Right to be heard Sample Clauses
Right to be heard. The Board or a Federal reserve bank (in the case of a clearing bank that is a member of that bank) may raise and may appear and be heard on any issue in a case under this subchapter.
Right to be heard. The registrant shall have the possibility to make known their own views in writing before any decision establishing ineligibility is taken.
Right to be heard for the imposition of fines
1. Before adopting a decision pursuant to Article 27(7), the Commission shall give the economic operator ▌ concerned the opportunity of being heard on:
(a) preliminary findings of the Commission, including any matter to which the Commission has taken objections;
(b) measures that the Commission may intend to take in view of the preliminary findings pursuant to point (a) of this paragraph.
2. The economic operators concerned may submit their observations to the Commission’s preliminary findings within a time limit which shall be fixed by the Commission in its preliminary findings and which may not be less than 21 days.
3. The Commission shall base its decisions only on objections on which economic operators ▌ concerned have been able to comment.
4. The rights of defence of the economic operator ▌ concerned shall be fully respected in any proceedings. The economic operator ▌ concerned shall be entitled to have access to the Commission's file under the terms of a negotiated disclosure, subject to the legitimate interest of economic operators in the protection of their business secrets. The right of access to the file shall not extend to confidential information and internal documents of the Commission or the authorities of the Member States. In particular, the right of access shall not extend to correspondence between the Commission and the authorities of the Member States. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the Commission from disclosing and using information necessary to prove an infringement.
Right to be heard. In the event that an employee objects to the transfer or reassignment at the meeting, upon their written request, the Superintendent will meet with them within a reasonable time of the request.
Right to be heard. Sumitomo, the Supporting Senior Lenders, or the Supporting Subordinated Noteholders may raise and be heard on any issue arising in the Chapter 11 Case so long as such Party has, or is granted by the Bankruptcy Court, the requisite standing and where such effort does not constitute a breach of this Agreement.
Right to be heard. Government Responses
Right to be heard. An Employee, the Union or the Employer may request the right to be heard at any stage of the grievance, and such request shall be indicated in writing upon presentation to the official designated to respond to the grievance at that stage.
Right to be heard. See Art. 113(1) EPC and Art. 41(3) TRIPs Decisions on the merits of the European Patent Court may only be based on grounds or evidence on which the parties have had an opportunity to present their comments.
Right to be heard. Decisions on the merits of the European Patent Court may only be based on grounds or evidence on which the parties have had an opportunity to present their comments.
Right to be heard. 1. The EFTA Surveillance Authority shall give the parties to whom it has addressed a statement of objections the opportunity to be heard before consulting the Advisory Committee referred to in Article 14(1) of Chapter II.
2. The EFTA Surveillance Authority shall, in its decisions, deal only with objections in respect of which the parties referred to in paragraph 1 have been able to comment.