Time for Assessment. The determination of which appropriate Auxiliary Aids and Services are necessary, and the timing, duration, and frequency with which they will be provided, must be made (a) at the time an appointment is scheduled for the Patient who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing if the Patient makes the appointment or, (b) on the arrival of the Patient or Companion who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing at the Hospital, whichever is earlier. If someone other than the Patient schedules the appointment then (1) that person must be asked if the Patient is Deaf or Hard of Hearing and if so, then what Auxiliary Aids and Services are necessary when the Patient presents in person and (2) an independent assessment will be performed when the Patient who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing presents for their appointment. Hospital Personnel will perform an assessment informed by the information collected as described in paragraph 22 as part of each initial inpatient assessment and document the results in the Patient’s medical chart. It is not necessary to perform the assessment for each subsequent visit to Overlake Medical Center or to require the Patient to request Auxiliary Aids and Services for each subsequent visit to Overlake Medical Center. In the event that the initial form of communication is not effective or circumstances change (see paragraph 28, below), Hospital Personnel will reassess which appropriate Auxiliary Aids and Services are necessary, in consultation with the person with a disability, where possible, and provide such aid or service based on the reassessment. Assistive Device Point Persons. Overlake Medical Center will designate an Assistive Device Point Person. This Assistive Device Point Person or his or her designee(s) will always be on duty and available to Overlake Medical Center staff, Patients, and Companions twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, to answer questions and provide appropriate assistance regarding immediate access to, and proper use of, the appropriate Auxiliary Aids and Services, including Qualified Interpreters. The Assistive Device Point Person and his or her designees will know where the appropriate auxiliary aids are stored and how to operate them and will be responsible for their replacement and distribution. The Assistive Device Point Person will also be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the auxiliary aids. Overlake Medical Center will include in its intranet under the name “Assistive Device Point Person” and its “Quick List” pho...
Time for Assessment. The determination of which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, and the timing, duration and frequency with which they will be provided, must be made at the time an appointment is scheduled or on the arrival of the Patient or Companion at the Hospital, whichever is earlier. Hospital Personnel will perform and document in the Patient’s medical chart a communication assessment as part of each initial inpatient assessment. The Hospital shall reassess which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, in consultation with the Patient or Companion where possible, in the event that communication is not effective. D.
Time for Assessment. The determination of which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, and the timing, duration, and frequency with which they will be provided, must be made at the time an appointment is scheduled for the deaf or hard-of-hearing Patient or on the arrival of the deaf or hard-of-hearing Patient or Companion at DHR, whichever is earlier. DHR Personnel will perform an assessment (see paragraph 22) as part of each initial inpatient assessment and document the results in the Patient's electronic medical chart. In the event that communication is not effective, DHR Personnel will reassess which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, in consultation with the person with a disability, where possible, and provide such aid or service based on the reassessment. ADA Administrators. DHR will designate at least one employee at DHR as an ADA Administrator or ADA Co-Administrators. An ADA Administrator will be on-call twenty-four (24) hours a day, seven (7) days a week, to answer questions and provide appropriate assistance regarding immediate access to, and proper use of, the appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified interpreters. The ADA Administrator or ADA Co-Administrators will know where the auxiliary aids are stored and how to operate them and will be responsible for their maintenance, repair, replacement, and distribution. DHR will circulate and post broadly within the DHR the title, telephone number, function, and office location of the Administrator(s), including a TTY telephone number, through which the ADA Administrator or Co-Administrator on duty can be contacted by deaf or hard-of-hearing Patients and Companions. The ADA Administrator or Co-Administrators will be responsible for the complaint resolution mechanism described in paragraph 27 of this Agreement. The ADA Administrator or Co-Administrators will be designated by DHR no later than 30 days following execution of this Agreement. Auxiliary Aid and Service Log. DHR will maintain a log in which requests for qualified interpreters on site or through video remote services will be documented. The log will indicate the time and date the request was made, the name of the deaf or hard-of-hearing Patient or Companion, the time and date of the scheduled appointment (if a scheduled appointment was made), the nature of the auxiliary aid or service provided, and the time and date the appropriate auxiliary aid or service was provided. If no auxiliary aid or service was pro...
