SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. In consideration for the “per employee per month” fee described in Section 2 below, Company agrees to provide to Employer’s employees and their dependents, and anyone residing in their household (collectively, “participants”) all the services described in this Agreement, and in Company’s proposal to Employer, including, but not limited to, the services described below.
SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. See attached Schedules A.
a. To attend to phone calls, receiving messages, interacting with Guests and BHEL Officers, co-ordinate room allocation, bookings, check-in and check-out of guests, collect charges through POS machine/obtain signatures of guests as required, maintain proper accounting and submit the same periodically to BHEL Officials.
SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. The Clinton County Correctional Facility shall retain and Contractor shall perform the duties and services required to provide a 2nd GED Instructor twice a week (5 hours) for students incarcerated in the Clinton County Correctional Facility.
SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. Services to be performed by Architect and its Subconsultants shall consist of the Scope of Work in Exhibit “A” and Services described in Exhibit “B” of this Agreement, which is incorporated herein by this reference.
SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. The following shall form part of the scope of work of the Project SPV under the Agreement. In the event if any activity/tasks/works (to be done by Project SPV) are found to be part of the main Agreement but not covered under this Schedule, such activity/tasks/works shall be deemed to have been covered under this Schedule. The overall scope of work for Project SPV shall include
SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. Consultant shall perform the services in accordance with the City’s RFP #1607WD Annual Water Resources Rate Study and associated Addenda if any attached hereto as Exhibit A, and in Consultant’s Proposal attached hereto as Exhibits B and made parts of this Agreement. Consultant shall furnish all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, transportation and all incidentals necessary to perform and provide the Annual Water Resources Rate Study with all deliverables required by the Agreement Documents. The comprehensive compensation study shall consider and include all City job classifications, job descriptions, pay structure and associated benefits; and provide recommendations to the City for the implementation of any proposed changes. The annual rate study shall include, but not be limited to, the following: The Consultant shall:
a. Review the methodology and underlying assumptions employed in prior studies and compare them to current conditions and existing data.
b. Prepare a work plan, coordinating as necessary with City staff.
c. Issue a request for data from City staff, review information with staff and outside parties, if necessary.
1. Update the five-year history of drinking water, reuse water and sewer operations, rate class consumption, xxxx history, expense trends, financial performance, capital requirements, etc.
2. Review the financial impact of capital projects on the system.
3. Review the appropriateness of current ratemaking methods for establishing fees and other charges.
4. Examine current information for consistency, relevancy and accuracy.
d. Analyze the expected revenues, expenses, and capital costs, and determine the adequacy of rates and charges to fully recover the cost of providing service. Provide a written report of findings regarding the following items:
SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. The following outline demonstrates Premier Housing Services, Inc.’s intended scope of work and services.
SCOPE OF WORK AND SERVICES. 5.1 Service Provider agrees to comply with the provisions of Chapter 121, Florida Statutes, and the rules promulgated thereunder in Chapters 60U and 60V, Florida Administrative Code, as related to the SUSORP and the SMSOAP. For the SUSORP, the Service Provider also agrees to comply with the Department’s Written Plan, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment A, and any amendments thereto during the term of this Contract.
5.2 Service Provider shall only offer Authorized Products to Members. The Authorized Products are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment