Scheduled Maintenance Services. 2.1 The Provider shall, where practicable, give to the Client at least ten (10) Business Days' prior written notice of scheduled Maintenance Services that are likely to affect the availability of the Hosted Services or are likely to have a material negative impact on the Hosted Services, without prejudice to the Provider's other notice obligations under this Schedule 3.
2.2 The Provider shall ensure, to the extent possible, to provide all scheduled Maintenance Services outside Business Hours.
Scheduled Maintenance Services. A. Task Check List and Cost Unit Class Unit Description PM Interval PM Interval Level B ** PM Interval Level C
Scheduled Maintenance Services. Any Scheduled Maintenance services to be performed by Hunton Services must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance with County’s Facilities Maintenance Department, or as agreed by the parties. The County’s Facilities Maintenance Department may be contacted between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., excluding County holidays or other County closures, at (000) 000-0000 concerning the scheduling of these maintenance services.
Scheduled Maintenance Services. Any Scheduled Maintenance services to be performed by Xxxxxx must be scheduled at least two weeks in advance with County’s Facilities Maintenance Department, or as agreed by the parties. The County’s Facilities Maintenance Department may be contacted between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., excluding County holidays or other County closures, at (000) 000-0000 concerning the scheduling of these maintenance services.
Scheduled Maintenance Services. (a) In consideration of satisfactory performance of all the scheduled services required under this contract, the contractor shall be paid a fixed-price per month for Scheduled Maintenance Services. No additional sums will be payable on account of any escalation in the cost of materials, equipment or labor (unless mandated by local law see B.7), or because of the contractor's failure to properly estimate or accurately predict the cost or difficulty of achieving the results required by the maintenance plan is. Nor will the contract price be adjusted on account of fluctuations in the currency exchange rate.
(b) Premium pay for services required to be provided on holidays is included only in the fixed prices for Scheduled Maintenance Services.
Scheduled Maintenance Services. The goal is to perform scheduled preventative maintenance at all residences each quarter (e.g., 3 times per year). The fixed-price for the first year (starting on the date stated in the Notice to Proceed and continuing for a period of 12 months) for scheduled preventative maintenance services as defined in C.1.3.1. is: Large Residence Medium Residence Small Residence
a. Unit Cost of each size of Residence b. Current number of residences in each category 47 60 35 c. Number of PMs per residence and per year 3 3 3
Scheduled Maintenance Services. 5.1.1 Replace failed lamps.
5.1.2 Replace failed ballasts.
5.1.3 Replace failed sockets / lampholders.
5.1.4 Repair defective wiring within fixture.
Scheduled Maintenance Services. As from the Commencement Date Ambient shall provide the following maintenance services in respect of the Equipment:
Scheduled Maintenance Services. The Licensor shall prepare and deliver to the UN a schedule of services to be rendered by the Licensor pursuant to this Article for periodic, preventive maintenance and support of the Software System. The Schedule shall be subject to approval in writing by the UN and upon approval shall be incorporated into and made a part of the Installation and Acceptance Testing Plan (Annex C). At the request of the UN, or as may be necessary, the Licensor shall update the schedule to meet the requirements for the Maintenance Services in accordance with this Contract.
Scheduled Maintenance Services. Repairs needed to a covered part caused by the Failure of a non- covered part;