Reduction in Force and Recall Section 13.1. It is the intent of the parties, through this article, to establish an objective procedure by which a reduction in force (i.e., layoff or job abolishment) may be accomplished, should the need arise, and supersede the provisions of ORC 124.321 to 124.328, 124.37, OAC 123: 1-41-01 to 123: 1-41-22, and all local rules and regulations of the City of East Cleveland Civil Service Commission governing work force reductions. Section 13.2. Employees may be laid off as a result of lack of work, lack of funds, or abolishment of position. In the event of a layoff, the Employer shall notify the affected employee thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the effective date of layoff. The Employer agrees to discuss with representatives of the FOP the impact of the layoff on the bargaining unit member. Any layoff in the bargaining unit shall be in accordance with departmental seniority, i.e., the most recent employee hired is the first employee laid off. Any employee laid off from a bargaining unit position may, at his option, displace a permanent part-time or intermittent employee in the same classification. Failure to bump or failure to accept a recall to a part-time or intermittent position shall not jeopardize an employee’s recall rights to a full-time position. Section 13.3. Employees who are laid off shall be placed on a recall list for a period of three (3) years. If there is a recall, employees who are still on the recall list shall be recalled, in the inverse order of their layoff, provided they are presently qualified to perform the work in the work section to which they are recalled. Any recalled employee requiring additional training to meet the position qualifications in existence at the time of recall must satisfactorily complete the additional training required in this section. Such training shall be at the Employer’s expense. Section 13.4. The recalled employee shall have ten (10) calendar days following the date of recall notice to notify the Employer of his intention to return to work and shall have fifteen (15) calendar days following receipt of the recall notice in which to report for duty, unless a different date for return to work has been otherwise agreed upon.
REDUCTION IN WORK FORCE (a) In the event of a reduction in the work force, regular full-time and regular part-time employees shall be laid off in reverse order of seniority, provided that there are available employees with greater seniority who are qualified and have the ability to do the work of the employees laid off. The Employer shall give regular employees written notice of layoff or normal pay for that period in lieu of notice as follows: i) One (1) weeks’ notice after three (3) consecutive months of employment, ii) Two (2) weeks’ notice after twelve (12) consecutive months of employment, iii) Three (3) weeks’ notice after three (3) consecutive years, plus one additional week for each additional year of employment to a maximum of eight (8) weeks. iv) Employees shall be entitled to Group Termination notice/pay pursuant to Section 64 of the Employment Standards Act. (b) Laid-off regular employees shall retain their seniority and perquisites accumulated up to the time of layoff, for a period of one (1) year and shall be rehired, if the employee possesses the capability of performing the duties of the vacant job on the basis of the posting procedure. If a laid-off employee is not recalled to work within twelve (12) calendar months of layoff, such employee may be terminated by written notification at the expiration of the twelve (12) calendar month period. Laid-off employees failing to report for work of an ongoing nature within seven (7) days of the date of receipt of notification by registered mail shall be considered to have abandoned their right to employment. Employees required to give two (2) weeks' notice to another Employer shall be deemed to be in compliance with the seven
LAYOFFS AND RECALLS (a) Employees will be laid off in reverse order of seniority whenever there is a reduction of employees in the bargaining unit. The only exception to this provision is when the client requests in writing that a specific security guard be retained at their site. Guards can bump due to (1) loss of site, (2) being bumped by a senior guard, (3) client removal for non-disciplinary reasons, (4) return from approved leave of absence or (5) loss of position on a site. (b) The Company shall notify employees whose position is to be eliminated due to the loss of work at a specific site or the loss of the entire site at least five (5) working days prior to the effective date of termination of the position. Such employee will be entitled to bump junior employees at other sites in order to maintain employment and status. The company will meet with the affected employee and their Union representative as quickly as possible after notification in order to allow the employee to review options and make an informed decision where they wish to bump into. The parties will attempt to place the security guard into an alternate site where said guard