Vacation Times Sample Clauses
Vacation Times. The following vacation times shall be administered to each Party: (check all that apply):
Vacation Times. 7 Employees shall be permitted to choose either a split or entire vacation. 8 Vacation times shall be scheduled by the County, based primarily on the needs of 11 the basis of seniority; however, each employee will be permitted to exercise his or 12 her right of seniority only once during the life of this Agreement.
Vacation Times. Employees shall be permitted to choose either split or entire vacation periods, and shall take not less than five (5) working days annually. Whenever practicable, and consistent with the needs of the County and the availability of vacation relief, employees shall have the right to select vacation times. It shall be the responsibility of supervisors annually to establish lists showing the vacation periods chosen by individual employees. In the event of a conflict between employees over choice of vacation dates during the first ninety (90) calendar days of any calendar year, the conflict shall be resolved by the senior employee having the right to select the preferred
Vacation Times available to CAW Employees will not be affected by the vacations of non-CAW Employees.
Vacation Times. 9 Employees shall be permitted to choose either a split or entire vacation. 10 Vacation times shall be scheduled by the County, based primarily on the needs of 11 efficient operations and the availability of vacation relief. Employees shall have the 12 right to determine vacation times, but in any case, vacation times shall be selected on 13 the basis of seniority; however, each employee will be permitted to exercise their 14 right of seniority only once during the life of this Agreement. 15 Once an employee’s vacation request has been granted, it shall not be 16 cancelled except in emergency situations, unless agreed to by the employee and the 17 County. Emergency is defined as an unexpected situation or sudden occurrence of a 18 serious and urgent nature that demands immediate action.
Vacation Times. 6 Employees shall be permitted to choose either a split or entire vacation.
Vacation Times available to UNIFOR Employees will not be affected by the vacations of non-UNIFOR Employees.
Vacation Times. Employees shall be permitted to choose either a split 15 or an entire vacation. Vacation sign-up will be in workweek (40 hour) blocks during 16 the first seniority preference sign-up. Vacation times shall be scheduled by the 17 County. Scheduling shall be based primarily on the needs of efficient operations and 18 the availability of vacation relief. Sign up for vacation shall be during or prior to 19 January of each calendar year. Within each unit and shift assignment there shall be 20 an annual sign-up and every employee shall have the right to express his preference 21 for vacation time, but vacation time shall be determined on the basis of seniority, 22 within job classification. Each employee will be permitted to exercise his right of 23 seniority only at the annual sign up. The right of exercise of seniority will be limited in 24 total for compensatory time off, personal holidays and vacation sign up to the amount 25 of the employee's annual vacation.
Vacation Times. Vacation times shall be scheduled by the County, based primarily on the needs of efficient operation and the availability of vacation relief. Where practicable, an employee shall have the right to determine his own vacation time, in accordance with seniority. In the case of scheduling conflicts between two or more employees making a vacation leave request at the same time, seniority shall be the determining factor. Members of the Oiling Crew shall be permitted to schedule vacation during the period June 1 through September 30, providing that only two (2) such Oiling Crew employees may be absent at any one (1) time. Requests by members of the Oiling Crew to schedule vacation between June 1 and September 30 must indicate their desire to be scheduled for vacation by June 1. Vacation scheduled for members of the Oiling Crew during the period of June 1 through September 30, shall not exceed ten (10) consecutive working days.
Vacation Times. Employees shall be permitted to request their preferred times for vacation time off. Whenever possible, consistent with the needs of OLWS and requirements for vacation relief, employees have the right to determine vacation times. An open period for scheduling these requests for the upcoming calendar year will exist beginning December 15 and ending January 15. During this open scheduling period and subject to OLWS’s staffing needs, requests will be granted on the basis of seniority for any conflicts that arise among employees whose primary and/or secondary job functions are substantially similar. time scheduled outside of the open scheduling period shall be granted solely on a first come, first served basis, subject to OLWS’s staffing needs, without regard to seniority. Employees must give OLWS at least twenty-four (24) hours advance notice of the need to use any vacation accruals, unless OLWS waives said requirement. Employees must submit vacation scheduling requests to the employee’s immediate supervisor on a District form available from the employee’s supervisor or designee.