REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. To the extent that the Contractor has or will have any contact with minor children, the Contractor hereby expressly agrees to instruct its employees, agents, subcontractors and/or anyone else acting on the Contractor’s behalf to report to the University of Central Florida police any instance of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect witnessed or learned about that occurred on University of Central Florida property or during an event or function sponsored by the University of Central Florida.
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. Consultant agrees to comply with the Reporting of Child Abuse law (ORS 419B.005 through 419B.050) as if Consultant were a “public or private official” with a duty to report. Having reasonable cause to believe that any child with whom the Consultant comes in contact has suffered abuse or that any person with whom Consultant comes in contact has abused a child, Consultant shall immediately report or cause a report to be made in the manner required in ORS 419B.015. Consultant shall also report to the school principal or designated school authority the circumstances supporting Consultant’s reasonable belief that any child has been abused.
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. 4 A. The District shall provide during the regular workday in-service training as required. 5 B. No later than the end of the first week of school, the District shall provide each teacher with a 6 copy and an explanation of the laws regarding the teacher’s responsibilities of reporting child 7 abuse and materials on how to recognize child abuse. 8 C. The teacher must notify the appropriate authorities within 24 hours of the reporting of a case of 9 child abuse. The supervisor shall provide immediate and positive assistance to that teacher in 10 his/her fulfillment of legal responsibilities. Such assistance must include, but not be limited to, 11 providing copies of the official report forms, agency addresses, or telephone numbers, a quiet 12 and private place to complete the forms, friendly and courteous assistance in completion of the 13 forms, and release time for the completion of the forms. 14 D. The District shall respect and maintain the confidentiality of all information on child abuse 15 which a teacher reports to the appropriate authorities. 00 X. Xxx Xxxxxxxx shall provide all necessary assistance to protect a teacher from attempted 17 harassment or intimidation as a result of the teacher having completed and submitted the 18 necessary forms on child abuse. 1 ARTICLE XVIII
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. When an employee has knowledge of a suspected instance of child abuse, District internal reporting procedures as established under legal requirements will be followed.
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. 4 A. The District shall provide during the regular workday in-service training as required. 5 B. No later than the end of the first week of school, the District shall provide each bargaining unit
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. Ensuring that all Representatives know the steps to take and whom to contact when concerns arise regarding the safeguarding of children.
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. The District shall provide during the regular workday in-service training as required.
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. In accordance with Jeffco Public Schools and Colorado Department of Human Services Rules and Regulations regarding child abuse, all WCC staff are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse or neglect. Reports are made to the Jefferson County Social Services or the police department in the community in which the program is located. To report abuse or neglect, call Jefferson County Social Services at 000-000-0000 or 1-844-CO-4-KIDS
REPORTING OF CHILD ABUSE. To the extent that Vendor has or will have any contact with minor children, Vendor hereby expressly agrees to instruct its employees, agents, subcontractors and/or anyone else acting on Vendor’s behalf, to report to the University of Central Florida police any instance of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect witnessed or learned about that occurred on University of Central Florida property or during an event or function sponsored by the University of Central Florida.


  • CHILD ABUSE REPORTING CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to annually train all staff members, including volunteers, so that they are familiar with and agree to adhere to its own child and dependent adult abuse reporting obligations and procedures as specified in California Penal Code section 11164 et seq. and Education Code 44691. To protect the privacy rights of all parties involved (i.e., reporter, child and alleged abuser), reports will remain confidential as required by law and professional ethical mandates. A written statement acknowledging the legal requirements of such reporting and verification of staff adherence to such reporting shall be submitted to the LEA.

  • REPORTING OF ACCIDENTS The Contractor shall report to the Engineer details of any accident as soon as possible after its occurrence. In the case of any fatality or serious accident, the Contractor shall, in addition, notify the Engineer immediately by the quickest available means. The Contractor shall also notify the relevant authority whenever the Laws of Kenya require such a report.

  • Abuse and Neglect of Children and Vulnerable Adults: Abuse Registry Party agrees not to employ any individual, to use any volunteer or other service provider, or to otherwise provide reimbursement to any individual who in the performance of services connected with this agreement provides care, custody, treatment, transportation, or supervision to children or to vulnerable adults if there has been a substantiation of abuse or neglect or exploitation involving that individual. Party is responsible for confirming as to each individual having such contact with children or vulnerable adults the non-existence of a substantiated allegation of abuse, neglect or exploitation by verifying that fact though (a) as to vulnerable adults, the Adult Abuse Registry maintained by the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living and (b) as to children, the Central Child Protection Registry (unless the Party holds a valid child care license or registration from the Division of Child Development, Department for Children and Families). See 33 V.S.A. §4919(a)(3) and 33 V.S.A. §6911(c)(3).

