TREE MAINTENANCE. Network Provider shall comply with the City’s Public Right-of-Way Management Ordinance and Design Manual concerning tree maintenance.
TREE MAINTENANCE. Trees shall be pruned as needed to remove broken or diseased branches, or for traffic and pedestrian safety. Sidewalk clearance will be eight feet and vehicular clearance fourteen feet from grade. Any broken, structurally unsound or detached limb is considered a hazard. Suckers will be removed as they appear.
TREE MAINTENANCE. Maintain all palm trees in the public right-of-way in each of the benefit zones within the District pursuant to a schedule provided to the Contractor. Trimming of palm trees may be performed as needed to prevent or minimize dead trees, fronds, leaves or other debris from littering the sidewalks and blocking the storm drains. In accordance with City Council Policy 200-05, remove damaged, dead or dying trees of any kind in the public right-of-way and repair the tree area in each of the benefit zones within the District boundaries. At the City's discretion, and if funding is available, the City may replace the tree. If an unsafe condition related to a damaged tree grate exists and is reported to the City's Street Division (000-000-0000 OR e-mail and select Request a Street Repair - either means of reporting provides a "standard notification number" confirming that the report was made and received), the City will take action to mitigate the potential hazard. [Transportation & Storm Water Department: Street Division]
TREE MAINTENANCE. 3.4.1 All tree pruning shall be consistent with the current and applicable International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) guidelines, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, the City of Palm Desert's Landscape Maintenance Guidelines book and the Tree Pruning Ordinance.
3.4.2 Contractor shall perform safety and sucker pruning on all trees (including palms) eight feet (8) in height and under. All broadleaf and palm tree pruning will be performed outside this contract. Contractor shall prune fronds, flowers, and seed pods on all palms that have six (6) feet of brown trunk or less. Authority may request that a Certified Arborist be on site when Contractor’s staff safety prunes trees.
3.4.3 Tree branches shall be pruned as needed for traffic and pedestrian safety. Sidewalk clearance will be eight (8) feet and vehicular clearance fourteen (14) feet from grade. Trees must be maintained at seven (7) feet from playground equipment. Any broken, dead or detached limb is considered a hazard and upon notice from Authority, Contractor must remove such limbs by close of business the same day.
TREE MAINTENANCE. Licensee, its contractors, agents and sublicensees, if any, shall obtain written permission from the City before trimming trees hanging over or near its Licensee Poles or Small Wireless Facilities. When directed by the City, Licensee shall trim under the supervision and direction of the applicable City personnel. The City shall not be liable for any damages, injuries, or claims arising from Licensee trimming trees.
TREE MAINTENANCE. 3.1 All trees shall be maintained in their natural shapes. Pruning shall be performed in such a manner as to promote the best growth habits, appearance, and health of the tree, and to prevent encroachment which blocks vision or is in any manner deemed undesirable by the Technical Representative. The Contractor shall, as part of this contract, be responsible for tree pruning that can be accomplished with a 12' pole saw by a worker standing on the ground. Trees shall not be topped. The Contractor shall bring to the attention of the Technical Representative within twenty-four (24) hours any tree that shows signs of root heaving or leaning, or is in any manner a safety hazard. The Contractor shall be responsible for the complete removal and replacement of those trees lost due to Contractor’s faulty maintenance or negligence, as determined by the Technical Representative. Replacement shall be made by the Contractor in the kind and size of tree determined by the Technical Representative. Where there is a difference in value between the tree lost and the replacement tree, the difference will be deducted from the contract payment. In all cases, the value of the tree lost shall be determined by the Technical Representative, using the latest International Society of Arboriculture (I.S.A.) guidelines for value determination.
3.2 All newly planted trees shall be securely staked with two (2) “lodge pole” type stakes placed on opposite sides of the tree, outside the root ball, and secured to the tree with at least two (2) flexible rubber tree ties.
3.3 Tree ties shall be inspected regularly to ensure against girdling and abrasion.
3.4 Trees and shrubs that are uprooted and/or broken due to storms, regardless of size, shall be up righted immediately, if possible. If this is not possible, they shall be removed immediately (including roots) and the holes must be filled. The Contractor shall be responsible for paying any and all fees associated with the disposal of tree debris under the terms of this contract.
TREE MAINTENANCE. Tree Maintenance includes, at a minimum, trimming, maintenance, planting and xxxxx removal. All tree maintenance shall be supervised by an ISA-certified arborist and be conducted IAW the installation’s Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP).
TREE MAINTENANCE. 4.1 Tree maintenance and care is considered routine ongoing maintenance and shall be accomplished as specified or as often as necessary during the term of contract. Tree maintenance and care includes, but is not limited to, staking trees, adjustment of ties and supports, removal of stakes, watering, fertilization, pest control, pruning for health and safety, turf clearance and fall cleanup.
4.2 Weak trees up to three inches in diameter, or newly planted trees requiring support, shall be staked to prevent swaying by the wind and prevent root disturbance and hinder normal development. The use of guy wires or cables is prohibited unless protected or plainly marked to be visible day or night and installed with hose guards to prevent damage to the tree. Approval of guy wires or cables must be received from the COR.
4.3 Stakes, ties and supports shall be inspected and adjusted to circumvent girdling and natural development of trees. Stakes, ties and supports shall be removed when the tree becomes capable of supporting itself.
4.4 All trees shall be selectively pruned for human safety and health to a height of 12 feet from ground level. This includes, but is not limited to, removal of dead and broken branches, correction of structural defects or whenever a through e, below, exists. The Contractor shall endeavor to prune trees according to their natural growth characteristics leaving trees well shaped and balanced. Pruning shall be accomplished by, or in the presence of, a certified member of the National Arborist Association, Western Chapter, and in accordance with ANSI Z133.l.1988. The Contractor shall inspect and identify trees that require pruning. The dates of scheduled inspections and pruning shall be included in the annual or monthly plan.
4.4.1 Dead, damaged or diseased wood or structurally weak limbs that may cause a safety hazard.
4.4.2 Branches that extend over building and endanger roofs, xxxxx and windows or hang within eight feet of sidewalks, parking lot driveways and/or which obstruct traffic signs.
4.4.3 Clearance for buses, moving vans and similar vehicles along streets.
TREE MAINTENANCE to maintain the existing treed area(s) in accordance with the approved Tree Preservation/Enhancement Plan. Any future cutting of trees which have been identified for preservation on the approved Landscape Plan will require either a further plan or study, as determined and approved by the City's Manager of Development Review. Such study shall detail the impact of tree removals on the trees to remain.
TREE MAINTENANCE a. All trees shall be maintained in their natural shapes. Pruning shall be performed in such a manner as to promote the best growth habits, appearance, and health of the tree in order to prevent encroachment that blocks vision or encroaches in any manner deemed undesirable by the DISTRICT. This includes the branches from trees not on DISTRICT property that may grow through fencing. The CONTRACTOR shall, as part of this agreement, be responsible for all tree pruning. This includes but is not limited to lifting and providing hazard pruning including palms, seasonal pruning for deciduous trees, traffic and pedestrian clearance, solar arrays, security cameras clearance, and maintaining a minimum distance of three feet from all structures.
b. All newly planted trees shall be securely staked at all times with an approved stake and secured to the stake with at least two approved flexible ties. Tree ties shall be inspected by the contractor weekly, to ensure against girding and abrasion.
c. Damage to sidewalks caused by trees and roots shall be reported to the District and may be repaired by the Contractor (at the Districts request), including root removal and concrete placement and finishing.