Special Use Permits. The Parties agree that those property owners who have already obtained a Special Use Permit (“SUP”) for their landscaping improvements and/or vegetation, will not be required to obtain a new one for new landscaping improvements or vegetation necessitated or desired as a result of the County’s forthcoming construction of the ELST. Those property owners with an SUP who seek to establish new landscaping improvements or vegetation must amend their SUP. No fee will be charged for such amendments. The County further agrees to establish a pre-approval/screening process whereby property owners can present planting/landscaping plans to the County and obtain guidance and pre-approval from the County without risking the loss of the fee for a SUP, if applicable. If the SUP application is consistent with the criteria in Exhibit 1, the County shall approve the SUP. The County acknowledges that it has performed a survey of the right of way for the ELST, and the County agrees that property owners will not be required to submit a survey or perform additional survey work as a condition of applying for a SUP to utilize the right of way for the ELST.
Special Use Permits. Special Use Permits (SUP) are required to grant the CONTRACTOR permission to hold special events and programs, and to reserve facilities or areas of the TRAIL and PROPERTY, not covered in the PLAN approved by the STATE. The CONTRACTOR shall apply for a SUP through the Department’s onsite operations contact, pursuant to the requirements of Res 7400: Reserved and Privileged Use of Department Lands, Facilities and Resources. All associated permit fees shall apply.
Special Use Permits. Master Developer and/or Designated Builders shall satisfy all Code requirements for the filing of an application for a special use permit. The Parties further agree that:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement and the Design Guidelines, special use permit applications shall be processed in accordance with the UDC.
(2) City shall not accept any special use permit application without written verification that the Master Developer either approves of the application or has no objection thereto.
Special Use Permits. That the Tenant, successors, heirs, executors or administrators shall not make any alterations on the premises, without the Landlord’s consent in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; or occupy, or permit or suffer the same to be occupied for any business or purpose deemed disreputable or extra-hazardous on account of fire, under the penalty of damages and forfeiture, and in the event of a breach thereof, the term herein shall immediately cease and determine at the option of the Landlord as if it were the expiration of the original term.
Special Use Permits. Day care center or child care center for seven (7) or more children 13. Wineries and/or wine tasting rooms
Special Use Permits. MPRPD shall grant a minimum of five (5) SUP applications per year for the exclusive use of the Course for school cross-country racing events, and for practice and related events, for students. The terms and conditions of the SUPs shall be consistent with MPRPD’s policy and practices governing the issuance of SUPs. In no event shall any fee be charged that exceeds the actual cost to MPRPD associated with the event.
Special Use Permits. A State may grant a special use permit to a commercial motor ve- hicle that is more than 102 inches in width.
Special Use Permits. That the Tenant, successors, heirs, executors or administrators shall not assign this agreement, or underlet or underlease the premises, or any part thereof, or make any alternations on the premises, without the Landlord’s consent in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld; or occupy, or permit or suffer the same to be occupied for any business or purpose deemed disreputable or extra-hazardous on account of fire, under the penalty of damages and forfeiture, and in the event of a breach thereof, the term herein shall immediately cease and determine at the option of the Landlord as if it were the expiration of the original term.
Special Use Permits. LESSEE shall obtain a COUNTY Special Use Permit for any events or activities that meet any of the following criteria:
(i) The event or part of the event operations will be conducted outside the Lease Premises,
(ii) The event impacts general public park activities beyond the Premises,
(iii) The event will require overflow parking in Xxxxxxx County Park,
(iv) The event consists of more than 100 participants XXXXXX shall comply with all terms and conditions of the Special Use Permit in addition to the terms of this Lease.
Special Use Permits. Application: Completed application and all associated fees.