Scope of Study. A teleconference meeting between SPP and the Applicant, if necessary, shall be held as soon as practical after execution of this Agreement to: (a) review the application, the DPT Screening Study, and any known issue that could affect the scope of the DPT Screening Study; and (b) develop a scope of DPT Screening Study. The Screening Study for analyzing a DPT will be performed as an AC study that simulates the analysis process of the Aggregate Transmission Service Study by (a) calculating thermal loading of transmission lines and transformers between the Existing Network Customer’s Designated Resources and the Applicant’s Designated Resources using a base case and N-1 contingencies analysis; (b) calculating system voltage; (c) reporting loading and voltage limit violations; and (d) providing the transmission credits between the Original Network Customer’s Designated Resources and Applicant’s Designated Resources. The costs to the Applicant shall be based on actual costs as incurred in the design and construction of the identified facilities. Factors to be considered in determining the facilities to be added to SPP transmission system will include, but not be limited to:
1. DPT Screening Study results;
2. Projected load and resource forecast;
3. Transmission transfer capability of the existing system;
4. Reliability requirements of the existing system based on the criteria of SPP and the Transmission Owner;
5. The Applicant’s start and stop dates of requested service and requested capacity;
6. Requirements of any other party whose facilities in the interconnected transmission network are materially affected by the service requested; and
7. Summary of time for permits, licenses and approvals required for construction to commence and projected time required to construct the facility.
Scope of Study. The Study Advisory Team believes the study needs to include, but not be limited to, the following tasks:
Scope of Study. A teleconference meeting between SPP and the Applicant, if necessary, shall be held as soon as practical after execution of this Agreement to: (a) review the application, the LTSR Screening Study, and any known issue that could affect the scope of the LTSR Screening Study; and (b) develop a scope of LTSR Screening Study. The principle objectives of the study are to (a) identify any system problems or constraints associated with the implementation of the LTSR studied; (b) determine potential system modifications that might be necessary to grant transmission service into, out of or across the Transmission System while maintaining system reliability under steady state operations; and (c) estimate costs associated with those system modifications. The steady-state analysis will consider the impact of the potential LTSR for the firm delivery of the requesting Applicant’s energy only on SPP’s Transmission System by monitoring the control area transmission facility conditions according to the type of study selected in Section 3.0 for outages of transmission lines, transformers, and generators. The costs to the Applicant shall be based on actual costs as incurred in the design and construction of the identified facilities. Factors to be considered in determining the facilities to be added to the SPP transmission system will include, but not be limited to:
Scope of Study a. This Study is governed by this Agreement. All parties agree that no Study Drug shall be used on a subject until the IRB and the FDA have both approved the Study. After the FDA and IRB approval, the Protocol may only be amended when I) there Is written agreement between the Site, Actinium, and the Investigator to amend the Protocol, and 2) any and all such amendments have been reviewed and apprOved by the IRB and if applicable the FDA. No Protocol amendments shall be implemented until receipt of the IRB and FDA written approval. Nothing in this paragraph shall limit the Investigator's ability to act under 21 CFR 312.50, 312.60, 312.62, 312.64 (Subpart D).
b. The Site agrees to strictly comply with all IRB procedures and policies which govern the review, approval and conduct of this Study.
c. The parties agree that Screening for Qualified Subjects shall begin within thirty (30) days of receipt of the following: I) written approval of the Study and the Informed Consent by the IRB, 2) notification by Aptiv or Actinium that the FDA has granted the Investigational New Drug Application for the Study Drug, and 3) completion of Initiation Visit of the Site by Aptiv and Actinium for Study participation. The goal of the Study is to enroll up to ten ( 10) Qualified Subjects per year. The Site agrees to use reasonable efforts to complete subject enrollment as soon as practical, after commencement of Screening at each dose group.
Scope of Study a. This Study is governed by this Agreement. All parties agree that no Study Drug shall be used on a subject until the IRB and the FDA have both approved the Study. After the FDA and IRB approval, the Protocol may only be amended when: 1) there is written agreement between the Site and Actinium to amend the Protocol, and 2) any and all such amendments have been reviewed and approved by the IRB and FDA. No Protocol amendments shall be implemented until receipt of the IRB and FDA written approval. Nothing in this paragraph shall limit the Investigator's ability to act under 21 CFR 312.50, 312.60, 312.62, 312.64 (Subpart D).
b. The Site agrees to strictly comply with all IRB procedures and policies which govern the review, approval and conduct of this Study.
c. The parties agree that Screening for Qualified Subjects shall begin within thirty (30) days of receipt of the following: 1) written approval of the Study and the Informed Consent by the IRB, 2) notification by Aptiv or Actinium that the FDA has granted the Investigational New Drug Application for the Study Drug, and 3) completion of Initiation Visit of the Site by Aptiv and Actinium for Study participation. The goal of the Study is to enroll up to ten (10) Qualified Subjects per year. The Site agrees to use its reasonable best efforts to complete subject enrollment as soon as practical, after commencement of Screening at each dose group.
Scope of Study. The Scope of Study to be performed under this Statement of Work is described in Appendix I. [INSERT NAME OF UC IRVINE’S PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR] is the INSTITUTION'S Principal Investigator and will be responsible for the direction of all effort hereunder in accordance with applicable INSTITUTION policies.
Scope of Study. No later than five (5) years from the date of this permit, the permittees shall submit to the Department for review and approval a narrative Scope of Study prepared by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Connecticut which details the scope of engineering alternatives and range of flow releases, the latter to be provided by the Commissioner, which will be utilized for the Engineering Feasibility Study set forth below.
Scope of Study. A meeting between Transmission Owner and the Requestor, if requested, shall be held as soon as practical after execution of this Agreement and provision of the payment by Requestor to review: (a) the Request and develop the scope for the SIS; and b) any known issue that could affect the scope of the SIS. The SIS will determine if the transmission system has adequate load serving capability and the major components required to interconnect with the GRE Transmission System. The System Impact Study may include, but not be limited to: power flow analysis, fault study, stability study (if required), transient switching analysis, reliability requirements and impact to other customers on the GRE Transmission System. During the analysis, additional details of the proposed facility may be required and will be requested from the interconnecting party as necessary.
Scope of Study. A meeting between the Transmission Provider and the Applicant shall be held as soon as practical after execution of this Agreement to: (a) review the application, the System Impact Study, and any known issue that could affect the scope of the study; and (b) develop a scope of study. The location of the meeting shall be at the Transmission Provider's offices unless another location is mutually agreed to. The results of the study shall be considered preliminary in nature and shall serve as the basis for detailed engineering design of the identified facilities. The study will identify facilities required to deliver the MW of transmission service, from to The costs to the Applicant and the Transmission Provider shall be based on actual costs as incurred in the design and construction of the identified facilities. Factors to be considered in determining the facilities to be added to the Transmission Provider’s transmission system will include, but not be limited to: