Itinerant Teachers Schedules of regularly assigned teachers who are assigned to and travel to more than one school or student home on a given day shall be arranged so that no teacher shall be required without his/her consent to engage in inter-school or inter-home (for home bound teachers) travel of more than thirty-five
Consulting Teachers 14.3.1 A Consulting Teacher provides assistance to a Participating Teacher pursuant to the PAR program. The qualifications for the Consulting Teacher shall be set forth in the Rules and Procedures, with the minimum qualifications: (a) Must be a permanent, credentialed, bargaining unit member. (b) Must have successfully taught in the Murrieta Valley Unified School District or three of the last five years, spending at least fifty percent of a full-time position providing instruction to students. (c) With Association Representative Council approval, the minimum number of years in Article 13.3.1.b may be changed from three to two. Request must be in writing. (x) Xxxxx demonstrate exemplary teaching abilities, as indicated by effective communication skills, extensive knowledge and mastery of subject matter, and mastery of a range of teaching strategies necessary to meet the needs of pupils in different contexts. 14.3.2 Each applicant for the position of Consulting Teacher shall be required to submit a) From a site principal or other school district administrator and, b) From an Association member. 14.3.3 Consulting Teachers shall be selected and submitted for approval to the Governing Board by five (5) affirmative votes of the Joint Committee following classroom observations by the committee members. 14.3.4 A Consulting Teacher shall be provided necessary release time as approved by the Joint Committee. 14.3.5 A Consulting Teacher who has been selected to fill an administrative position within the District may not continue to serve as a Consulting Teacher. 14.3.6 The Joint Committee will monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the Consulting Teachers and make decisions regarding their continuation in the program. The Joint Committee may remove a Consulting Teacher from the position at any time because of the specific needs of the PAR Program, unsatisfactory performance of the Consulting Teacher, or for other reasons which serve the PAR Program's best interest. Prior to the effective date of such removal, the Joint Committee will meet with the Consulting Teacher. 14.3.7 Consulting Teachers shall assist Participating Teachers by demonstrating, observing, coaching, conferencing, in-servicing, referring, or by any other activities which, in their professional judgement, will assist the Participating Teacher. 14.3.8 The Consulting Teacher shall meet with the Referred Participating Teacher to discuss the PAR program, establish mutually agreed upon performance goals, develop the improvement plan, and develop a process for determining successful completion of the plan. The Consulting Teacher shall conduct multiple observations of the Referred Participating Teacher's performance with students, and shall meet with the Participating Teacher to review and discuss observations. 14.3.9 The Referred Participating Teacher shall be entitled to review all reports generated by the Consulting Teacher prior to their submission to the Joint Committee and to have affixed thereto his/her comments. To effectuate this right, the Consulting Teacher shall provide the Participating Teacher being reviewed with copies of such reports at least ten (10) working days prior to any such meeting. 14.3.10 The Consulting Teacher shall monitor the progress of the Referred Participating Teacher and provide periodic written reports to the Referred Participating Teacher for discussion and review, prior to sending periodic written reports to the Joint Committee. 14.3.11 The Consulting Teacher shall provide assistance, not to exceed one school year, to the Referred Teacher until he/she concludes that the teaching performance of the Referred Teacher is satisfactory, or that further assistance will not be productive. The Joint Committee may offer assistance beyond the one-year period. A copy of the Consulting Teacher's Final Report shall be submitted to and discussed with the Referred Participating Teacher to receive his/her input before it is submitted to the Joint Committee. The Referred Participating Teacher shall sign the report to indicate that he/she received a copy. The Referred Participating Teacher shall have the right to submit a written response that shall be attached to the Consulting Teacher's report, within ten (10) working days. The Referred Participating Teacher shall also have the right to request and meet with the Joint Committee to discuss the Consulting Teacher's report accompanied by an Association representative. 14.3.12 The results of the Referred Participating Teacher's participation in the PAR program shall be made available for placement in his/her personnel file, and may be used in the evaluation of the Referred Participating Teacher. 14.3.13 Upon the completion of the contracted term of service as a Consulting Teacher, if the Consulting Teacher were released from regular classroom duties, he/she shall be returned 14.3.14 The District shall defend and hold harmless individual members of the Joint Committee and Consulting Teachers from any lawsuit or claim arising out of the performance of their duties under this Program. The Association retains the right to participate in the litigation. 14.3.15 Consulting Teachers, Support Providers, and teacher members of the Joint Committee shall not be considered management or supervisory employees as defined in the Educational Employment Relations Act, and shall retain their status as bargaining unit members.