  • Information for Regulatory Compliance Each of the Company and the Depositary shall provide to the other, as promptly as practicable, information from its records or otherwise available to it that is reasonably requested by the other to permit the other to comply with applicable law or requirements of governmental or regulatory authorities.

  • Reporting of Compliance Matters (a) The Sub-Adviser shall promptly provide to the Trust’s Chief Compliance Officer (“CCO”) the following documents: (i) copies of all SEC examination correspondences, including correspondences regarding books and records examinations and “sweep” examinations, issued during the term of this Agreement, in which the SEC identified any concerns, issues or matters (such correspondences are commonly referred to as “deficiency letters”) relating to any aspect of the Sub-Adviser’s investment advisory business and the Sub-Adviser’s responses thereto; (ii) a report of any material violations of the Sub-Adviser’s Compliance Program or any “material compliance matters” (as such term is defined in Rule 38a-1 under the 0000 Xxx) that have occurred with respect to the Sub-Adviser’s Compliance Program; (iii) a report of any material changes to the policies and procedures that compose the Sub-Adviser’s Compliance Program; (iv) a copy of the Sub-Adviser’s chief compliance officer’s report (or similar document(s) which serve the same purpose) regarding his or her annual review of the Sub-Adviser’s Compliance Program, as required by Rule 206(4)-7 under the Advisers Act; and (v) an annual (or more frequently as the Trust’s CCO may reasonably request) representation regarding the Sub-Adviser’s compliance with Paragraphs 7 and 8 of this Agreement. (b) The Sub-Adviser shall also provide the Trust’s CCO with: (i) reasonable access to the testing, analyses, reports and other documentation, or summaries thereof, that the Sub-Adviser’s chief compliance officer relies upon to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of the Sub-Adviser’s Compliance Program; and (ii) reasonable access, during normal business hours, to the Sub-Adviser’s facilities for the purpose of conducting pre-arranged on-site compliance related due diligence meetings with personnel of the Sub-Adviser.

  • Child Abuse Reporting Requirement Grantee will: a. comply with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in Texas Family Code Chapter 261. This section is in addition to and does not supersede any other legal obligation of the Grantee to report child abuse. b. develop, implement and enforce a written policy that includes at a minimum the System Agency’s Child Abuse Screening, Documenting, and Reporting Policy for Grantees/Providers and train all staff on reporting requirements. c. use the System Agency Child Abuse Reporting Form located at xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/Contact Us/report abuse.asp as required by the System Agency. d. retain reporting documentation on site and make it available for inspection by the System Agency.

  • Information Technology Accessibility Standards Any information technology related products or services purchased, used or maintained through this Grant must be compatible with the principles and goals contained in the Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards adopted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board under Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. §794d), as amended. The federal Electronic and Information Technology Accessibility Standards can be found at: xxxx://

  • REPORTING OF MISSING CHILDREN a) CONTRACTOR assures XXX that all staff members, including volunteers, are familiar with and agree to adhere to requirements for reporting missing children as specified in California Education Code section 49370. A written statement acknowledging the legal requirements of such reporting and verification of staff adherence to such reporting shall be properly submitted to the LEA upon request. b) In the event a child elopes from an NPS or Residential Treatment Center and evades adult supervision, the LEA shall be notified immediately following contact to law enforcement.

  • Child Abuse Reporting Requirements A. Grantees shall comply with child abuse and neglect reporting requirements in Texas Family Code Chapter 261. This section is in addition to and does not supersede any other legal obligation of the Grantee to report child abuse. B. Grantee shall use the Texas Abuse Hotline Website located at xxxxx:// as required by the System Agency. Grantee shall retain reporting documentation on site and make it available for inspection by the System Agency.

  • Market Abuse 13.1 The Client acknowledges that he will not enter into any transaction which falls within the definition of market abuses of Seychelles Securities Act 2007 as amended. This rule applies to all forms of market abuse such as xxxxxxx xxxxxxx (an abusive exploitation of privileged confidential information), the misuse of information and directors trading in shares of their own companies; 13.2 If the Company suspects or has reasonable grounds to believe that the Client has been engaged into an abusive behavior as indicated above the Company reserves the rights to void and/or cancel part or all Client’s abusive trading transactions, close all and any of the Client’s trading accounts and terminate this Agreement under s.21.