Surplus Teachers Sample Clauses
Surplus Teachers. Where the Board identifies a surplus at a school for reasons of declining enrolment, position reduction, or other such factors:
a. Unless a more senior teacher agrees to be declared surplus, teacher(s) shall be designated as surplus in reverse order of District seniority of teachers within the school, provided that the teachers retained on the staff of the school possess the necessary qualifications for the positions available;
b. If not, the Administrative Officer will match the educational needs of the school with the necessary qualifications of school staff members. This process may require teachers to teach courses or grade levels they are qualified to teach but which might not have been their preference;
c. A teacher who has been declared surplus by Board initiative due to:
i. projected enrolment decline, or
ii. position reductions, at a school shall have the opportunity to return to an equivalent position at that school within the first four (4) working days of September if an equivalent position exists within the existing timetable structure for which the teacher is qualified.
Surplus Teachers. A surplus Teacher is defined as a Teacher who is determined to be surplus to the staffing requirements of a particular school based on seniority, and, as a result, is available for placement to another school staff in the system. The System Staffing Committee shall be advised of any Teachers that have been determined surplus in a school as soon as possible. A teacher may also be declared surplus in the event there are no subjects available in the school for which the Teacher is qualified to teach. Department Heads are exempt from being declared surplus to the needs of the school.
Surplus Teachers. When an employee is placed in another assignment due to surplus teachers at a grade level or position. Such involuntary transfers shall be for one year only and the qualified employee with the least seniority shall be transferred.
Surplus Teachers. Where a surplus of teachers exists within a given municipality, the teacher or teachers with the least seniority with the Board shall be identified as available for transfer to schools in other municipalities. Notification of such transfer shall be in accordance with 10.01 above.
Surplus Teachers. Surplus Declarations
32.1 Should the number of Teachers on the staff of a school be greater than the number assigned to the school, the Principal will declare the requisite number of Teachers surplus to meet the assigned complement.
32.2 Should there be a need for the Principal to make a surplus declaration, qualifications required to address program needs in a school will be based on the Act and Regulations.
32.3 Should there be a need for the Principal to make a surplus declaration, the least senior Teacher(s) will be declared surplus providing the program needs of the school can be met.
32.4 The Principal shall meet with each Teacher declared surplus to the school within seven (7) days of surplus lists being reviewed by the Secondary Staffing Committee. The Principal will provide the Teacher with an explanation of the decision, and a letter stating that the Teacher is surplus to the needs of the school. This letter shall include a description of the Teacher’s rights under the Collective Agreement as it pertains to transfers and surplus. Such Teachers may be included in the transfer process described in Articles 31.36 to 31.41
Surplus Teachers. 11.9.1 A surplus teacher has been defined as one who works in a school where the reduction of part-time or full-time equivalents has been planned for the following year. Surplussed teachers shall select from open positions.
11.9.2 The District shall actively seek volunteers once a surplus position is identified.
11.9.3 The following criteria will be used for determining surplus status: Credential requirements Major/minor field of study Years of service to the District Employee’s preference
11.9.4 Rights of surplus teachers include: Immediate identification and notification of surplus status Posting of all new and currently open positions Two (2) or more surplus teachers desiring the same position will be assigned on a seniority basis. Once a surplus teacher has been assigned to a new teaching site, that teacher will be exempt from being declared surplus for the following three (3) years. If a surplus teacher elects to accept a position at his or her original teaching site, that teacher will not be exempt from being declared surplus for the following three (3) years.
Surplus Teachers. The following procedure re: Surplus Teachers shall be applied to any teacher declared surplus:
(a) Those teachers having least seniority in the Division as listed in 13.0 (b) shall be identified in sufficient numbers to enable the Board no later than November 30th (for layoff at the end of the 1st semester or 1st term) and May 1st (for layoff at the end of the school year) to identify the surplus teachers after taking into account the special subject and program needs of the Board.
(b) For the purpose of identification of teachers having the least Seniority on the basis of the criteria set up in 13.0 (c) and (d), the names of all teachers whose contract commenced on or after September 1, 1974 shall be placed on a list in the reverse order of seniority with those having the least seniority first. (If necessary, the list may be extended to include the names of teachers whose contracts commenced prior to September 1, 1974).
