SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. (The ‘Special Terms & Conditions’ given hereunder supersede the relevant terms and conditions given in ‘General Terms and Conditions’).
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. In addition to the forgoing terms and conditions, the following requirements will apply to this Agreement:
(a) Compensation under this contract is dependent upon the availability of funds to the Yakama Nation under Intergovernmental Master Agreement 56662 ("IG-MA 56662") between the Bonneville Power Administration and the Yakama Nation.
(b) In addition to compliance with the other terms of this contract, Consultant shall comply with any and all requirements set forth in the IG-MA 56662 applicable to subcontractors. If Consultant is authorized under this Agreement to hire any subcontractors, Consultant shall ensure that their contracts also include requirements for compliance with the terms of the IG-MA 56662 applicable to subcontractors. By: Title: XxXx Xxxxx Tribal Council Chairman Date [CONSULTANT]: EIN #: By: Title: Date
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following definitions words and expressions shall have the meaning hereby assigned to them except where the context otherwise required.
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. [Use this article to include any additional necessary information applicable to the project. Examples may include, but are not limited to, language concerning Animal Subject Research, Human Subject Research, HHS Salary Cap, Research Misconduct, and Office of Inspector General reporting.] Technical Tasks & Deliverables The Performer shall accomplish the below described research tasks.
Phase 1: Technical Area 1 Task 1 Technical Area 2 Task 1 Phase 2: Technical Area 1 Task 1 Task 1 Phase 3: Technical Area 1 Task 1 Task 1 Notes: Ensure all tasks are clearly and accurately identified and defined. Should be broken out by Phase, then Technical Area (if selected for more than one TA), then Task. Include a full description for each task. Task should describe what the Performer is doing, not how they’re doing it. Best practice to provide deliverable(s) for each task or a deliverables (material and data/software) table at the end of each phase/technical area With exception of a deliverables table and metrics table/s, this section should be in narrative form (do not use table format) and should not include charts/graphics. Do not use the Performer or Subperformer company name, or “we.” No need (contractually speaking) to refer to the subs – the Agreement is with the Performer (the research tasks defined herein, no matter which team member is performing them, are the Performer’s responsibility (contractually speaking)). It’s ok to do so only if it’s absolutely necessary in order to accurately describe a task/deliverable. Remove any information related to period of performance. Specifying deliverable due dates is acceptable (which should appear as “X months (or days) after agreement award.” Please be sure to review the SOLICITATION and capture in the TDD any firm tasks, deliverables, travel events, etc. defined therein. <<Enter Information>> Notes: Include applicable program management tasks (to include subperformer management, status reports, final report/s, etc.). <<Enter Information>> Notes: Include, if necessary, to capture firm requirements.
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. The vendor should have license/ certification for supply of Consumables, Chemicals and Xxxxxxxx quoted by him.
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. An attested copy of the Power of Attorney, in case an individual other than the sole proprietor signs the tender.
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. The bidder should have their own agency facility. Proof to be uploaded with the Tech Bid.
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. As per the Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition Act, 1970, the service provider/contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that wages are paid to the contract labour on time. The principal employer/buyer shall ensure that the wages are paid on time to the contract labour by the service provider/contractor. In case the service provider/contractor fails to pay the wages on time or makes short-payment, the principal employer/buyer shall be liable to pay the wages to the contract labour directly and recover the amount from the service provider/contractor. The Buyer will in no way be responsible for the violation of any rules and/or infringement of any other laws from the time being in force, either by the service personnel or by the Service Provider. The service personnel as well as the Service Provider shall comply with the relevant rules and regulations applicable at present and as may be enforced from time to time, for which the Buyer will not be liable or responsible in any manner. The onus of compliance to all the applicable laws/acts/rules etc. shall only rest with the Service Provider. An indicative list of central labor laws is provided under Annexure 1. The cost of services quoted by the Service Provider shall cover all aspects of service delivery and include all the components of salary/ wages (minimum wage, insurance, PF, ESI etc.) and taxes, as applicable. No advance payment shall be made to the Service Provider. Payment shall be made once the services are delivered, and the Service Provider submits the invoice for the same. The Buyer shall make the payment within prescribed timelines as per the payment process flow upon submission of invoice, logbook, and service feedback. Payment shall be made only after submission of invoices, attendance sheet, logbook, service feedback, documentary proofs for PF/ESI/EDLI etc. payments. Non-submission of the same may lead to delay/deduction in payment. All the deductions (if applicable) shall be settled before making the payments. Service Provider shall not have any objection on the same. Payment to the service personnel resources by the service provider shall be made through bank transfer only, in no circumstance cash payment shall be xxxx.Xx case of any changes in the minimum wages or any statutory wage component as per the Applicable Laws during the Contract period, the Buyer shall pay the Service Provider the differential amount in wage. It is clarified that such increase in the wages will not have any...
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. Rate / MT of Cement Loading with the Contractor’s own man power
SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS. (a) Housing: Provided by Employer
(b) Transportation: Provided by Employer
(c) Food: +++ SR Allowance/Month