will not lose any days of pay, but in no event, will the placement, or bumping take more than five (5) working days (no more than five (5) unpaid days). If an employee is not slotted into their new position within said five (5) working days, the company will provide payment in lieu of work. During the up to five (5) days waiting period, the employee will be entitled to be on top of the spare board list if they so desire. (c) The Company shall generally give notice of recall by registered mail to the last recorded address of the employee. The employee shall keep the Company informed of the employee's present address of location where he may be reached. The employee who fails to do so shall forfeit his right of recall. (d) If, within one (1) calendar day from the receipt of such notice, the employee accepts the recall, the job will be held open for one (1) calendar day from the day of the employee's acceptance. In the event that such recalled employee is employed elsewhere at the time of recall, the Company will hold the position vacant for two (2) weeks if the Company has received appropriate advance notice from its client. (e) In circumstances where the Company must fill vacant positions without delay, the Company shall give notice of recall by telephone until able to find a qualified employee who is prepared to report to work immediately. (f) If the employee declines the position, or fails to respond to the notice within one (1) calendar day from the date of receipt of the original notice, or fails to report to work within the time period outlined above, such employee shall be considered to have resigned and shall forfeit his recall rights. Should such employee be prevented from returning to work due to illness or accident he shall retain his recall rights and the Company shall be at liberty to recall another employee. The employee shall be required to show proof of such illness or accident.
LAYOFFS AND RECALL 16.01 It is not the intent of these lay-off and recall procedures to apply to the normal summer period. However, where known, recall dates of ten (10) month employees shall be indicated on the Separation Certificate issued by the Employer. 16.02 In the event of lay-off, employees shall be laid off in reverse order of their seniority provided that those persons retained have the necessary skills, qualifications, and ability to perform the duties of those jobs maintained. a) In order to minimize the potentially disruptive nature of an Educational Assistant lay-off during the school year, an Educational Assistant who has received a lay-off notice during the school year may elect to: i) Accept the lay-off and be recalled under the terms of the Collective Agreement or; ii) Displace the most junior permanent Educational Assistant in the Division. b) Where there are Educational Assistants who are on lay-off or who are laid off at the end of June, and there will not be sufficient positions in September for them all to be recalled, then the Employer will lay-off a sufficient number of the most junior Educational Assistants so as to enable the more senior Educational Assistants to be recalled in September. c) Educational Assistants who receive a lay-off notice must declare their intention to displace a junior Educational Assistant within the first five (5) working days of receipt of the lay-off notice. It is agreed between the parties that failure to do so will mean that the Educational Assistant accepts lay-off at the end of the notice period. 16.03 Employees shall be recalled in order of their seniority provided that the person recalled has the necessary skills, qualifications, and ability to perform the duties of the job. 16.04 New employees shall not be hired if there are employees on lay-off with the necessary skills, qualifications, and ability to perform the work. 16.05 In the event of lay-off, every employee affected shall be given four (4) weeks’ notice before the date on which she is to be laid off, and to the extent that such minimum notice is not given, the employee shall receive pay in lieu thereof. 16.06 Grievances concerning lay-offs and recalls shall be initiated at Step II of the grievance procedure. 16.07 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 15.01, an Educational Assistant who normally works twenty-seven and one-half (27 ½) or more hours per week, and whose hours of work have been unilaterally reduced during the school year, shall, at the Educational Assistant’s option, be deemed to have been laid off. An Educational Assistant accepting a position having fewer hours than their normal working day will be given primary consideration upon application when new positions become available having comparable hours. 16.08 All Educational Assistants laid off shall be placed on a recall list, with copy furnished to the Union, and shall be called back to work as required beginning with the most senior Educational Assistant and descending from there. 16.09 No Educational Assistant shall be permitted to have her name remain on the recall list in excess of twelve (12) school months following the month in which the layoff occurred.
