The District agrees Sample Clauses
The District agrees. 1. The District shall implement the Project Labor Agreement for the Project, including requiring contractors to utilize Joint Labor-Management apprenticeship programs, and to execute the DAS-7 form.
2. The District shall implement the Targeted Hiring Policy for the Project, including requiring contractors working on the Project to employ SCCCD Graduate New Apprentices for at least 50% of work hours on apprentice work on the Project, and to sponsor SCCCD Graduate New Apprentices as needed for that purpose.
The District agrees. A. To provide classroom resources and related educational services to candidates in field experiences.
B. To assist/cooperate in the collection of field experience data/research which help the University evaluate its programs and potential success of its candidates.
C. To ensure that candidates are treated as professionals and follow all standards, policies and regulations by the District. It will be the District’s responsibility to see that candidates are made aware of such rules and regulations. The District may remove a candidate from a field experience for violating such rules and regulations or for such actions the District views as detrimental to the students in the classroom. The University will be consulted before final action is taken.
D. Candidates will not be used as substitute teachers, unless they have received an Intern Substitute Certificate per WAC 180-79A-231(4) which allows them to substitute only in the classroom where assigned for internship and if such certificate is supported by the District and University.
E. To accommodate candidate’s completion of the edTPA by permitting obtainment of parental consent using University approved forms and retention of copies of student work samples and video captured in the classroom. Consent forms will be archived by the University. Work samples and video will be destroyed by the candidate immediately upon receipt of passing edTPA scores.
F. That the administrator in charge of approving assignment of internship CTs will only approve those who meet the below qualifications, have had mentoring or coaching training (or who are willing to complete the university-provided on-line mentoring module), and who are willing/able to fulfill the responsibilities/duties described below.
G. The CT will meet the following qualifications:
1. Per WAC 181-78A-236(2)(d-f) internship CTs must be:
i. Fully certificated school personnel with a minimum of three years of professional experience in the role they are supervising.
ii. Educational leaders who exemplify excellence in teaching by demonstrating a positive impact on student learning (per RCW 28B.10.033(1)(b)(ii) evidence may include having received a 3 or above for both criteria 3 and criteria 6 on their most recent comprehensive performance evaluation).
iii. Trained or experienced in mentoring adults (or willing to complete the University-provided internship mentoring module) and culturally responsive teaching and learning.
2. Interest in supervising preservice ca...
The District agrees. A. To provide a base office space for each SM/BHC at _______________ (address) and to make available in each location where SM/BHCs are assigned to provide services, a private space where the SM/BHC can meet with referred students, their families, and school personnel in a manner that insures confidentiality of the information exchanged. This private space will be equipped in a manner that supports the use of a laptop computer and a small printer.
B. To provide each of the SM/BHCs with District identification badge that will allow the SM/BHCs ready access and freedom of movement within the facility.
C. To make referrals to the SM/BHCs through the District Counseling Services Coordinator who will then be the primary communication conduit between the SM/BHCs and the District system. The school counselors will attempt to obtain a release of information from the child’s parent that would enable the information exchange needed between the SM/BHCs and appropriate District personnel.
D. To allow the SM/BHCs to attend appropriate District orientation, training, and coordinating meetings so that the SM/BHCs become familiar with District’s cultural and behavioral approach to managing students with problem behaviors and approach to fostering a positive facility climate.
E. To enable the SM/BHCs to have classroom access to observe the children referred to the SM/BHC in the academic and social environment of their classroom.
F. To give the SM/BHCs access to copying equipment for their use to copy documents needed for their records and to reproduce any materials utilized with the children and families served, or for consultation and training of District staff.
G. To give the SM/BHCs access to purchasing their lunch at the school’s cafeteria.
H. To reimburse Center invoices within 30 days of submission for payment.
I. To fund the costs involved with the placement of ______ (#) Center SM/BHCs at District facilities from August ___, 20___ through June ___, 20__ according to the attached budget (Attachment A), with payments not to exceed $___________ for the MOA period, unless this MOA is mutually amended to increase this maximum amount.
The District agrees a. To pay the CITY a one-time lump sum amount of $155,568 ($336 per tree X 463 trees).
The District agrees. A. To assist the Provider in the development of policies/procedures specific to the delivery of services in a school setting (i.e. entrance and egress polices, ID badges, operating hours, adherence to school rules, including participation in emergency drills).
B. To provide appropriate office space, that was approved by the county and state, for each Therapist that allows for privacy where the Therapist can meet with referred students, their families, and school personnel in a manner that insures confidentiality of the information exchanged. This private space will be equipped in a manner that supports the use of a landline phone and a laptop computer (with access to the internet). • If, at any time, there is need to change the primary/secondary therapy room another state walkthrough must be completed to obtain approval for the space. The provider cannot provide therapy services if we are not in our approved space. • The District is responsible to be sure that the space and equipment shall be well maintained and must meet applicable Federal, State and local requirements for safety, fire, accessibility and health.