Employment Relations Education Leave Employment Relations Education Leave will be allowed in accordance with the Employment Relations Act.
Supervisory Employees For the purposes of this Article, the parties agree that Supervisory positions are those that are not excluded under Article 2.0 above and that satisfy the following criteria: a) Employees on Salary Schedule 01 who under Plan A "Nature of Supervision" have either Degree 3 (or higher) or its equivalent; b) Employees on Schedules 02 or 03 on condition they normally supervise other employees.
New Teachers No new teachers shall be hired for a vacancy for which a teacher on unrequested leave is certified.
Project Director The individual designated by the juvenile board or Chief Administrative Officer, who is to be responsible for the administration and coordination of grant funds in accordance with this Contract ,, the general grant requirements, and applicable Targeted Grant requirements.
Substitute Teachers 21.01 A substitute teacher is employed by the Division either to replace a regular teacher or fulfill an assignment which is less than twenty (20) consecutive days in duration. 21.02 Upon commencement of the sixth (6th) day of substitute teaching in the same assignment, a substitute teacher shall be paid for each day taught at the per diem rate (to be calculated as 1/x of the salary to which a teacher of the same qualifications and experience would be entitled under the basic salary schedule of the current collective agreement, where x equals the number of days in the current school year). This rate of pay shall be retroactive to the first day of the teaching assignment and shall continue in effect until the end of that specific teaching assignment. In-service days, administrative days and school closure days shall not constitute a break in the consecutive days for that specific teaching assignment. 21.03 Substitute teachers shall be paid as follows: Daily Rate (including vacation pay) 165.66 ** **Substitute Teacher rates for the 2021/2022 school year will be effective on the date the parties confirm the amount of the COLA adjustment (in January 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.) Pay relating to the salary earned by substitute teachers during any month shall be forwarded to those teachers not later than the fifteenth (15th) day of the following calendar month. 21.04 Manitoba Teachers’ Society fees and Xxxxxxx Teachers’ Association fees shall be deducted from a substitute teacher’s pay. The Association shall indemnify and save harmless the Division from any and all losses, costs, liabilities or expenses suffered or sustained by the Division as a result of any claim or legal action arising from the deduction of local Association fees or Manitoba Teachers’ Society Fees. 21.05 A substitute teacher who has been employed for at least nine (9) consecutive days of substitute teaching in the same assignment in a school year shall be entitled to one (1) day of sick leave with pay for each nine (9) days taught in that assignment. Sick leave shall not accumulate from assignment to assignment. The use of sick leave with pay shall not constitute an interruption of the substitute teaching assignment. 21.06 If a substitute teacher is absent from a period of substitute teaching on account of bereavement leave granted in accordance with Board practice or policy, and that substitute teacher returns to the same substitute teaching assignment immediately following the period of bereavement, the period of leave shall not constitute an interruption of the substitute teaching assignment. 21.07 The provisions of the Collective Agreement do not apply to substitute teachers except as expressly provided for in Article 21 – Substitute Teachers: Article 1 – Obligation To Act Fairly Article 2 – Purpose
Pre-Employment Testing Nothing in this Contract shall limit the right of the City to conduct any tests it may deem appropriate for persons seeking employment prior to their date of hire. The parties agree that the Lodge has no role or responsibility with regard to any such pre-employment testing.
Management Team Subject to any approval or consulting rights of the --------------- Joint Operations Committee, Manager shall engage or designate one or more individuals experienced in dental group management and direction, including, but not limited to, an administrator, who will be responsible for the overall administration of the Practice including day-to-day operations and strategic development activities.
Teacher The term, “teacher,” shall mean all persons in the appropriate unit employed by the School District in a position for which the person must be licensed by the State of Minnesota, but shall not include superintendent, assistant superintendent, principals and assistant principals who devote more than 50% of their time to administrative or supervisory duties, confidential employees, and such other employees excluded or included by law.