Shift Work (1) Except as varied by this Clause, all other aspects of Section 4 of the Agreement shall apply to the working of shift work. (2) The Company has the right to direct Employees to work shift work as required and the Employees shall work the shift work as directed. Shift work will be worked and paid for in accordance with this subclause. (3) Shift work is deemed to be any arrangement of Project Working Hours where the majority of the Ordinary Hours are worked outside of the spread of Ordinary Hours defined at clause 16 - Hours of Work of this Agreement and when Employees are working as such. (4) Ordinary Hours for shift Employees will comprise thirty-six (36) hours per week averaged over a defined work cycle and will not commence before 5.00pm on Sunday night. Such Ordinary Hours are the specified hours under each shift Employee's terms of employment by reference to which annual leave and personal/carer's leave accrue. (5) Prior to the commencement of shift work, the Company shall seek the agreement of the Employees involved. Failing agreement, the Company will provide to the Employees concerned one (1) week's notice of the commencement of shift work and the starting and finishing times of Ordinary Hours of the shifts. (6) Where less than five (5) consecutive shifts are worked then Employees shall be paid at overtime rates in lieu of the shift loading prescribed at subclause (7) of this clause. The consecutive nature of shifts will not be deemed to be broken if work is not carried out on a Saturday, Sunday, RDO or on any public holiday. (7) A shift Employee shall receive a flat loading of twenty-five (25) percent of their Ordinary Hourly Rate for each hour worked. (8) Employees working night shift shall be entitled to stop work for a half-hour without deduction of pay for the purpose of taking a meal break. (9) The Company may stagger the times for Employees to take meal breaks to meet operational requirements. (10) The Company shall structure the Project Working Hours for Employees working night shift to include one (1) half-hour rest break to be taken without deduction of pay by Employees working the Project Working Hours on any night shift.
Contractor Responsibility for System Agency’s Termination Costs If the System Agency terminates the Contract for cause, the Contractor shall be responsible to the System Agency for all costs incurred by the System Agency and the State of Texas to replace the Contractor. These costs include, but are not limited to, the costs of procuring a substitute vendor and the cost of any claim or litigation attributable to Contractor’s failure to perform any Work in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
Layoffs Section 1. All employees will be laid off in line of least seniority and hired in reverse order. No employee will be hired by the City as long as there are employees laid off who have seniority. If employees are to be laid off, a thirty (30) calendar day written notice shall be given to the affected employee and the Union prior to the date that the services of that employee shall no longer be required. Section 2. Employees who are subject to layoff within their classification and who are qualified to perform duties of the next lower classification in declining sequence, may, in order at which they are laid off, occupy vacant positions of such lower classifications, or may displace employees who hold positions of such lower classifications. Section 3. An employee who voluntarily requests demotion or another position in order to remain in the classified service following a reduction in force shall be placed at a rate of the new classification pay range which ensures a five percent (5%) reduction in salary, unless a larger reduction is necessary for the officer to be placed in the highest step in the lower classification. Section 4. Where, by virtue of a reduction of the workforce, an employee takes a position in a lower classification in accordance with Section 2 and 3 hereof, and a reduction in force becomes necessary in such lower classification, such employee shall be credited with seniority earned in his classification. Section 5. Any employee who is laid off due to a reduction in work force and thereafter, within a period of four (4) years, reinstated to City service, shall, to the extent possible for purposes of all rights and benefits, be deemed to have been on leave without pay. Section 6. When the work force is increased after a layoff, employees will be recalled in reverse order of layoff. Notice of recall shall be sent to the employee at the last known address by registered or certified mail. If an employee fails to report for work within thirty (30) calendar days of the date of mailing of the recall notice, he shall be considered to have voluntarily terminated with the City. Section 7. When the work force is increased after a layoff, those persons who have voluntarily taken a lower classification as provided in Section 2 and 3 herein, shall have the option of occupying positions which open up in their former classification with no loss of seniority in that classification. This option shall
