SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT. The Federation and the District agree that in the event of a bargaining unit member’s urgent need, the District will provide to the unit member his/her accrued sick leave within 72 hours of the date of receipt of the request. The Federation and the District agree that a doctor’s note will not be routinely required for absences of five (5) days or less unless the District discerns a pattern of regular use of the sick leave privilege by a unit member.
SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT. Little Lake City School District (District) and the California School Employees Association and its Chapter #596 (“CSEA”), together referred to as the “Parties”, hereby agree to the following to meet the requirements of AB 119 (2017).
SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT letter or side agreement is a collective bargaining agreement that is not 29 part of the underlying or primary collective bargaining agreement (CBA), and 30 which the parties to the contract utilize to reach agreement on issues the CBA 31 does not cover, to clarify issues in the CBA, or to modify the CBA 32 (permanently or temporarily). One may distinguish side letters from “side 33 settlements” or “settlement agreements,” which settle a dispute arising from the 34 underlying CBA. In rare cases, bargaining parties may use a side letter to 35 adjust the focus of the contract if the parties are not yet ready or willing to 36 adapt the contract formally. 37
SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT. 1 SUNDAY WORK The Carnegie Public Library, “Employer,” and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union on behalf of Local Union #333M, “USW,” do hereby agree to the following with regard to Sunday work:
SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT. As a Side Letter to this Agreement, the County will endeavor to offer a training class for bargaining unit employees wishing to take the Ohio EPA examination.
SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT. This Side Letter of Agreement is entered into on the 1st day of May, 2003 by and between SEIU Local 1877 (hereinafter referred to as the “Union”) and _ (hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”) and will set forth the intent of the Parties hereto concerning the application of certain language contained in Article XIX –
SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT. The Parties agree to reconvene bargaining for the purpose of reviewing the special education report conducted by District Management Council due to the School Committee in November 2010. The Parties reserve any and all of their respective bargaining rights pursuant to any recommendations contained within this report.
SIDE LETTER OF AGREEMENT. If, during the term of this Agreement, the Employer exercises its management right to establish and change the hours of work, starting and/or ending times of any shift, and/or work schedules for bargaining unit Employees for the purpose of implementing 24/7 operations for the Clerk of Courts, or the County begins construction of a new Justice Center, the parties agree to reopen negotiations to engage in effects bargaining only with respect to the following Articles: Article 12 (Wages) for purposes of shift differential (if any) only; Article 15 (Holidays) for purposes of holiday pay only; Article 16 (Hours of Work); Article 24 (Sick Leave) for purposes of accrual only; and Article 27 (Vacation Leave) for purposes of accrual only. The Union acknowledges and understands that the Employer expressly reserves, and does not waive, its management right to unilaterally establish and change the hours of work, starting and/or ending times of any shift, and/or work schedules.