Section J. Determine the policy affecting the selection and training of employees providing that such selection shall be based upon lawful criteria and not in conflict with this Agreement.
Section J. Effective upon the complete execution of this Agreement, all automatic step increases shall be discontinued. Employees shall be compensated consistent with the pay ranges in Appendix A. On April 1, 2001, but prior to the increase specified in Paragraph A1 above, all bargaining unit employees employed in a bargaining unit position as of April 1, 2001 and the complete execution of this Agreement, shall receive a one-time permanent base salary adjustment in the amount of $1,300.00. Effective within thirty (30) days of complete execution of this Agreement, all employees in a bargaining unit position as of the date of complete execution shall receive a one-time lump sum payment, not part of base salary, in the amount of three hundred dollars ($300.00).
Section J. It is agreed by the parties hereto that grievances shall be processed during times which do not interfere with assigned duties. In the event it is mutually agreed by the aggrieved teacher, the Association, and the Board to hold proceedings during regular working hours, a teacher participating in any level of the grievance procedure on his own behalf or on behalf of the Association, with any representative of the Board, shall be released from assigned duties, for the period necessary, without loss of salary.
Section J. The Employee being recalled shall have ten (10) business days from the date of de- livery of the recall notice to notify the District of his/her intention to return. Failure to respond to the recall notice within the time limit shall result in termination of his/her employment.
Section J. Employees are expected to comply with rules, regulations, and directions adopted by the Employer which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement; however, employees shall not be required to work under unsafe or hazardous conditions or to perform tasks that endanger their well-being. Employees shall report unsafe or hazardous conditions to their principal. The principal shall review such matters immediately. Employees shall also report perceived deficits in cleanliness and/or hygiene in the assigned school to their principal.
Section J. No addition to the Extra Factor Salary Schedule shall be made without consulting with the Mesa Education Association.
Section J circumstances as may be agreed upon in secondary negotiations. The scheduling and handling of presentations under this section shall be discussed in secondary negotiations.
Section J. 5.1 (Timing) is amended by deleting “September 1, 2019” and replacing it with “September 1, 2020”.
Section J. 5.6 only applies to Unit 18 faculty who have undergone a Pre-Six Academic Review in the same department, program, or unit. In the event that department, program, or unit hires a Pre-Six Unit 18 faculty member from outside of the department, program or unit, and elects not to reappoint a Unit 18 faculty member deemed “effective” at the same or increased appointment percentage determines that a Unit 18 faculty member deemed “effective” will not be reappointed at the same or increased appointment percentage as the previous appointment, the Unit 18 faculty member will be provided with a written explanation.
a. The decision not to reappoint an “effective” instructor shall not be arbitrary or capricious.
b. The decision not to reappoint or to reappoint at a lower overall appointment percentage shall be based on one or more of the following:
1) lack of work (unavailability of a course assignment for which the Unit 18 faculty is qualified, as determined by
2) programmatic need or change (consistent with this article) that results in a lack of work as defined in J.6.b.1). above;
3) budgetary considerations (subject to Section K.4) that results in a lack of work as defined in J.6.b.1). above;
4) assignment of course(s) to Senate Faculty that were previously taught by a Pre-Six Unit 18 faculty member that results in a lack of work as defined in J.6.
b.1) above;
5) assignment of course(s) to a graduate academic student employee or postdoctoral scholar that were previously taught by a Pre-Six Unit 18 faculty member that results in a lack of work as defined in J.6.
b.1) above;
6) assignment of course(s) to a Pre-Six Unit 18 faculty member on a time-limited or programmatic basis under Section E - Special Considerations;
7) the University determined at its sole discretion that another current Unit 18 faculty member is more qualified to teach the course(s) that results in a lack of work as defined in J.6.b.1). above.
Section J. Subsection 2 shall have added to it the following proviso: provided, however, that leaves of absence granted (i) to enable a member of the bargaining unit to take up an appointment as an academic administrator in the manner described at Article XX, § [as depicted at item XX (D) below], or (ii) for the purpose described in this Article IV at Section B(1)(d) shall be able to be granted for periods of any duration.