Section 10.7.1 Sample Clauses

Section 10.7.1. Full time and regular employees who bid on and are awarded a position in a classification 24 outside their current classification or a Lead position in accordance with Section 10.7., shall be 25 considered to be in a qualification period not to exceed sixty (60) workdays, with the right to 26 return to his/her previous position. During this period, the employee will be evaluated and/or 27 trained in the skills and requirements of the new position. A substitute employee shall be 28 assigned to fill such employee’s former position during the qualification period if necessary.
Section 10.7.1. 31 Current employees who complete an application for a new or open position not within the 32 employee’s classification will be given an informal interview for the position with the Human
Section 10.7.1The District will apply Section 10.7 to job applicants who are not members of the bargaining unit.
Section 10.7.1. 27 When the District offers additional hours of work for educational assistants in a building, 28 seniority shall govern; provided, that skills, knowledge, ability, and training, as determined by 29 the District, are equal to junior employees. The parties agree that the District's first priority 30 when assigning additional hours shall be the instructional needs of the program.
Section 10.7.1. 16 Any position, which is reduced for one (1) hour per day or more for twenty (20) consecutive 17 workdays, shall be considered a layoff in accordance with Section 10.7 of the Agreement.
Section 10.7.1The District agrees that if a substitute is needed, regular employees shall be first called as long 33 as the substitute assignment does not conflict with the regular employee's normal daily work 34 shift and the employee is qualified for the assignment. Regular employees interested in 35 substitute assignments must sign up at the beginning of the school year for the classifications in 36 which they feel qualified to substitute.
Section 10.7.1. If the District determines to bypass a senior applicant, the Supervisor in charge of selecting the 48 applicant for the position shall provide written reasons for such bypass within five (5) workdays of 1 the selection. The District shall notify all applicants with valid applications that the job was 2 awarded and provide copies of all bypass letters to the President of the Association.
Section 10.7.1. 42 Employees who change job classifications within the bargaining unit shall retain their hire date 43 and seniority in all previous classifications, notwithstanding that they have acquired a new 44 classification seniority date. Employees will not accrue seniority and their seniority will freeze 45 in their former classification.
Section 10.7.1. 41 Employees on the reemployment list shall be given first consideration, by seniority, for substitution 42 within classification resulting from known absences of five (5) days or more, provided the 43 employee is qualified to perform the available work. 44
Section 10.7.1. 46 The employee with the earliest District seniority date within the building where the employee is 47 assigned will have preferential rights regarding: 48 1 A. Regular daily hours – which are defined as assigned daily hours of bargaining unit work.