Study Time. 23.1 Staff members may be granted paid study time to undertake part time studies in approved, nationally accredited tertiary courses that will directly increase the skills and knowledge they need to undertake their duties and meet NRC objectives.
23.2 Study time is subject to the approval of the Commissioner or delegate and is at the NRC’s convenience.
23.3 Ongoing staff members are entitled to a maximum of 4 hours study time a week during semester or term time on full pay, which is accrued on the basis of half an hour for each hour of class attendance. Part time staff members are entitled to and will accrue study time on a pro-rata basis.
23.4 Staff members must apply for study time before the start of the academic period for which they seek the study time, and must nominate the type or types of study time they would prefer when they apply. The types of study time include:
(a) Face-to-Face - staff members may choose to take study time on a weekly basis, to allow them to take time off to attend lectures etc;
(b) Correspondence - staff members may choose to take study time periodically, to allow them to take time off to attend compulsory residential schools;
(c) Accumulation - staff members may choose to accumulate part or all of their study time to allow them to take time off when they most need it (for example, to complete assignments). It must be taken within the respective semester of study.
23.5 Repeated subjects - study time will not be granted for repeated subjects.
23.6 Expendable grant – study time will be forfeited if not taken at the nominated time.
Study Time. Surrey Fire Department officers will be directed to permit candidates a reasonable amount of study time while on duty: keeping in mind the normal on-duty workload. The in-hall computer will be available for completing course work and utilizing electronic mail.
Study Time. Each student has the right to study free from undue interference, such as noise, guests, etc., in one’s space.
Study Time. Full-time Employees proposing to embark upon a course of study for which the Employer’s support is sought should consider the extent to which their own time will need to be applied to study, and whether they are prepared and able to firmly commit that time for the duration of the course. They should also consider whether the content of the course is appropriate to his/her employment situation, either present or contemplated, and whether attainment of the qualification will be of benefit to them in their work. Having decided to undertake the course they should discuss the proposal with the Employer and secure approval before making any final arrangements for enrolment or registering for the course. Study time may be granted by the Employer to Full-time Employees undertaking part-time courses of study, in disciplines appropriate to health services, for which approval to enrol has been given by the Employer. The Employer is required to examine the appropriateness of the course considered by any Full-time Employee, and be satisfied that it will better qualify the Employee for service with the Employer, before giving the approval and committing the Employer to support in the form of study time. The Employer should, too, ensure that such study time will not interfere with the maintenance of the Employer’s essential service, nor require the employment of additional staff. The application form for study time can be obtained from the Employer. Study time and/or paid time off for course work will only be granted in respect of one course at any one time. An Employee who is undertaking two or more courses concurrently will not in any circumstances be granted paid study time for more than one.
Study Time. Will there be designated time to study? How late is too late to have the lights on or to type? Can you study while the TV or stereo is on? If someone chooses to go to bed, what lights can be left on for studying?
Study Time a. Study Time is time off from duty on full pay granted to an employee studying in a part-time course which is of relevance to the Corporation and/or the public service. Study Time may be granted at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer subject to:
i. the time being taken is at the convenience of the Corporation
ii. paid Study Time not exceeding 4 hours per week, will accrue at half an hour for each hour of class attendance
iii. Study Time will not be granted for repeated subjects.
Study Time. (a) The Chief Executive Officer or nominee shall have the power to grant or refuse study time.
(b) Where the Chief Executive Officer or nominee approves the grant of study time, the grant shall be subject to:
(1) The course being a course relevant to the Employer;
(2) The time being taken at the convenience of the Employer; and Study time for employees accrues on the basis of half an hour for each hour of lecture/tutorial attendance involved in the corresponding face-to-face course, up to a maximum grant of 4 hours per week and subject to the approval of the Employer may be taken weekly or accumulated.
(c) Study time may be used in accordance with the Employer's Study Time Policy.
(d) Study time shall not be granted for repeated subjects.
(e) Study time if not taken at the nominated time shall be forfeited. If the inability to take study time occurs as a result of a genuine emergency at work, study time for that week may be granted on another day during the same week.
Study Time. The equivalent of one half day per week can be taken for study purposes, as long as it is agreed by the PE and PS. The student must ensure that they communicate clearly with the PE and PS about any planned study time. Study time cannot be saved up – it must be taken throughout the placement.
Study Time. Learners on professional practice placement are required to complete a significant written project (Portfolio). This portfolio work is recognised as part of the overall placement workload and is normally in addition to the required 400 hours workload per placement to be achieved. Time to complete the portfolio should be agreed with the Field Practice Educator.
Study Time. Definition: TimeDefined as time spent outside the regular class time that is required to successfully complete the required activity. Educational activities that require prep or study time will be defined annually on the study time chart. When there is a mandatory educational activity which requires a certain amount of preparation outside of the course or for a mandatory self-learning packet that is required and is completed outside of work time, the employer is accountable to pay for that study time. If the employee cannot be competent without some outside work, the employer is accountable to pay for study time. Courses which have pre-determined study time attached will include directions as to the maximum amountsamount of study time to be paid and how to code study time for pay purposes.