Specific Agency Responsibilities Sample Clauses
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- School districts are responsible for the availability of assistive technology devices and services for any Part C eligible child that is also eligible under prolonged assistance. Department of Social Services- Assistive technology may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for children eligible for Medical Assistance when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance Program qualifications in Article 67:16. Department of Human Services- Assistive technology may be provided via the Division of Developmental Disabilities' Title XIX Home/Community-Based Services waiver and Family Support HCBS waiver. These services must be provided within the following parameters:
1. They must be provided by a Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities certified provider (Community Support Providers, family support providers);
2. The services must not be reimbursable under other sources such as the Medicaid state plan, EPSDT, education, etc.; and
3. The child must meet the eligibility criteria established in ARSD, Chapter 67:54:04:03 (they are receiving AFDC, SSI or their income is less than 300 percent of the SSI standard benefit and have not been denied SSI based on disability, they have a developmental disability, and they are in need of and eligible for placement in an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded). The waivers are not entitlement programs and there is an established limit to the number of individuals that can be served by each waiver. For the waiver services provided by Community Support Providers, the tuition (if applicable) and matching funds are paid by the child's local school district or the Office of Auxiliary Placement. Department of Human Services-Cochlear implants for children less than 21 years old with profound hearing loss may be funded by the Division of Rehabilitation Services, in the Department of Human Services. A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted device that assists an individual with severe or profound hearing loss to hear sounds. This program is designed to provide financial assistance to an eligible individual who is uninsured or to help offset the deductible or coinsurance for an individual with an insurance plan that covers cochlear implants.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local school districts are responsible for the availability of such services if contained in the IFSP for Part C eligible children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Such services include psychological counseling but generally would include only those family information and support services provided by district preschool staff or psychologists in accordance with Part C. Department of Health- Care coordination is available for children with special health care needs that are served through Children’s Special Health Services – Health KiCC to assist with planning and referral and are Part C eligible. In the provision of child health assessment by Community Health Nurse, anticipatory guidance is given to parents and care givers. Department of Social Services- Services may be provided by the Division of Community Behavioral Health through one of the State’s 11 community mental health centers. Available services include case management; individual therapy; family education/support/therapy; crisis intervention; collateral contacts; group therapy for children; parent/guardian group therapy; assessment and evaluation, and liaison services. Program and financial eligibility must be met in order to qualify for services funded by the Division of Community Behavioral Health. Community mental health centers must receive prior approval from the Division of Community Behavioral Health before providing services to children under the age of two. Department of Human Services provides respite care services in accordance with the following statement. Respite care services funding is provided to any family residing in South Dakota, having a child with a developmental disability, a developmental delay, a serious emotional disturbance, a severe and persistent mental illness, a chronic medical condition, a traumatic brain injury; or a child they have adopted. The child must be living in the parent or xxxxxx parent’s home. The family selects the provider based on the needs of their child. The provider receives reimbursement from the Department of Human Services Respite Care Program. Children who meet the guidelines for “prolonged assistance” are eligible for family support services. Requests are funded based on available funds. Funds may be accessed through a Local Family Support Program administered by family support providers or through the Statewide Family Support Program administered by the Department of Human Services, Division ...
