Comp Time In lieu of payment for overtime hours worked, the employee may request to take compensatory time off. Approval shall be at the discretion of the Department Head. If the request is approved by the Department Head, one and one-half (1 2) hours of compensatory time shall be credited for each overtime hour worked. A maximum accrual of compensatory time shall be forty (40) hours. Flex Time. The County recognizes and supports the concept of Flex time. Flex time is allowed within the work week as it is defined in Article 20, Section 2 of this contract. If an employee requests, an employee and their department head may agree to allow an employee to flex their schedule. However, in some departments and under some circumstances flex time may not be feasible and will not be permitted. No employee shall be required to take flex time off in order to avoid the payment of overtime or as a condition of continued employment.