Risk Management Process Sample Clauses

Risk Management Process. Risk Management Transactions shall not exceed a period of eighteen months (18) months from the then-current delivery month unless otherwise approved by Client. Risk Management Transactions will be implemented in accordance with the Risk Management Plan agreed between Client and CES in writing pursuant to Section 4(c) of the Agreement.
Risk Management Process. The risk management process identifies, quantifies, and mitigates risks to the project. This is a process that needs to be continually reviewed by Riskonnect with County during implementation.
Risk Management Process. The objective of FHWA’s risk management process is to establish a consistent approach to identify and prioritize program area risks. Applying the principles of risk makes it possible to identify threats and opportunities; assess and prioritize those threats and opportunities; and determine and prioritize strategies so that we can decide how to address future issues affecting the Federal-aid Highway Programs. MoDOT Construction & Materials Staff and the FHWA agree to coordinate yearly to identify construction and material risk items for the next performance year.
Risk Management Process. The risk assessment and management process for each Party will: • establish the context; • identify and assess, SFAIRP, risks applicable to each Interface; • determine measures to manage, SFAIRP, risks applicable to each Interface; • take into account the maintenance responsibilities in accordance with Appendix 2; • SFAIRP, establish timeframes for the implementation of measures to manage risks; • implement measures to manage risks; • review, monitor, evaluate, test and (where appropriate) modify measures to manage risks; and • communicate and consult throughout the process.
Risk Management Process. The risk management processes the UGL CPB JV will implement will be governed by a project-specific Risk Management Plan that complies with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management – Principles and Guidelines. The plan will be based on similar plans successfully implemented for major infrastructure projects performed by the JV partners. It will detail our risk management strategy, risk framework and risk management system, processes and internal controls to manage project risks. It will also describe the specification, implementation and maintenance of a risk management database. The database will be supported by a risk management software package on a shared platform. This plan will be implemented and updated until Practical Completion. Note that the project workplace health and safety risks will be comprehensively addressed in the Workplace Health and Safety Management Plan as outlined in the Workplace Health and Safety Management Plan of the Returnable Schedules. Both plans will form part of the suite of interrelated plans in the project management system that together, outline how the project will be managed using an integrated approach to satisfy the requirements of the Deed and meeting Powerlink’s requirements. Table 1 outlines how we will implement. our risk management process to maintain ISO standard compliance. Table 1: Risk Management Process Implementation Risk management creates and protects value Risks will be assessed against multiple criteria to ensure all elements of value are assessed and addressed. Risk management is an integral part of all project processes The risk management process will be applied in every element of the project from tender to planning and design, through construction to pre- commissioning, commissioning, acceptance and handover. It will include all disciplines and activities including safety, environment, people, technical, community and stakeholders, financial, legal, reputation and interfacing. Risk management will be integrated across the project as a whole and at individual activity levels. Risks will be categorised and escalated and aggregated between each level and reported on a regular basis. Risk management is part of decision making Risks and opportunities will be regularly updated as the project progresses and presented and discussed in a number of project-level forums to guide decision making. Risk management reporting will also be an agenda item at divisional project review meetings. Interaction with stakehol...
Risk Management Process. Risk Management Transactions shall not exceed a period of eighteen months (18) months from the then-current delivery month unless otherwise approved by Client. Risk Management Transactions will be implemented in accordance with the Risk Management Plan agreed between Client and CES in writing pursuant to Section 4(c) of the Agreement. Compensation for Additional Interest: Client will pay Cargill for any additional interest costs associated with the implementation of the Risk Management Transactions. Client will pay Cargill interest charges at the Interest Rate defined below on the sum of the Initial Margin Requirements and the Performance Exposure, after deduction of any cash collateral held by Cargill on behalf of Client.
Risk Management Process. The objective of FHWA’s risk management process is to establish a consistent approach to identify and prioritize program area risks. Applying the principles of risk makes it possible to identify threats and opportunities; assess and prioritize those threats and opportunities; and determine and prioritize strategies so that we can decide how to address future issues affecting the Federal-aid Highway Programs. MoDOT Construction & Materials Staff and the FHWA agree to coordinate yearly to identify construction and material risk items for the next performance year. The Construction & Materials Program Assessment identified the following top three risks for FY21. Two risks identified respectively through FY21 Utilities and Civil Rights Program Assessments as crosscutting with the Construction & Materials Program are also included. MoDOT and FHWA agree to partner together to identify strategies to help mitigate these risks. Top three risks from Construction & Materials Program Assessment  Value Engineering Change Proposal (VECPs)  Integrity of Contractor Quality Control (QC) data used by MoDOT to determine acceptance and paymentErosion Control Two crosscutting risks  Utility Inspection & Closeout  Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal & Good Faith Effort (GFE)
Risk Management Process. Timely awareness and reaction to potential problems are crucial to effective risk management. The primary objective is to avoid reasonless project breaks, budget excess and uncontrolled time-schedule extensions, and for that purpose a number of internal and external risks were identified even from the

Related to Risk Management Process

  • Risk Management Except as required by applicable law or regulation, (i) implement or adopt any material change in its interest rate and other risk management policies, procedures or practices; (ii) fail to follow its existing policies or practices with respect to managing its exposure to interest rate and other risk; or (iii) fail to use commercially reasonable means to avoid any material increase in its aggregate exposure to interest rate risk.