C. To submit a referral according to the Provider policy, for assessment for mental health services.
a. The referral at a minimum shall identify the rationale for the assessment and contact information for the family.
X. Xx excuse students from class in order to attend therapy appointments.
E. To create a system that allows school personnel to communicate, collaborate and coordinate care with the therapists in instances when a proper release of information is in place.
F. To promote education on mental health issues for students and staff.
G. To allow the Therapist to attend appropriate District orientation, training, and meetings so that the Therapist can become familiar with the District’s cultural and behavioral approach to managing students with problem behaviors and approach to fostering a positive facility climate.
H. To give the Therapist access to copying equipment for their use to copy documents needed for their records and to reproduce any materials utilized with the students and families served, or for consultation and training of District staff.
The District agrees. A. To employ and provide job opportunity for Intern to work as a teacher in the subject area for which the Intern is obtaining their credential. The District will not hire an Intern if hiring the Intern would displace certificated teacher.
B. To pay Intern according to the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement and the District’s Payroll Tables in place at the time Interns begin internship with the District. The District reserves it right to reduce Interns’ salary by no more than 1/8 of its total to pay for costs of supervision for Interns, but will not pay an Intern less than the minimum salary required to be paid by the state to a regularly certificated teacher. (Education Code section 44462)
C. To identify and designate a Support Provider that possesses a valid, corresponding life teaching credential or clear teaching credential and a minimum of three years of successful teaching experience. Support Providers will mentor, coach, and consult with Interns on all areas of responsibility as a teacher of record by visiting classrooms to conduct observations, debriefing, modeling, coaching and assessment of the Intern while Intern is working at the District. District Support Providers shall counsel each Intern and shall develop a plan for the Intern to complete the requirements to earn a credential in the content or specialty area(s) of the intern credential (“Plan”)
D. To comply with Education Code section 44830.3(b) and CTC Preconditions (Appendix B) in developing the Plan.
E. The District has authority to remove or terminate any Intern if, in the District’s judgment, the Intern’s conduct or behavior violates the District’s rules, regulations, policies, or procedures or otherwise threatens the health, safety or welfare of any District Pupils, invitees, or employees at District. The District is to notify the University of any removal or termination of Intern supported through the University.
F. The District shall allow Intern to video record their teaching, including visibility and audio of pupils and intern, for credentialing requirements, as required by the CTC. Video will not be shared publicly and only shared within password protected platforms with required University designees.
The District agrees a. To provide the UNIVERSITY with an evaluation of students’ performance upon completion of the field experience.
b. To provide the necessary supplies, use of DISTRICT facilities, and supervision as may be required to insure a mutually beneficial learning experience for the students of the UNIVERSITY and DISTRICT.
c. To provide an orientation of its plants, facilities, and procedures for the UNIVERSITY’S students.
d. To provide emergency care to the same degree as DISTRICT’S employees for students in case of illness or accident but shall not be responsible for any further care. In no event shall DISTRICT be responsible for a greater amount of degree of care of assistance than it would reasonably provide for its paid employees. The UNIVERSITY shall be promptly notified of any such occurrence.
e. That students shall be supervised by professionals in their field.
f. To allow students to use the dining facilities or other break rooms provided to DISTRICT’S paid employees, if available, but cost of meals will be paid by the individual at established rates.
g. To inform UNIVERSITY and students of any prequalification requirements for eligibility for participation in the program in advance of the program, including criminal background verification, Mantoux clearance, and similar screening requirements.
h. The DISTRICT agrees to maintain individual policies of professional liability and general liability insurance for itself and its employees with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence and Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) in the annual aggregate. The DISTRICT will also maintain Worker’s compensation Insurance with statutory limits applicable to the laws of the State of New Jersey and other State or Federal jurisdictions required to protect the DISTRICT and its employees. This insurance shall include Employers’ Liability Protection with a limit of liability of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) bodily injury, each occurrence, one million dollars ($1,000,000) disease, each employee, and one million dollars ($1,000,000) disease, aggregate limit. Certificates of insurance will be provided to the UNIVERSITY upon request.
The District agrees. A. To waive the per gallon cost of the water supplied to the Town of Taos from April 19 to May 21, 2018 and void any invoices sent to the Town.
B. To provide timely review of the proposed interconnection design and specifications so the Town may install the interconnection with little delay.
C. To provide timely review and inspection of the interconnection during construction.
The District agrees. A. To provide laboratory resources and related educational services to students enrolled in the student teaching programs of the College of Education, Washington State University.
B. To assist/cooperate in the collection of data/research which will help the University evaluate its programs and potential success of its pre-service teachers.
C. To insure that cooperating teachers provide appropriate supervision of interns. Students should be treated as professionals and be expected to follow all rules and regulations established by the school district. It will be the school district’s responsibility to see that interns are made aware of such rules and regulations. The school district may remove an intern from placement for violating district rules and regulations or for such actions the district views as detrimental to the students in the classroom. The College/University will be consulted before final action is taken.
The District agrees