RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. The employees party to this agreement will comply with all the company’s policies in place from time to time to the extent to which these policies can apply without displacing the terms and conditions of this agreement.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. This Agreement is to be read in conjunction with the InvoCare Policies and Procedures manuals as determined by the Employer from time to time. These policies and procedures do not reduce Employee’s substantive entitlements contained in this Agreement but it is recognised by parties to this Agreement that these policies and procedures form part of an Employees terms and conditions of employment.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. 7.1. Employees will comply with all the employer’s policies and procedures in place from time to time, to the extent to which those policies can apply without displacing the terms and conditions of this agreement. Part II - Responsibilities
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. This Agreement is supported by policies and procedures which may be varied from time to time. These policies and procedures will not reduce an Employee’s substantive entitlements as contained in this Agreement but will provide guidelines for the fair and efficient administration of the employment relationship.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. 5.1 This Agreement and Cheap as Chips policies and procedures, which do not form part of this Agreement, apply to the employment of employees.
5.2 Cheap as Chips policies and procedures, as varied from time to time, will supplement the clauses in this Agreement and, if there is any difference between a Cheap as Chips policy or procedure and this Agreement, the Agreement will prevail except where a Cheap as Chips policy or procedure contains a more beneficial outcome.
5.3 A copy of all Cheap as Chips policies and procedures, relevant to the employee, will be provided at the commencement of employment as part of Cheap as Chips Induction Program for new employees. Employees will be required to confirm in writing that they have read and understood Cheap as Chips policies and procedures provided to them.
5.4 Non-compliance with Company Policies and Procedures may result in disciplinary action, which could include the termination of employment.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. 5.1 This agreement is supported by policies and procedures determined by the Company from time to time.
5.2 The policies and procedures determined by the Company from time to time will not reduce Employees’ substantive entitlements contained in this agreement, however they will:
5.2.1 provide guidelines for the equitable and efficient administration of the employment relationship between the Company and the Employees; and
5.2.2 implement a framework for the operation of the Company’s business activities and operations.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. 5.1. Employees will comply with all the employer’s policies and procedures in place from time to time, to the extent to which these policies can apply without displacing the terms and conditions of this agreement.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. Employees are required to comply with Company policies and procedures, as notified to them from time to time. Implemented Company policy and procedures will not reduce the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Company policies and procedures may include: organisation standards regarding job performance, customer service standards, appearance and grooming, emergency procedures, anti-discrimination, occupational health and safety, prohibition of alcohol or illegal drug consumption and a smoke-free workplace.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. The Company has in place policies, management systems, procedures and instructions which describe the Company’s business processes to comply with regulatory, legislative and the Company’s parent entity requirements. OM Employees will comply with Company policies, management systems, procedures and instructions as amended from time to time. These policies, management systems, procedures and instructions are not incorporated into and do not form part of this Agreement. Any amendment to these documents will not result in a reduction in the OM Employees’ substantive conditions of employment. OM Employees will be consulted when changes are made to these policies, management systems, procedures and instructions in circumstances where a change to conditions of employment may result. To the extent that an amendment to these documents is asserted by an OM Employee to reduce a substantive condition of employment, a dispute about the proposed amendment will be dealt with through the dispute resolution process.
RELATIONSHIP TO COMPANY POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. The agreement is supported by policies and procedures determined by Hooters Restaurants Australia from time to time. These policies and procedures will not reduce your substantive entitlements contained in this Agreement but will provide guidelines for the fair and efficient administration of the employment relationship.