Time for Assessment. 1. Visits (scheduled and non-scheduled). Beginning sixty (60) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement, UUHC will have in place a process to ensure that when a Patient arrives at a UUHC facility seeking medical services (as part of a scheduled appointment or otherwise), a trained UUHC Personnel shall perform an initial communication assessment to determine whether the Patient or Companion requires auxiliary aids or services in order to ensure effective communication. The assessment will consider the timing, duration, and frequency for which appropriate auxiliary aids and services will be provided. The Patient/Companion will be provided with an appropriate identified auxiliary aid or service. The fact of the assessment and any identified auxiliary aids or services for the Patient and/or Companion will be documented in the Patient’s registration records.
Time for Assessment. Prior to hospitalization, Patients or their Companions may request auxiliary aids and services to facilitate communications relevant to a patient’s health condition by notifying YRMC Personnel. Patients seeking admission, emergency care, or diagnostic services will be identified at the point of registration and will be assessed to determine communication skills and the requirement for auxiliary aids and services. YRMC Personnel will document a Patient’s or their Companion’s communication skills in the Patient’s medical records. If YRMC Personnel concludes that requested services are not warranted, documentation will be made as provided in Paragraph 23, below. If that determination is made by YRMC Personnel, Administrative Nursing Supervisors or YRMC Administration will be notified. Nurses, doctors and other providers are to document the presence and use of interpreters or other auxiliary aids or services in the Patient’s medical record. YRMC shall reassess which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, in consultation with the Patient or Companion where possible, in the event that communication is not effective.
Time for Assessment. The determination of appropriate auxiliary aids and services, and the timing, duration, and frequency with which they will be provided, must be made to the extent possible at the time an appointment is scheduled for the deaf or hard of hearing Patient or on the arrival of the deaf or hard of hearing Patient or Companion at AMH whichever is earlier. AMH personnel will perform an assessment informed by the information collected as described in paragraph 21 as part of each initial inpatient assessment and document the results in the Patient’s medical chart. In the event that the initial form of communication is not effective, or circumstances change, AMH personnel will reassess which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, in consultation with the person with a disability, where possible, and provide such aid or service based on the reassessment.
Time for Assessment. The determination of which appropriate Auxiliary Aids and Services are necessary, and the timing, duration, and frequency with which they will be provided, must be made:
Time for Assessment. The determination of which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary for effective communication with a Patient, and the timing, duration and frequency with which they will be provided, will begin, where feasible, at the time an appointment is scheduled, but no later than the arrival of the Patient at the Hospital. Hospital personnel will perform and document in the Patient’s medical chart a communication assessment as part of each initial inpatient assessment. The determination of which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary for effective communication with a Companion, and the timing, duration and frequency with which they will be provided, will begin at the time a request for auxiliary aids or services by or for such person is made. The Hospital shall reassess which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, in consultation with the Patient or Companion where possible, in the event that communication is not effective. 4. Individual Notice in Absence of Request. If a Patient or a Companion does not request appropriate auxiliary aids or services but Hospital personnel or physicians have reason to believe that such person would benefit from appropriate auxiliary aids or services for effective communication, the Hospital will specifically inform the person that appropriate auxiliary aids and services are available free of charge. 5.
Time for Assessment. The determination of which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary for effective communication, and the timing, duration, and frequency with which they will be provided shall begin at the time an appointment is scheduled or on the arrival of the Patient or Companion at the Hospital, whichever is earlier. Hospital Personnel shall perform communication assessments and reassessments and shall detail such information in the Patient's medical chart and hospital logs, including the use of forms designed for that purpose. Hospital Personnel shall reassess the effectiveness of communication as necessary throughout the course of the Patient or Companion's visit. In the event that communication is not effective, Hospital Personnel shall reassess which appropriate auxiliary aids and interpretive services are necessary, in consultation with the Patient or Companion where possible.
Time for Assessment. The determination of which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, and the timing, duration and frequency with which they will be provided, must be made at the time an appointment is scheduled or on the arrival of the individual at the office, whichever is earlier. Dr. Hand will perform and document in the individual’s file a communication assessment as part of each initial individual assessment. Dr. Hand shall reassess which appropriate auxiliary aids and services are necessary, in consultation with the individual where possible. Dr. Hand will not be in violation of this Agreement if a patient waives or refuses the offer of an interpreter or other auxiliary aid. D.