(c) Seniority shall be determined on the basis of the following criteria:
(i) The length of continuous teaching experience with the Division.
(ii) Where teachers have the same length of continuous experience with the Division, the order on the surplus teacher list shall be determined on the basis of total teaching experience with the Division.
(iii) Where teachers have the same length of total teaching experience with the Division, the order on the surplus teacher list shall be determined on the basis of total recognized teaching experience in Manitoba.
(iv) Where teachers have the same seniority as defined in (i), (ii) and (iii), the order of seniority shall be determined on the basis of total recognized teaching experience.
(v) If the length of teaching experience, as defined in (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv), is equal, the teacher to be declared surplus shall be determined by the Board.
(vi) For the purpose of this Article any approved leave of absence of one
(1) school year or less duration shall not be deemed to interrupt the continuity of service and the duration of such leave shall be considered as teaching experience for seniority purposes but not for salary purposes.
(vii) An approved leave of absence in excess of one (1) school year, taken prior to December 31, 1979, shall be deemed not to interrupt the continuity of service and shall be considered as teaching experience for seniority purposes but not for salary purposes.
(viii) For the purpose of this Article, any approved leave of absence in excess of one (1) school year, taken afte...
Surplus Teachers. Surplus Declarations
32.1 Should the number of Teachers on the staff of a school be greater than the number assigned to the school, the Principal will declare the requisite number of Teachers surplus to meet the assigned complement.
32.2 Should there be a need for the Principal to make a surplus declaration, qualifications required to address program needs in a school will be based on the Act and Regulations.
32.3 Should there be a need for the Principal to make a surplus declaration, the least senior Teacher(s) will be declared surplus providing the program needs of the school can be met. A Teacher will not be declared surplus if to do so would mean that the program needs of the school cannot be met.
32.4 The Principal shall meet with each Teacher declared surplus to the school within seven (7) days of surplus lists being reviewed by the Secondary Staffing Committee. The Principal will provide the Teacher with an explanation of the decision, a letter stating that the Teacher is surplus to the needs of the school, and a Request for Transfer form. The Teacher will complete and return the Request for Transfer form within forty-eight (48) hours. The Principal will submit the form to the Superintendent of Education with secondary staffing responsibilities within twenty-four (24) hours of receipt of the completed form. Such Teachers will be included in the transfer process described in Articles 31.36 to 31.41 inclusive, Teacher Initiated Transfer.
32.5 The requirement to give written notice for resignation outlined in Article 7 will be waived for Teachers declared surplus until such time as they are placed according to Articles 32.6 to 32.13
Surplus Teachers. Where a surplus of teachers exists within a given municipality, the teacher or teachers with the least seniority with the Board shall be identified as available for transfer to schools in other municipalities. Notification of such transfer shall be in accordance with above. In order of seniority, teachers identified for transfer shall initially be given a choice of an elementary position that is vacant as of May Any subsequent transfer to a vacant position is subject to the procedures described in this Article for Transfers into Vacancies. The Board may fill a vacancy by transferring any teacher within the same municipality. The resulting would then be posted and filled in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Vacancies and new positions that occur during the school year shall first be posted internally. Teachers from other municipalities (including those who have been transferred involuntarily to another municipality) and redundant teachers may apply for these posted positions. Such transfers shall be granted on the basis of seniority; notwithstanding, there is no obligation on the Board to grant a transfer to a teacher who is not qualified to fill a particular vacancy. For such if the successful teacher is currently assigned in another municipality, the Board may defer the transfer to the beginning of the next school year, at the latest. In such case, the teacher would be deemed to have been assigned to the new municipality and would be treated as such in the process of staffing for the next school year, including the process for determining surplus and redundancy. teachers shall be invited to submit to the Superintendent by March of each year their request for transfer to an elementary school in another municipality. Such request shall be made using the form prescribed by the Superintendent and shall constitute a standing application for any vacancy occurring in an elementary school in another municipality between May and the beginning of the next school year. Such applications will be considered in conjunction with the recall list and those surplus teachers who were transferred involuntarily to another municipality for the following school year. Vacancies shall be filled on the basis of seniority, provided that the teachers are qualifiedfor these positions. These vacancies may be so filled without posting. Nothing in this Article is meant to imply that a teacher has a preferential right, based on seniority, to a vacancy or new position within...