Scheduling Vacations Vacations are to be scheduled in advance and taken at such reasonable times as approved by the employee's department with particular regard to the needs of the Employer, seniority of employee, and, insofar as practicable, with regard to the wishes of the employee. No vacation shall be assigned by the Employer or deducted from the employee's account as disciplinary action.
Vacation Time After the Trial Period is complete, the Employee is entitled to days off per year of which is required to be mutually benefiting of the Employer and the Employee. It is required for the Employee to give notice before scheduling their vacation in accordance with Company policy.
Vacation Scheduling a) Vacations may be requested at any time of the year, subject to the restrictions below. The supervisor, or designate, will grant requests subject to operational requirements and in accordance with such vacation quotas as the Employer may set from time to time. Employees shall be advised of vacation quotas one month prior to the employees being required to submit their requests. Such quotas will not be unreasonably restrictive. b) Requests for vacation time from the Monday immediately following June 20th to the Sunday immediately following Labour Day (summer period) shall be made in writing to the Employer not later than March 1st in that year. The Employer will respond to such requests in writing by April 1st. An employee may be approved for a maximum of three (3) weeks of vacation during these peak times. c) Requests for Christmas/New Year’s vacation time between the Monday immediately following December 15th and the Sunday immediately following January 1st shall be made in writing to the Manager or designate not later than August 1st in that year. The Employer will respond to such requests in writing by September 1st. An employee may be granted a maximum of one (1) calendar week (or part thereof) over this period. d) March Break vacation requests shall be submitted to the immediate Manager or designate not later than November 1st of the preceding year. The Employer shall respond in writing by December 1st. e) In the event that the number of employees in each department or team requesting vacation for or during any part of the above peak periods exceeds the number which the Employer has determined might be permitted vacation at that time, priority will be given based on seniority as per the posted seniority list. f) Notwithstanding e) above, in granting vacation requests during peak periods, the Employer will grant requests for full weeks of vacation prior to granting requests for partial weeks of vacation, so that a request for less than one week’s vacation cannot prevent another employee from taking a full week of vacation. A full week of vacation shall be defined as Monday through Sunday. g) Requests for vacation for other periods outside of peak times shall be submitted by the employee to their immediate supervisor not less than three (3) weeks prior to the first day of the vacation period. The immediate supervisor shall reply within one (1) week from the date of the request. These requests shall be considered on the basis of first come first served. h) If a request is submitted outside of the time period outlined above or additional vacation time becomes available, it may be approved at the Employer's discretion provided no employee, who submitted in compliance with the above timelines, was denied the same time period.
Prime Time Vacation Period Subject to the provisions of this article, it is the intent of the parties that no employee will be restricted in the time of year they choose to take their vacation. The Employer will make every effort to allow employees to take their vacation during the period of April 15th to October 15th inclusive, which will be defined as the prime time vacation period.
Vacation Buy Back Employees shall have the option of requesting pay in lieu of time off up to a maximum of 144 hours of vacation time each year, during each year of the contract in increments of eight (8) hrs. Such requests are subject to the approval of the department head and the availability of funds.
Scheduling of Vacation Leave In scheduling vacation leave with pay for an employee the Employer shall, subject to the operational requirements of the service, make every reasonable effort to comply with the employee's wishes.
Scheduling of Vacation A) The Employer shall permit annual vacations to be taken during the entire year. B) The scheduling of vacations shall be subject to the operational requirements of the Employer. C) The selection of vacation and the posting of the approved vacation schedule shall be completed by December 31st of the preceding calendar year or any other date mutually agreed at the local level. Such local agreements shall be filed with the Union and Employer. D) Once the approved vacation schedule has been posted, it shall only be changed by mutual consent. E) Vacation entitlement accrued to June 30 (inclusive) shall be taken prior to January 1 in the following year unless otherwise required by operational necessity. Despite the above, where an employee’s vacation is cancelled by the Employer due to operational requirements, the employee may elect to carry over up to seven (7) days to be used no later than June 30 in the following year. Unused vacation shall be paid out at straight time rates by the last pay period of February of the following year. Payout shall not include any carryover of vacation pursuant to the above. F) Employees may, prior to the scheduling of vacations, request to have their vacations scheduled in accordance with either the principle of seniority or on a rotating basis. Where a consensus of employees cannot be reached as above, vacations shall be scheduled according to seniority on the basis that the employees with the most seniority shall have the first choice of vacation times. Employees failing to exercise their rights within the vacation selection time posted by the Employer shall forfeit their seniority rights in respect to choice of vacation time. G) Vacation time may be divided and shall be scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Employer, however, an employee who splits her vacation shall not receive her choice of when she wishes to take the subsequent portion of her vacation until all other employees in the unit or xxxx have made their first choice of vacation time.
Scheduling of Vacations Vacations shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the Agency and the employee and consistent with the work requirements of the Agency.
Vacation Schedule 1. Vacation periods shall be fixed by the Employer to suit the requirements of his business, but as far as possible and practicable, vacations will be given during the summer months, and for employees with school-age children, during the school vacations. Vacation periods shall be unbroken unless by mutual consent between Employer and employee, or where it is impractical. Grievances relating to this Section shall be subject to the Adjustment and Arbitration Procedure in this Agreement. 2. Time off, based upon service in the Industry Vacation Plan, may be granted to an employee by mutual agreement between the Employer and the employee. The Employer shall not be required to give time off based upon service under the Industry Vacation Plan. However, if such additional industry vacation time off is granted to an employee, such time off shall be counted as time worked for the purpose of computing the employee's earned vacation benefits on his next anniversary date of employment.
Vacation Period The choice of vacation periods shall be granted to employees on the basis of seniority with the Employer except where the period requested would be detrimental to the operation of the Employer.