PAR Panel Sample Clauses
PAR Panel. School-based bargaining unit members who serve on the Peer Assistance and Review Panel shall receive an annual stipend of $1,000 from MCPS. The representatives shall receive the stipend in a lump sum, payable in the month of June, for the prior school year. MCEA shall be responsible for providing the Office of the Chief Operating Officer with a list of eligible members.
PAR Panel. The PAR Panel consists of certificated staff members and administrators (a majority of the panel must be teachers) who have the responsibilities of setting up program guidelines, selecting consulting teachers, and annually evaluating the impact of the PAR Program. The selected teachers will provide assistance to permanent teachers. Minimum qualifications include a teacher who is full time (4 out of 5 periods at the secondary level; 80% of the day at elementary level), has 6 years of full time teaching experience within the last 10 years, and a minimum of 3 years experience in the District. Teachers must demonstrate exemplary teaching ability.
PAR Panel. The Program shall be governed by the PAR Panel composed of four (4) District members selected by the Superintendent and five (5) UESF members selected by the Union.
PAR Panel. The PAR Program shall be administered by a Panel, which shall consist of five (5) members, two (2) of whom shall be selected by the District and three (3) of whom shall be selected by other certificated classroom teachers through a process determined by the Association. The PAR Panel shall be chaired in the first year by a certificated classroom teacher and in the following year by a member selected by the District. The chair shall thereafter rotate on an annual basis between teacher and District members.
PAR Panel. Four teachers and one administrator charged with oversight of the PAR program.
PAR Panel. 40.2.1 The PAR panel shall consist of five (5) members, three (3) members chosen by the Association and the remaining two (2) members shall be certificated administrators selected to serve on the panel by the Superintendent. A quorum for the panel meetings shall be 4/5 of the membership. Decisions shall be made by consensus when possible. Should a vote be required, action must be based on an affirmative vote of at least three (3) of the members.
40.2.2 Teacher panel members will be selected by July 1 of each year and serve staggered terms of three (3) years. At the beginning of this program, the terms of the teacher members shall be one at 2 years, one at 3 years, and one at 4 years.
40.2.3 The PAR panel will establish the meeting schedule. To hold meetings, four of the five members of the panel must be present. Such meetings may take place during the regular workday, in which event teachers who are members of the panel will be released from their regular duties without loss of pay. If responsibilities extend beyond the regular workday, the panel teachers shall be compensated at the designated hourly rate.
40.2.4 Teachers who serve as panel members must be credentialed teachers with at least six (6) years of teaching experience in the Oakdale Joint Unified School District.
40.2.5 If a member of the panel leaves prior to the completion of his or her term, the PAR panel shall consist of five (5) members, three (3) members chosen by the vacant position shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the same manner by which the departed member was originally chosen or designated.
40.2.6 A panel member shall neither participate in discussion nor vote on any matter in which he or she has personal conflict of interest.
40.2.7 The PAR Panel Responsibilities: Establishing rules of procedure. Selecting a chairperson Providing annual training for PAR panel members.
PAR Panel. 8-2.1 The PAR Panel shall consist of five (5) members, two (2) of whom shall be selected by the District and three (3) of whom shall be selected by certificated classroom teachers through a process established by the Association. Both parties retain the right to replace their own representatives.
8-2.2 The term of office for teacher members on the Panel shall be three years. However, the initial term of service shall be staggered as follows: 1 one-year, 1 two-year, and 2 three-year terms.
8-2.3 The Par Panel shall meet four (4) times each school year, unless additional meetings are determined necessary by a vote of five (5) PAR Panel members. Such meetings may take place during the regular workday, for which teacher PAR Panel members shall be released without loss of compensation. To meet, 5 PAR panel members must be present. Teacher Par Panel members will receive an annual stipend as determined by the panel.
8-2.4 The PAR Panel shall make every effort to reach consensus on all decisions; however, absent consensus a majority vote will prevail.
PAR Panel. A. A PAR Program is administered by a panel, which is composed of six members, two administrators to be selected by the District administration and four classroom teachers, one from each school site.
1. Panel members shall be chosen no later than October 1st of a selection year.
2. The PAR Panel is responsible for selecting one classroom teacher per site to serve as a PAR Panel member. A letter of interest shall be submitted to the Panel by May 15th. The Panel will notify selected teachers by June 1st. Panel members shall serve for two concurrent years.
3. The Superintendent shall appoint the administrator panel members. At least one administrator panel member shall be a site administrator. Administrators shall serve for two concurrent years.
4. The District shall designate a secretary to provide secretarial and clerical support to the panel.
5. Panel members will participate in training as required by PAR guidelines to understand the PAR and BTSA program as well as formative assessment.
B. PAR Panel teacher candidates shall meet the following qualifications:
1. Be a permanent classroom teacher who has the ability to work cooperatively and effectively with others;
2. Possess substantial recent experience in classroom instruction;
3. Demonstrate exemplary teaching ability which includes effective communication skills, subject matter knowledge and a mastery of a range of teaching strategies to meet pupil needs in different contexts; demonstrate strength in instructional strategies, classroom management, planning and organization for teaching, and principles of learning;
4. Possess EL certification (CLAD, SDAIE);
5. The PAR Panel recognizes that a conflict of interest situation may arise if a PAR Panel member is also a MCEA officer. In this situation, the PAR Panel member will refer the teacher to another MCEA officer/representative.
C. The PAR Panel shall establish a meeting schedule by October 1st each year. A majority of members must be present to hold a meeting. The Panel shall make decisions by an affirmative vote of at least five members.
D. The PAR Panel shall be responsible for the following:
1. Adopt Rules and Procedures to effect the provisions of this program. Said Rules and Procedures will be consistent with the provisions of this agreement, and to the extent there is an inconsistency, the agreement will prevail;
2. Receive necessary training to implement the PAR and BTSA program;
3. Select PAR and BTSA Support Provider’s prior to the beginning of...
PAR Panel. The PAR Panel shall have the following structure: three (3) certificated teachers and two (2) administrators. Teachers seeking a position on the PAR Panel will submit an application to the Federation Executive Board. Applicants must be meeting standards in their most recent overall evaluation. The teacher members of the PAR Panel shall be selected by a majority vote of the Federation Executive Board. Teacher members of the PAR Panel shall not be considered management under the Educational Employment Relations Act (EERA). The administrative members to the panel shall be appointed by the superintendent.
PAR Panel. The PAR Program shall be administered by a Panel consisting of nine members, four of who shall be selected for the District by the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee, and five of who shall be selected by the Association. The Association’s selectees shall have a clear credential, a satisfactory most-recent evaluation and permanent status.