Section 10.6.1 Sample Clauses
Section 10.6.1. If the District determines that seniority rights should not govern because a junior employee 35 possesses ability and performance greater than a senior employee or employees, the District shall 36 set forth in writing, if requested, to the employee or employees its reasons why they have been 37 bypassed.
Section 10.6.1. 47 For purposes of vacation selection, for employees eligible to take vacation during the work year, 48 the employee with the greatest seniority shall have the first choice of vacation.
Section 10.6.1. Employees performing job assignments in more than one (1) general job classification shall 35 enjoy seniority and longevity separately and concurrently in each general job classification of 36 assignment (e.g., Food Service and Custodial duties). 37
Section 10.6.1. 14 Employees working in more than one general job classification shall enjoy seniority in each 15 such classification, provided they continue such duties with no more than one (1) year break in 16 service. Such break in service of more than one (1) year shall result in loss of seniority.
Section 10.6.1. For purposes of applying for new or open positions and layoffs, seniority rights shall be 7 effective within the general job classifications: Paraeducators, Service Workers,
Section 10.6.1. In the event a lay-off situation may occur, the District shall present the Association a seniority 30 list by pay level at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to first lay-off, unless an emergency 31 exists.
Section 10.6.1. Substitute employees shall be placed on a seniority list in order of first employment by the 12 District for preference in filling new or open positions after regular employees, with 13 recommendation from the immediate supervisor(s).
Section 10.6.1. An employee who changes general job classifications within the bargaining unit shall retain their 37 hire date in the previous general classification for a period of one (1) year, notwithstanding that 38 the employee has acquired a new hire date and a new classification. 41 Employees who are requested by their supervisor to work in a higher compensation position title within 42 the same general job classification shall be compensated at the Step in the higher classification that gives 43 the employee an increase, if applicable.
Section 10.6.1. 18 In the event that two (2) or more employees have the same hire date, seniority shall be decided by
19 a coin toss. Such a determination shall be final in all future determinations of seniority.
Section 10.6.1. 18 For purposes of bidding for new or open positions and layoffs, seniority rights shall be effective 19 within the employee’s job classification within the general job classification: pupil