FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. It is understood between the parties that the procedures set forth in Sections 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall also apply to promotions to the position of Fire Prevention Inspector, which shall be made from the ranks of the Lincoln Fire and Rescue Department, including but not limited to Firefighter and Fire Apparatus Operator. The City=s obligation to test for promotion to the position of Fire Prevention Inspector shall be subject to the occurrence of a vacancy within that classification. The City is not obligated to test for a position within the classification of Fire Prevention Inspector on a bi-annual basis. However, upon completion of the promotional testing process, which shall consist of an initial written exam on which an applicant must receive a raw score of sixty percent (60%) or better and an oral interview process, the employee=s combined score plus seniority points as identified herein shall be the basis for the employee=s placement on a final eligibility list. The professional oral interview board shall be comprised of evaluators from outside of the Lincoln area in an attempt to select evaluators who are unfamiliar with and unbiased to the testing candidates. Promotion to a vacant position in the classification of Fire Prevention Inspector shall be made in rank order from that eligibility list. Anytime it becomes necessary to establish a list of candidates for Fire Inspector, that list shall remain in effect for two (2) years following it=s establishment unless the list has been exhausted or there are no remaining candidates on the list. In the event an employee does not successfully complete the proper certification within the two (2) years as a Fire Prevention Inspector, the employee may be returned to his previous classification at the discretion of the City.
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. Uniform tunic 1 only every second year Work jacket 1 only every second year Cold weather coat 1 only every fifth year Raincoat 1 only every tenth year Trousers 2 pair every year Shirt, dress 4 each every year Necktie 1 only every year
Uniform cap 1 only every second year Coveralls 1 only every fifth year Work boots 1 pair every year Oxfords 1 pair every year
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR required qualification – Refer to CCFR Job Description Fire Prevention Inspector.
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. It is understood between the parties that the procedures set forth in Sections 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall also apply to promotions to the position of Fire Prevention Inspector, which shall be made from the ranks of the Lincoln Fire and Rescue Department, including but not limited to Firefighter and Fire Apparatus Operator. The City’s obligation to test for promotion to the position of Fire Prevention Inspector shall be subject to the occurrence of a vacancy within that classification. The City is not obligated to test for a position within the classification of Fire Prevention Inspector on a bi-annual basis. However, upon completion of the promotional testing process, which shall consist of an initial written exam on which an applicant must receive a raw score of sixty percent (60%) or better and an oral interview process, the employee’s combined score plus seniority points as identified herein shall be the basis for the employee’s placement on a final eligibility list. The professional oral interview board shall be comprised of evaluators from outside of the Lincoln area in an attempt to select evaluators who are unfamiliar with and unbiased to the testing candidates. Promotion to a vacant position in the classification of Fire Prevention Inspector shall be made in rank order from that eligibility list.
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. Certification Seniority is defined as the length of cumulative service with each respective certification of Firefighter, E.M.T.
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. For each respective list a unit member shall be placed on the list in descending order of his/her Department seniority. The unit member with the greatest amount of Department seniority shall be placed at the top of the voluntary overtime list. The unit member with the least amount of Department seniority shall be placed at the bottom of the voluntary overtime list. At the same time, when filling overtime, if a position cannot be filled, after exhausting the voluntary overtime list, Staffing may exercise the option of using the next classification (ex. Firefighter/EMT may be filled by Firemedic) before utilizing mandatory overtime. This list shall reset on October 1st of each year at 00:01 hours.
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. DEFINITION: Under general supervision performs code enforcement; inspection of all business licenses that are issued in the City for initial and follow-up inspections to assure business compatibility with building occupancy; inspection of homes for the elderly and day care homes which require special licensing.
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. It is understood between the parties that the procedures set forth in Sections 1, 2, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11 shall also apply to promotions to the position of Fire Prevention Inspector, which shall be made from the ranks of the Lincoln Fire and Rescue Department, including but not limited to Firefighter and Fire Apparatus Operator. The City’s obligation to test for promotion to the position of Fire Prevention Inspector shall be subject to the occurrence of a vacancy within that classification. The City is not obligated to test for a position within the classification of Fire Prevention Inspector on a bi-annual basis. However, upon completion of the promotional testing process, which shall consist of an initial written exam on which an applicant must receive a raw score of seventy percent (70%) or better and an oral interview process, the employee’s combined score plus seniority points
FIRE PREVENTION INSPECTOR. The unit members with the least Department seniority shall be placed at the top of the list and the unit member with the greatest Department seniority shall be placed at the bottom of the list. Once the unit member has served a mandatory overtime, they will rotate to the bottom of the mandatory overtime list, regardless of seniority. This list shall reset on October 1st of each year at 00:01 hours.