  • Procurement Procedures 11.1 The Recipient must secure the best value for money and shall act in a fair, open and non-discriminatory manner in all purchases of goods and services.

  • Administration and Risk Management Employees of Federated Advisory Services Company provide support to portfolio managers and other employees of affiliated advisers. Such services may include development of risk management programs, production of portfolio and compliance reports for clients and/or fund Boards, coordination of client portfolios and related fixed income trade execution implementation and administration, completion of required broker and custody documentation, development and documentation of operational procedures, coordination of proxy voting activities, on-site support of hardware and software, etc.”

  • Program Management 1.1.01 Implement and operate an Immunization Program as a Responsible Entity 1.1.02 Identify at least one individual to act as the program contact in the following areas: 1. Immunization Program Manager;

  • Contract Monitoring The criminal background checks required by this rule shall be national in scope, and must be conducted at least once every three (3) years. Contractor shall make the criminal background checks required by Paragraph IV.G.1 available for inspection and copying by DRS personnel upon request of DRS.

  • Transaction Processing All orders are subject to acceptance by us and by the Fund or its transfer agent, and become effective only upon confirmation by us. If required by law, each transaction shall be confirmed in writing on a fully disclosed basis and if confirmed by us, a copy of each confirmation shall be sent to you if you so request. All sales are made subject to receipt of shares by us from the Funds. We reserve the right in our discretion, without notice, to suspend the sale of shares of the Funds or withdraw the offering of shares of the Funds entirely. Orders will be effected at the price(s) next computed on the day they are received if, as set forth in the applicable Fund’s current Prospectus, the orders are received by us or an agent appointed by us or the Fund prior to the close of trading on the New York Stock Exchange, generally 4:00 p.m. eastern time (“Close of Trading”). Orders received after that time will be effected at the price(s) computed on the next business day. All orders must be accompanied by payment in U.S. Dollars. Orders payable by check must be drawn payable in U.S. Dollars on a U.S. bank, for the full amount of the investment. If you have entered into a FundSERV Agreement with us to effect transactions in Fund shares through FundSERV, you are hereby authorized to act on our behalf for the limited purpose of receiving purchase, exchange and redemption orders for Fund shares executed through FundSERV. You represent and warrant that all orders for the purchase, exchange or redemption of Fund shares transmitted to FundSERV for processing on or as of a given business day (Day 1) shall have been received by you prior to the Close of Trading on Day 1. Such orders shall receive the share price next calculated following the Close of Trading on Day 1 .You represent and warrant that orders received by you after the Close of Trading on Day 1 shall be treated by you and transmitted to FundSERV as if received on the next business day (Day 2). Such orders shall receive the share price next calculated following the Close of Trading on Day 2. You represent that you have systems in place reasonably designed to prevent orders received after the Close of Trading on Day 1 from being executed with orders received before the Close of Trading on Day 1.

  • Program Monitoring and Evaluation The Recipient shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, and furnish to the Association not later than six months after the Closing Date, a report of such scope and in such detail as the Association shall reasonably request, on the execution of the Program, the performance by the Recipient and the Association of their respective obligations under the Legal Agreements and the accomplishment of the purposes of the Financing.”

  • Program Monitoring The Contractor will make all records and documents required under this Agreement as outlined here, in OEC Policies and NHECC Policies available to the SRO or its designee, the SR Fiscal Officer or their designee and the OEC. Scheduled monitoring visits will take place twice a year. The SRO and OEC reserve the right to make unannounced visits.

  • Quality Management Grantee will: 1. comply with quality management requirements as directed by the System Agency. 2. develop and implement a Quality Management Plan (QMP) that conforms with 25 TAC § 448.504 and make the QMP available to System Agency upon request. The QMP must be developed no later than the end of the first quarter of the Contract term. 3. update and revise the QMP each biennium or sooner, if necessary. Xxxxxxx’s governing body will review and approve the initial QMP, within the first quarter of the Contract term, and each updated and revised QMP thereafter. The QMP must describe Xxxxxxx’s methods to measure, assess, and improve - i. Implementation of evidence-based practices, programs and research-based approaches to service delivery; ii. Client/participant satisfaction with the services provided by Xxxxxxx; iii. Service capacity and access to services; iv. Client/participant continuum of care; and v. Accuracy of data reported to the state. 4. participate in continuous quality improvement (CQI) activities as defined and scheduled by the state including, but not limited to data verification, performing self-reviews; submitting self-review results and supporting documentation for the state’s desk reviews; and participating in the state’s onsite or desk reviews. 5. submit plan of improvement or corrective action plan and supporting documentation as requested by System Agency. 6. participate in and actively pursue CQI activities that support performance and outcomes improvement. 7. respond to consultation recommendations by System Agency, which may include, but are not limited to the following: i. Staff training; ii. Self-monitoring activities guided by System Agency, including use of quality management tools to self-identify compliance issues; and iii. Monitoring of performance reports in the System Agency electronic clinical management system.

  • Patch Management All workstations, laptops and other systems that process and/or 20 store PHI COUNTY discloses to CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR creates, receives, maintains, or 21 transmits on behalf of COUNTY must have critical security patches applied, with system reboot if 22 necessary. There must be a documented patch management process which determines installation 23 timeframe based on risk assessment and vendor recommendations. At a maximum, all applicable 24 patches must be installed within thirty (30) calendar or business days of vendor release. Applications 25 and systems that cannot be patched due to operational reasons must have compensatory controls 26 implemented to minimize risk, where possible.