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). Provider must adhere to the QAPP. The Project Manager is required to download and read the document and return the signature page (Appendix D on page 85 of the QAPP) to the GLO Beach Watch Coordinator. If any conflicts arise between this work plan and the QAPP, the requirements of the QAPP shall take precedence. The QAPP can be downloaded at xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx or accessed directly at xxxx://xxxx.xxx.xxxxx.xxx/Beachwatch/docs/QAPP2016-2017.pdf
Quality Assurance Project Plan. The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) augments the FSP and addresses sample analysis and data handling regarding the RD Work. The QAPP must include a detailed explanation of Respondents’ quality assurance, quality control, and chain of custody procedures for all investigation, treatability, design, compliance, and monitoring samples. Respondents shall develop the QAPP in accordance with EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans, QA/R- 5, EPA/240/B-01/003 (Mar. 2001, reissued May 2006); Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans, QA/G-5, EPA/240/R-02/009 (Dec. 2002); and Uniform Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans, Parts 1-3, EPA/505/B- 04/900A through 900C (Mar. 2005). The QAPP also must include procedures:
(1) To ensure that EPA and its authorized representative have reasonable access to laboratories used by Respondents in implementing the Settlement (Respondents’ Labs);
(2) To ensure that Respondents’ Labs analyze all samples submitted by EPA pursuant to the QAPP for quality assurance monitoring;
(3) To ensure that Respondents’ Labs perform all analyses using EPA- accepted methods (i.e., the methods documented in USEPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Inorganic Analysis, ILM05.4 (Dec. 2006); USEPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work for Organic Analysis, SOM01.2 (amended Apr. 2007);
Quality Assurance Project Plan. Deliverables: The Grantee will prepare a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). The QAPP must be approved by the Department prior to commencement of any monitoring associated with the project. The QAPP must specify the sampling procedures, locations, instruments, and parameters to be sampled. The Grantee will use the format provided by the Department’s Grant Manager, if applicable.
Quality Assurance Project Plan. In accordance with 2 CFR 1500.11, the recipient must develop and implement quality assurance and quality control procedures, specifications and documentation that are sufficient to produce data of adequate quality to meet project objectives . The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is the document that provides comprehensive details about the quality assurance/quality control requirements and technical activities that must be implemented to ensure that project objectives are met. The QAPP should be prepared in accordance with EPA QA/R-5 : EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans. The QAPP must be submitted to the EPA Project Officer at least 30 days prior to the initiation of data collection or data compilation. Prior to environmental data collection or data compilation, the QAPP must be approved by the EPA Project Officer. When the recipient is delegating the responsibility for an environmental data collection or data compilation activity to another organization, the EPA Regional Quality Assurance Manager may allow the recipient to review and approve that organization's QAPP.
Quality Assurance Project Plan. The QAPP will be maintained and distributed as indicated in Section A3. The QAPP shall contain the elements set forth herein and have been approved by the EPA prior to implementation.
Quality Assurance Project Plan. A Quality Assurance Project Plan documents the planning, implementation, and assessment procedures for a particular project, as well as any specific quality assurance and quality control activities. See the EPA "Guidance on developing Quality Assurance Project Plans that meet EPA specifications for new and existing data", dated guidance December 2002, EPA/240/R-02/009. With respect to technologically-enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material ("TENORM") in groundwater, Respondent shall develop a plan consistent with the Time-Critical Quality Assurance Sampling Plan for Radiation Assessment of Unregulated Drinking Water Sources (October 8, 2010, EPA Emergency Response Section).
Quality Assurance Project Plan. A QAPP describes in comprehensive detail the necessary Quality Assurance and Quality Control requirements and other technical activities that must be implemented to ensure that an environmental analysis is appropriately planned, implemented, documented and assessed consistent with USACE regulations. The District shall develop and approve a QAPP for each of the three Analyses, in coordination with the EPA and the USFWS prior to their implementation. The QAPPs will document the authority for the Analysis and copies of the approved QAPP, including any future addendums or modifications, shall be available to the agencies upon request.
Quality Assurance Project Plan. Respondent shall collect, produce, evaluate, or use environmental information under a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) reviewed and approved by EPA. No environmental information, as defined by AQS/ANSI E-4, will be collected, produced, evaluated, or used without an EPA approved QAPP. The QAPP will be consistent with EPA directive CIO 2105.1 (Environmental Information Quality Policy, 2021), consistent with the most recent version of ASQ /ANSI E-4 (Quality Management Systems for Environmental Information and Technology Programs Requirements with Guidance for Use) and consistent with EPA/G-5 (EPA requirements for QAPPs).
Quality Assurance Project Plan. (a) The Work Parties shall use quality assurance, quality control, and chain of custody procedures for all treatability, design, compliance, and monitoring samples, and subsequent amendments to such procedures upon notification by the Department to the Work Parties of such amendment. Amended guidelines shall apply only to procedures conducted after such notification.
(b) The Work Parties shall submit to the Department for approval a Quality Assurance Project Plan (“QAPP”) in accordance with the SOW, which QAPP shall be consistent with the NCP and meet the requirements set forth in Section 6.6(d) of the SOW. If relevant to the proceeding, the Work Parties and the Department agree that validated sampling data generated in accordance with the QAPP and reviewed and approved by the Department will be admissible as evidence in any proceeding under this Consent Decree, without objection as to data quality; however, such data is subject to objection as to the usefulness of the data for any specific purpose.
Quality Assurance Project Plan. 1. A Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is a record of determinations made during planning by the organization of the data type, quality, and quantity necessary to meet project objectives and the quality assurance and quality control procedures, specifications, and documentation that the recipient will use to ensure the desired results. This quality assurance documentation requirement applies to all grants that involve environmental information operations (i.e., the collection, production, evaluation or use of environmental information and/or the design, construction, operation, or application of environmental technology).
2. To be approvable, the grant recipient must develop a QAPP or equivalent QA document that meets all requirements outlined in EPA QA Project Plan Requirements, QA/R-5. The term QAPP will be used hence forward in this grant QA Term and Condition (R8 QA T&C) to refer to the QAPP or equivalent QA document.
3. As applicable and in accordance with 2 CFR 1500.12, the recipient agrees to document in a QAPP, the quality assurance (QA), quality control (QC), and technical activities that must be implemented to ensure that the project objectives are met. Multiple QAPPs and/or a multi-year QAPPs may be prepared as directed in the Work Plan and by the EPA Project Officer.
4. Recipients implementing environmental information operations (defined in Section 1) within the scope of the assistance agreement must submit a QAPP to the EPA Project Officer and EPA QA reviewer for review and approval no later than 90 days prior to performing work that includes environmental information operations. Earlier submissions are welcome.
5. The QAPP shall be prepared for each project in accordance with (IAW) EPA QA/R-5: EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans. For each QAPP, complete the Region 8 QA Document Review Crosswalk (QAPP Review Crosswalk). In the QAPP Review Crosswalk the recipient shall identify the specific page number(s) and section(s) of the QAPP that addresses the corresponding required QAPP element in QA/R-5, including a detailed explanation for any elements considered not applicable to the grant. The recipient shall submit the completed crosswalk with the QAPP to the EPA Project Officer and EPA QA contact for review and approval. Each QAPP has a maximum period of performance of 5 years.
6. The recipient agrees to ensure that no environmental information operations (defined in Section 1) occur without a QAPP that is approved by the EPA...