Salary on Appointment. Note: These provisions shall be applied in accordance with any administrative conditions that were in effect at the commencement of this Agreement. Nothing in these provisions shall be read as extending any entitlement beyond that which existed at the commencement of this Agreement except as may be expressly agreed to by the Secretary for Education after consultation with the unions.
Salary on Appointment. 3.5.1 Subject to the provisions set out in Appendix 6, upon appointment:
(a) a teacher with no service credits, as defined in clause 1.2 of Appendix 6, will be paid on the relevant entry step for their qualification group as per clause 3.2.
(b) a teacher with service credits, as defined in clause 1.2 of Appendix 6, will be paid at the appropriate step for their qualification group, but not less than the relevant entry step as per clause 3.2.
3.5.2 A teacher with overseas qualifications must have their qualifications recognised by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority against the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).
Salary on Appointment a. On appointment, a teacher shall be paid on the appropriate salary scale and step having regard to:
i. the applicable qualification group classification as per clause 3.3.2 and
ii. any service recognised for salary purposes as per 3.3.3 and
b. On reappointment, a teacher shall be paid on the appropriate salary scale and step having regard of any:
i. kindergarten teaching service and salary credits that has previously recognised by a kindergarten association, and
ii. the qualification group classification at the time of reappointment, and
iii. any service during the period away from kindergarten teaching service that may be recognised for salary purposes as per 3.3.3 and 3.3.4.
c. A teacher who has completed training and has no service recognised for salary purposes shall be paid a salary during the first year of service at the first step of the relevant qualification grouping.
d. A base scale teacher who, on appointment holds a qualification classified as P4 or P5 (as denoted in 3.3.2 below) shall commence at step six or step seven respectively of the teachers’ base salary scale.
Salary on Appointment. B3.2.2(a) An RN, on appointment will be paid a rate of salary by reference to the employee’s relevant continuous experience since becoming an RN.
Salary on Appointment. Employees may be appointed to a salary anywhere within the minimum and maximum of the applicable salary level. Factors to be considered in deciding the actual starting salary rate will include: • Previous relevant paid or unpaid work or experience • Their level of relevant skills and knowledge • Relevant academic and professional qualifications • The level of expected performance.
Salary on Appointment. Teachers with previous relevant teaching experience shall be paid at the appropriate step of the relevant qualification group as set out in clause 4.5.
Salary on Appointment. The addition of a new Appendix 6 – Salary on Appointment is intended to make the collective agreement easier to understand and be applied. It is not the intention of the parties to reduce the entitlement of any teacher. The parties agree that no change is to be interpreted as reducing the terms and conditions of any teacher covered by the provisions, or altering the operation or administration of those provisions. The parties agree to: a new Appendix 6. amend clause 3.3.1(c) as follows:
Salary on Appointment. A teacher on appointment or reappointment shall be paid at the appropriate salary scale step having regard to qualification group classification and any service recognised for salary purposes as follows:
(a) a teacher with no service credits, as defined in clause 2.5, will be paid on the relevant entry step for their qualification group as per clause 4.
(b) a teacher with service credits, as defined in clause 2.5, will be paid at the appropriate step for their qualification group, but no less than the relevant entry step as per clause 4.1.1.
(c) a teacher with overseas qualifications must have their qualifications recognised by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority against the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).
Salary on Appointment. A teacher on appointment or reappointment shall be paid at the appropriate salary scale step having regard to qualification group classification and any service recognised for salary purposes as follows:
1.1. a teacher with service credits, as defined in clause 2.5, will be paid at the appropriate step for their qualification group, but no less than the relevant entry step as per clause 4.1.
1. a teacher with overseas qualifications must have their qualifications recognised by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority against the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).