SLEEPING HABITS. Each student has the right to sleep in a safe, quiet environment from undue inference, such as guests, noise, etc., in one’s space Each student has the right to converse with their family and friends. Students must be mindful of their conversations and make sure they are not interrupting the study/sleep schedule of their roommates.
SLEEPING HABITS. What time does your child go to bed? Awaken? Does your child have his/her own room? Yes No Is your child accustomed to napping? Yes No What is your child’s nap schedule? What is your child’s mood on awakening? Does your child sleep with a special toy or blanket?
SLEEPING HABITS.  On school nights I go to bed BEFORE midnight  On school nights I go to bed AFTER midnight Cleanliness:  Messy  Average  Neat and clean Study Habits:  I can study with noise nearby  I like quiet for studying Will you have overnight guests?  Yes  No Do you mind if your roommate has overnight guests?  Yes  No Are you interested in student leadership?  Yes  No Would you like to live with a student leader?  Yes  No Do you smoke?  Yes  No Do you mind if your roommate smokes?  Yes  No
SLEEPING HABITS. Child’s Usual Bedtime: Child’s Usual Morning Wake Up Time: Does he/she wet the bed: If yes, how often? Is the child accustomed to taking a nap: If So, How Long? Who else shares the bedroom: Children: Adults:
SLEEPING HABITS. Does your child typically nap?
SLEEPING HABITS. Does your child rest during the day? □ Yes □ No Nightly Sleep Schedule: Average Hours of Sleep per night: Daily Nap Schedule: Average Hours for Nap: Attitude toward going to bed? Is bedwetting an Issue? □ Yes □ No If yes, at □ nap time □ night Is your child toilet trained? □ Yes □ No Can child take themselves to bathroom? □ Yes □ No Is child □ regular □ constipated Does child tell you when he/she need to go □ Yes □ No What words does the child use for urinating? What words does the child use for bowel movements? The child speaks: □ well □ fairly well □ not very well □ not at all At what age did the child: Creep Crawl Walk Which words would you use to describe the child □ active □ quiet □ friendly □ unfriendly Is there any other information you think we should know about your child? OTHER INFORMATION How Did you hear about us? Parent Referral Name Volunteer Opportunities: □ Room Parent □ Field Trip Chaperone □ Van Driver □ Fundraising □ Provide snacks PARENT DECLARATIONS □ I received a copy of WPCP Parent Handbook via email. □ I understand I must provide updated medical and immunization for my child. □ I agree to provide information to WPCP about my child’s conditions, illnesses, allergies or other needs. □ If my child becomes ill during his/her time at WPCP, the staff will contact me to pick up my child. I will arrange for pick up as soon as possible and no later than 2 hours after being contacted. My child must be symptom free for 24 hrs prior to returning to school. □ I understand tuition is not subject to discounts for holidays, emergency closure or absences. □ I agree to pay the full tuition in advance of services rendered. □ Non-refundable fees are due annually. □ A late pick-up fee of $15 is due at 6:01 and $1 per minute thereafter. □ Accounts two weeks in arrears may result in immediate termination. □ Special programs may require additional fees. □ A receipt for income tax purposes will be provided by January 31st. Your account must be current. SIGNATURE Signature of Parent/Guardian Date Initial Please read and initial that you have read, understand and agree to the following West Point Christian Preschool Policies and Authorizations. Additional policies can be found in WPCP Parent Handbook and may be modified at any time or as otherwise notified by management.


  • PETS The Tenant: (check one)

  • Smoking Persons working under Agreement shall adhere to local smoking policies. Smoking will only be permitted in posted areas or off premises.

  • Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins. (2) Maintain waterbars, drainage dips, and other water diversion measures. (3) During active use, patrol and maintain functional drainage. (4) Repair damaged culvert ends.

  • Dogs 6.1. The Tenant shall not bring or cause to be brought onto the Allotment Site a dog unless it is held at all times on a leash, and remains on the Tenant’s Allotment Garden only. Any faeces to be removed and disposed of off site by the Tenant.


  • Cooking The University will permit cooking only in the designated kitchen areas of the University Housing. In all other areas, cooking is permitted only with University approved appliances. The following appliances are prohibited: toaster ovens, microwave ovens larger than 800 xxxxx, refrigerators larger than 4.2 cubic feet, gas grills, steamers and any open-flame cooking device or heating unit. For a complete list please reference the Residential Handbook.

  • Dressing Rooms 42.1 Adequate dressing rooms with standard size lockers and sitting areas shall be provided if the physical facilities permit.

  • Sleeping Room Rate(s) A. The Contractor shall provide sleeping rooms to the Attendees at the following rate during the Program: i. For single occupancy room, $@@@.@@ per night per room. B. The Contractor agrees that it will waive all applicable taxes and surcharges for Attendees listed on the Master Account Approval List, pursuant to the Hotel/Motel Transient Occupancy Tax Waiver (Exemption Certificate for State Agencies) form signed by the Judicial Council and included in this Agreement in Exhibit H. C. The Contractor may xxxx tax and/or surcharges, and/or tourism fees, if any, in addition to as included in the sleeping room rate, as set forth in this provision. D. The Contractor shall extend the sleeping room rate to Attendees two (2) Days before the Program and two (2) Days after the Program based on availability.

  • Service Areas HHSC authorizes the MA Dual SNP to add the MA Product to Texas service areas that are not identified in Attachment C, Proposed MA Product Service Areas, provided it receives prior CMS approval and complies with the notice requirements specified in this Agreement.

  • Service Animals Humber Residence acknowledges the rights of persons with disabilities to retain their service animal while living in Residence. In order to preserve the health and safety of all people and animals living or working in the Residence environment, the Resident will notify the Residence Office that they require a service animal and will provide documentation as outlined in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act confirming that the Resident requires the service animal. The Resident will also complete a Service Animal Agreement with the Residence Manager or designate, and agrees to adhere to the requirements within it.