Layoff or Reduction in Force. An employee's service, as defined in Section 2.2 "
Layoff or Reduction in Force. Employees on the Rolls Prior to January 13, 1979
Layoff or Reduction in Force. The parties agree that attrition is the preferred method of accomplishing any necessary reduction in the work force. The Employer agrees to make reasonable efforts to avoid layoffs.
Layoff or Reduction in Force. The parties agree that attrition is the preferred method of accomplishing any necessary reduction in the work force. The Employer agrees to make reasonable efforts to avoid layoffs. Workers whose positions have been identified for elimination will be offered the opportunity to transfer into vacant positions within their classification in order of seniority provided that the worker possesses the skills, qualifications and abilities for the position. Seniority for the purpose of layoff or reduction in force shall be defined as length of service in the classification. Classification shall be defined as the categories outlined in Article 1. Layoffs in any classification shall be carried out in inverse order of seniority provided that the remaining workers possess the skills qualifications and abilities for the remaining positions. That is, the least senior worker in the classification in which the layoff occurs shall be the first laid off. The worker must notify the Employer of the intent to bump within five (5) working days from the date of the notification of job elimination.
Layoff or Reduction in Force. 1. If the Company finds it necessary to layoff any employee, or reduce the workforce, the following procedure will be followed:
(a) In advance of any anticipated layoff or reduction in force the Company shall meet with the Union to discuss the reasons for such anticipated action in an effort to see if there is any way to prevent a layoff or reduction in force.
(b) If the Company and Union cannot find a mutually satisfactory way to prevent a layoff or reduction in force, the affected employees will be laid off in accordance with seniority, that being, from the least senior employee being laid off first in ascending order. All temporary and part time employees shall be laid off prior to any full time employee being laid off.
(c) For recall from layoff purposes, employees shall be recalled in order of seniority, that being, the most senior employee shall be recalled first in a descending order of seniority.
Layoff or Reduction in Force. A. In the event a layoff or reduction in force appears to be necessary to the Regional Center, the Regional Center shall notify the Union field representative in writing. The Union shall be provided the opportunity to explore alternatives to layoff during a meeting with the Regional Center prior to such layoff by making a written request for such a meeting with the Executive Director or his/her designee within 10 working days following notification of layoff or reduction in force to the Union.
B. Laid off employees shall retain, for a period of 12 months, rehire rights based on seniority with the Regional Center in any classification ever held with the Regional Center. Where a layoff occurs because of elimination of a position, the employee shall have rehire rights in preference over new hires to any former classification in which the employee has seniority. No new employee shall be hired for any classification to which a laid off employee has rehire rights, until after written notice to such employee at his/her last known address. Refusal of recall into a lower classification does not terminate recall rights a laid off employee may have for their classifications. A worker on layoff status who has been recalled for a position must respond within 2 weeks of notification of his/her intent to return to work. A worker may refuse one recall before being dropped from the recall list for a classification. Rehire shall be accomplished in inverse order of layoff. Any employee rehired following layoff shall retain all credit for service from the date of hire, but excluding the period of layoff, and shall be entitled to accrued benefits under this Agreement upon rehire, on the basis of seniority.
C. Seniority shall be defined as total employment as a bargaining unit member with no break in service with the Regional Center. For purposes of this section, employment in a non-bargaining unit position is not considered a break in service nor does it count toward seniority. For purposes of Section 27(B) rehire rights, total seniority may be applied to any classification that an employee has held with the Regional Center.
D. When faced with a layoff, an employee shall be able to transfer into any vacancies with the Regional Center, provided he/she has the skill and ability to perform the duties involved and meets the minimum qualifications; however, no employee will be allowed to bump another employee out of a position.
E. Persons assigned to another work site or program be...
Layoff or Reduction in Force. Notwithstanding any other provision of this MOU, nothing in Article 27 Discipline and Dismissal, shall prohibit the District from discharging, suspending, or transferring employees upon a determination by the District that the needs of the District do not require continuance of the employee's prior position. The procedures of Article 27 apply only to personnel actions taken for purposes of discipline. Any employee laid off pursuant to this Article between ratification of this MOU and September 2, 2010, shall be eligible for severance pay equal to one week’s salary (at the rate of pay in effect at the time of the layoff) for each full year of service given by the employee to the District at the time of the layoff. In no event shall an employee laid off pursuant to this Article receive more than 8 weeks of salary as severance pay. Severance pay shall not be owed by the District for any layoffs occurring after September 2, 2010. Layoffs shall be implemented by seniority in each classification in which a layoff will occur. The laid off employee may, in lieu of layoff, bump down to a subordinate position (in the field for laid off field employees or in the office for laid off office employees) for which the laid off employee is qualified. The individual to be laid off from the subordinate position will also be based on seniority in that classification, and will in turn have bumping rights pursuant to this article.
Layoff or Reduction in Force. For purpose of layoff determination, seniority is defined as the length of employment within the division. In case of a tie, the tie shall be broken by the length of continuous service Agency wide.
Layoff or Reduction in Force. A. In case of layoffs occasioned by reduction of force or on account of employees returning from military service; skill, ability to perform the work, physical fitness and seniority shall be determining factors. When all factors are relatively equal, then seniority shall govern. The College shall first displace the most junior employee in the classification in a particular department.
B. Any employee so laid off shall have the right to exercise his seniority and bump a junior employee as provided for below, provided however, said senior employee has at least relative equal ability with the junior employee and the senior employee's placement does not interfere with any special needs of the department and/or campus involved.
C. An employee must first exercise his classification seniority and shall have the right to bump the least senior employee within the same classification in any other department on the same campus. If the laid-off employee is already the least senior on the campus, then that employee may exercise his/her seniority rights within the same classification on a college-wide basis.
D. In the event such a bump in "C" above is unavailable for any reason, or the employee does not wish to transfer to another campus, then that employee may exercise his/her job group seniority (See Appendix B) and bump the least senior person in the same grade level (See Appendix A) for which that employee has at least relative equal ability with that of the least senior employee and the senior employees placement does not interfere with any special needs of the department and/or campus involved.
E. In the event such a bump in "D" above is unavailable for any reason, then that employee may exercise his/her seniority rights in descending grade level order (See Appendix A) within his/her job group. In no case shall any employee bump an employee in a higher paying classification.
F. In the event the employee has been unable to utilize the above procedure, to bump, on his/her campus, said employee may then exercise his/her seniority rights as outlined in "D" and "E" above on a college-wide basis.
G. No employee shall be required to bump into a lower paying classification or to another campus and may elect to accept the layoff instead.
H. In no case will an employee who bumps another receive more than the standard rate for that particular position. However, should a red-circled employee successfully bump laterally, that employee shall suffer no loss in pay.
I. An employe...
Layoff or Reduction in Force. A. Seniority – Seniority is determined on the basis of the seniority date, which is defined as the most recent date of hire or reinstatement.