Transport for NSW has released a summary of the Business Case appraised by NSW Treasury. The Benefit-Cost ratio (BCR) is evaluated at 2.5; this means that the project provides $2.50 benefit for every $1.00 of investment, representing a total benefit of $4.0 billion against an estimated investment of $1.6 billion. The majority of the economic benefits, some $2.2 billion, result from public transport benefits related to faster, more reliable journeys.
Transport for NSW. [PO Xxx X000 XXXXXXXXX XXX Attention: Director, Bus and Ferry Services Contracts Fax No: (00) 0000 0000]
Transport for NSW a corporation constituted under the Transport Administration Act 1988 (NSW) on behalf of the State of New South Wales of 00 Xxx Xxxxxx, Sydney, NSW (Lessor) 2 [X] (Lessee)
Transport for NSW and councils have a mutual interest to ensure that adequate funds are available from all spheres of government so that the roads and traffic system in New South Wales is managed in a manner acceptable to the community.
Transport for NSW. Information for parents and carers about safety on wheels – The law and safety advice for bicycles, foot scooters, skateboards and rollerblades (pdf) xxxx://xxx.xx/3Wl64UA
Transport for NSW. During Construction Requirements During excavation, demolition or construction work the following must be complied with: All piling and excavation works are to be supervised by a geotechnical engineer experienced with such excavation projects; No rock anchors/bolts (temporary or permanent) are to be installed into the light rail corridor without approval from TfNSW; No metal ladders, tapes and plant/machinery, or conductive material are to be used within 6 horizontal metres of any live electrical equipment unless a physical barrier such as a hoarding or structure provides separation; During all stages of the development extreme care shall be taken to prevent any form of pollution entering the light rail corridor. Any form of pollution that arises as a consequence of the development activities shall remain the full responsibility of the applicant; The applicant must mitigate all noise and vibration to the extent possible and provide vibration monitoring equipment and provide the results to the Sydney Light Rail Operator at intervals required by TfNSW and the Sydney Light Rail Operator, and immediately implement corrective actions in the event that the noise or vibration exceeds acceptable limits; Rainwater from the roof must not be projected and/or falling into the rail corridor/assets and must be piped down the face of the building which faces the rail corridor. Given the site's location next to the rail property, drainage from the development must be adequately disposed of/managed and not allowed to be discharged into the corridor unless prior approval has been obtained from TfNSW and the Sydney Light Rail Operator (or the delegated authority); and No scaffolding is to be used within 6 horizontal metres of the rail corridor unless prior written approval has been obtained from the Sydney Light Rail Operator and TfNSW and a physical barrier such as a hoarding or structure provides separation. To obtain approval the applicant will be required to submit details of the scaffolding, the means of erecting and securing this scaffolding, the material to be used, and the type of screening to be installed to prevent objects falling onto the rail corridor.
Transport for NSW. Car Parking Areas The layout of the proposed car parking areas associated with the subject development (including, driveways, grades, turn paths, sight distance requirements in relation to landscaping and/or fencing, aisle widths, aisle lengths, and parking bay dimensions) should be in accordance with AS 2890.1-2004, AS2890.6-2009 and AS 2890.2-2018. Parking Restrictions may be required to maintain the required sight distances at the driveway.
Transport for NSW. Consultation Regime Prior to the issue of the relevant Construction Certificate, a detailed regime is to be prepared for consultation with and approval by TfNSW for the excavation of the site and the construction of the building foundations (including ground anchors) for the approved development, which may include geotechnical and structural certification in the form required by TfNSW.
Transport for NSW. Rules for interpreting this document
Transport for NSW. (a) All buildings and structures, (other than pedestrian footpath awnings), together with any improvements integral to the future use of the site are wholly within the freehold property (unlimited in height or depth), along the Oxford Street boundary.
(b) Detailed design plans and hydraulic calculations of any changes to the stormwater drainage system are to be submitted to TfNSW for approval, prior to the commencement of any works. Please send all documentation to
(c) A plan checking fee will be payable and a performance bond may be required before TfNSW approval is issued.
(d) Bicycle Parking should be provided in accordance with AS2890.3.
(e) All demolition and construction vehicles are to be contained wholly within the site and vehicles must enter the site before stopping. A construction zone will not be permitted on Oxford Street during when the ‘Bus Lane’ hours.
(f) The developer is responsible for all public utility adjustment/relocation works, necessitated by the above work and as required by the various public utility authorities and/or their agents.
(g) A Road Occupancy Licence (ROL) should be obtained from Transport Management Centre (TMC) for any works that may impact on traffic flows on Oxford Street during construction activities. A ROL can be obtained through xxxxx:// An Occupation Certificate must be obtained from the Principal Certifier and a copy submitted to Council prior to commencement of occupation or use of the whole or any part of a new building, an altered portion of, or an extension to an existing building.