Retire Sample Clauses
Retire. The Board will prepare and maintain a seniority list showing the length of service in the bargaining unit by classification. The seniority list shall be prepared and posted in the buildings by October 1 of each year.
Retire. For the purposes of Article 16.01(a) shall mean “retire for the purpose of severing the employment relationship from the workplace”.
Retire. MENT
22.01 The Board agrees to pay each employee's state retirement contribution to the State School Employees Fund in the amount of 5% of the hourly wages set forth in the salary schedule.
22.02 Employees who retire after ten (10) years in the bargaining unit will receive $25.00 for each unused leave day up to the maximum allowable cumulative days (180). WORKERS' COMPENSATION
23.01 A. An employee who is injured in the line of duty shall receive such compensation and expenses as prescribed by the Worker's Compensation Law of the State. The injury and accident shall be reported immediately to the Business Office. The first eight (8) days' absence will not be deducted from the employee's sick leave bank when absence is due to on-the-job injury covered by Workers' Compensation.
Retire. Ontario Municipal Employees ment System
Retire. Enrollment in this Part-time Employment Program does not preclude the employee’s option of retirement at any time if s/he is otherwise eligible and his/her voluntary participation in the District’s Early Retirement Program.
Retire. Fails upon being notified of a recall to a position of the same employment status held prior to the layoff (other than a temporary or casual part-time position) to signify their intention to return within seven (7) calendar days after they have received the notice of recall mailed by registered mail to the last known address according to the records of the Employer and fails to report to work within fourteen
Retire. Instructions are retired in-order. This is done by retiring only commands i@T at the head of the reorder buffer where the instruction i has been resolved and the tag T is ε indicating that there are no unresolved predictions. Selected rules for the retire directive are given below: RETIRE-ASSIGNMENT buf = x ← v@ε · buf j v ∈ Vals ===⇒( (m, a, buf , cs, bp) m, a[x ›→ v], xxx j, cs, bp) not full (|buf | < w), pc is defined (aj(pc) ⊥), and the RETIRE-STORE instruction is in the cache (access(cs, aj(pc)) = Hit), the branch predictor is queried to obtain the next program counter Aj = predict(bp, aj(pc)). Next, the cache and the reorder buffer states are updated. The latter is updated by appending the command pc Xx@xx(pc), which records the change to the program counter as well as the label of the branch instruction whose target was predicted. The semantics also contains rules for fetching jumps jmp e, which append the command pc ← e@ε to the buffer, and other instructions i, which append the commands i@ε · pc ← aj(pc)+ 1@ε to the buffer. The rule FETCH-MISS models a cache miss when loading the next instruction. In this case, the cache is updated while the reorder buffer is not modified. A subsequent fetch triggered by the scheduler would result in a cache hit and a corresponding change to the reorder buffer.
Retire. Rehire shall mean a certificated employee who retires and is separated from service and rehired in accordance with applicable RCW/WAC guidelines.