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local school districts are responsible for the availability of physical therapy, as identified in an IFSP, for those Part C children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Medicaid may be billed for eligible children in accordance with DSS procedures. Department of Social Services- Physical therapy may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for children eligible for Medical Assistance when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance qualifications in Article 67:16.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local districts are responsible for the availability of screening and evaluation audiology services for any child referred who is suspected of being a child with a disability and in need of special education. In addition, districts are responsible for the availability of audiological services for any Part C eligible child that also meets the definition under Part B for "prolonged assistance". Medicaid reimbursement may be requested in accordance with DSS procedures when applicable. Department of Health- Community Health Nurses participate in some preschool screening activities, and may provide hearing screening as part of the school health services as directed in contractual agreements between the school district and the Department of Health. Community Health Nurses refer children identified as having potential hearing impairments to the appropriate resources. Department of Social Services- Audiology may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for children eligible for Medical Assistance when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance qualifications in Article 67:16.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local school districts are responsible for the availability of speech and language services, as identified in an IFSP, for those Part C children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Medicaid may be billed for eligible children in accordance with DSS procedures. Department of Social Services- Speech and language therapy may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for children eligible for Medical Assistance when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance qualifications in Article 67:16.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local school districts are responsible for the availability of transportation services, as identified in an IFSP, for those Part C children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Department of Social Services- Transportation may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for children eligible for Medical Assistance when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance qualifications in Article 67:16. Department of Health - Children's Special Health Services – Health KiCC provides mileage reimbursement for those children with special health care needs and their families based on administrative rules. These services are limited to those children who have chronic, health conditions coverable under the Health KiCC program.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Medical services for diagnostic purposes related to the developmental needs of the child only are the responsibility of local school districts for Part C eligible children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Department of Health- Diagnostic consultation and evaluation for coverable conditions is provided at no cost if the child and family meet the eligibility criteria of the Children’s Special Health Services – Health KiCC program Department of Social Services- Medical services for evaluation purposes may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for Medical Assistance eligible children when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance qualifications in Article 67:16.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local school districts are responsible for the availability of vision services, as identified in an IFSP, for those Part C children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Department of Health- Diagnostic consultation is available through Children's Special Health –Health KiCC program. These services are limited to children who have conditions coverable through Children's Special Health Services-Health KiCC . Community Health Nurses and Public Health Alliance nursing staff participate in preschool screening activities and provide vision screening as part of the school health services as directed in contractual agreements between the school district and the Department of Health. Children identified as having potential vision impairments are referred to the appropriate resources. Department of Social Services- Vision services may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for children eligible for Medical Assistance when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance qualifications in Article 67:16.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local school districts are responsible for the availability of special instruction, as identified in an IFSP, for those Part C children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Department of Human Services or DHS- Special Instruction may be provided via the Division of Developmental Disabilities' Title XIX Home/Community-Based Services waiver and family support waiver. These services must be provided within the following parameters:
1. They must be provided by a Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities certified provider (Community Support Providers);
2. The services must not be reimbursable under other sources such as the Medicaid state plan, EPSDT, education, etc.; and
3. The child must meet the eligibility criteria established in ARSD, Chapter 67:54:04:03 (they are receiving AFDC, SSI or their income is less than 300 percent of the SSI standard benefit and have not been denied SSI based on disability, they have a developmental disability, and they are in need of and eligible for placement in an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded or the developmentally disabled). This waiver is not an entitlement program and there is an established limit to the number of individuals that can be served by this waiver. For children, the tuition (if applicable) and matching funds are paid by the child's local school district or the Office of Auxiliary Placement.
Specific Agency Responsibilities. Department of Education- Local school districts are responsible for the availability of psychological services, as identified in an IFSP, for those Part C children that are also eligible under prolonged assistance. Medicaid may be billed for eligible children in accordance with DSS procedures. Department of Social Services- Psychological services may be paid for by the Department of Social Services for children eligible for Medical Assistance when such service is within the parameters specified in Article 67:16; the service is considered medically necessary in accordance with Article 67:16; and the service is provided by providers meeting the Medical Assistance qualifications in Article 67:16. Department of Social Services psychological services may be provided by the Division of Community Behavioral Health through one of the State’s 11 community mental health centers. Available services include case management; individual therapy; family education/support/therapy; crisis intervention; collateral contacts; group therapy for children; parent/guardian group therapy; assessment and evaluation, and liaison services. Program and financial eligibility must be met in order to qualify for services funded by the Division of Community Behavioral Health. Community mental health centers must receive prior approval from the Division of Community Behavioral Health before providing services to children under the age of two.