REDUCTION IN FORCE A. In any reduction in the bargaining unit as a result of budgetary actions or curriculum and/or administrative organization, every effort will be made to transfer affected teachers to other similar positions within the school system where vacancies exist and for which the affected teachers are certified. B. If no similar positions are available, rehired retirees, provisionally certificated teachers and non- tenured teachers in the subjects and/or grade levels affected will be laid off or separated from the active employment rolls prior to tenured teachers in the same subjects and/or grade levels. If it becomes necessary to lay off tenured teachers, they shall be laid off in the inverse order of their seniority. An appropriate seniority list will be made available for inspection when a tenured teacher has been laid off and disputes a seniority ranking. The seniority list will be developed from the last date of employment and furnished to the Association. If there is a tie, the affected teachers will have seniority calculated as defined in Article I, Section B.7. Teachers on an unpaid leave of absence shall retain accrued seniority. Teachers on military leave, Association leave and on layoff shall continue to accrue seniority during that time. A countywide list of all certificated personnel employed as of July 1 of each year shall be compiled and available upon request of FCTA. The list will indicate name, date of first employment, date of current employment and department and location code. C. Teachers on layoff shall be placed on a priority recall list in accordance with their seniority. The teachers shall be recalled as vacancies become available in accordance with their position on the list and their certification for said vacancies. D. When vacancies become available, the teacher will be notified of the vacancy by phone and email sent to the last known address. The teacher so notified shall notify the responsible administrator, in writing, in not more than ten (10) days after receipt of notification of the vacancy as to whether or not the position will be accepted. The teacher may decline the first offer of employment. If the teacher declines the second offer of a position, reemployment rights shall be forfeited. All teachers shall remain on the priority recall list for a maximum of three (3) years. E. While a layoff continues, no new teachers shall be hired except in those unique circumstances where (a) there are no teachers on the priority recall list qualified to fill the vacancy or (b) all qualified teachers on the priority recall list decline the offer to fill the vacancy. F. Any layoff due to reduction in force shall not be subject to any dismissal procedure required elsewhere in this Agreement. G. Teachers recalled under these provisions shall have restored to them all previously accrued sick leave and personal leave. H. The Board and the Association recognize that appropriate governmental agencies that have jurisdiction may promulgate rulings and/or regulations that may impact this Article. If such rulings or regulations cause any provisions to be in conflict, the parties shall meet within ten (10) days for the purpose of renegotiating only the provision(s) held to be contrary.
Critical Illness Leave (i) An Employee who has completed at least ninety (90) days of employment, and is a family member of a critically ill child or a critically ill qualified adult relative, is entitled to leave of absence without pay or benefits: • for a period of up to thirty-six (36) weeks to care for their critically ill child; or, • for a period of up to sixteen (16) weeks to care for a critically ill qualified adult relative.
New Employee Orientation The Union will provide each agency personnel director with the names and addresses of up to two (2) authorized Union representatives per agency to receive notice of each formal orientation meeting held by the Department. The notice will be sent as soon as such meetings are scheduled (but not less than ten (10) days in advance) and will include date, time and location. Due to operational exigencies, agencies may schedule an orientation which will provide the Union with less than the requisite ten (10) days' notice; however the Union shall be notified as soon as possible after the scheduling of the orientation and the Union representative shall be released from duty. Agencies shall routinely schedule orientations in a manner that will allow for the ten (10) day advance notice to the Union. During the formal orientation, the Union will be permitted to give a twenty (20) minute presentation which may include an enrollment in supplemental Union benefits. The parties shall encourage employee attendance, although attendance shall not be mandatory if an employee objects to attending the presentation. In the event a formal orientation meeting is not held, or the Union is unable to attend the formal orientation because the designated Union representatives cannot be released under Article 4, the Employer shall allow the Union representative and the employee(s) to meet during duty hours at a mutually agreed upon time and location for twenty (20) minutes Employee participation in these meetings shall be encouraged although an employee shall not be required to attend such a meeting.