Staff Safety Sample Clauses
Staff Safety. The parties agree to collaboratively, through the safety committee process, develop improved security procedures, expand training opportunities for all staff, and engage in cooperative problem solving to improve school safety. The Association shall have two representatives on the district-wide safety committee. With staff participation, each school principal shall be responsible for developing a building crisis management plan. The plan shall be shared with all staff and revised annually.
Staff Safety. Due to an increase in staff feedback regarding student emotional dysregulation and physical behavior, the District shall create and follow a process to document student behaviors that affect staff safety. The District shall improve communication with staff who have been impacted by student behaviors. The teacher(s) and District will follow the agreed upon procedure in a timely fashion.
Staff Safety. In the event a bargaining unit member is assaulted by a student, a meeting will be held for the following purposes:
1. To discuss whether the student is to be returned to the classroom of the assaulted teacher; and
2. To develop a plan for dealing with the student.
Staff Safety.
1. If a bargaining unit member is the target of a significant assault (i.e., a student engages with the teacher in a physically aggressive manner), the teacher may request to meet with the Principal to discuss the situation. Following the meeting, as appropriate, a plan will be developed to address the student’s behavior/conduct; the teacher will be able to provide input on the plan.
2. If a bargaining unit member is assaulted by a student with a disability who has a behavior goal/objective(s) and/or a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), the student’s IEP / Section 504 team may be convened to address the situation.
3. If a bargaining unit member is assaulted by a student with a disability who does not have a behavior goal/objective(s) and/or a BIP, but the District believes the assault may have been the result of the student’s disability, the student’s IEP / Section 504 team will meet to determine if a behavior goal/objective(s) and/or BIP should be developed. If a behavior goal/objective(s) or BIP is not appropriate, a meeting will be held in accordance with Section 1 above.
4. Nothing herein, however, shall interfere with or otherwise impact the District’s use of its Threat Assessment Team(s)_or procedures for addressing the situation.
Staff Safety. Provider agrees to: In accordance with DDOC Policy B-08 Staff Safety, be responsible for maintaining an employee health and safety program at each facility that caters to all staff and contractors in that facility including (DDOC staff, Provider staff, behavioral health contractor staff, Pharmacy Contractor staff, volunteers and students) and includes but not limited to:
a. Providing cost-effective access to work-specific vaccinations including influenza, tetanus, hepatitis A and hepatitis B. This may be done in collaboration with local pharmacies, employee benefits plans, DDOC staff, pharmacy contractor or others. All costs associated with these medications shall be borne by the Pharmacy Contactor, not Provider.
b. In collaboration with Facility Management, create policies and procedures to protect the safety and well-being of all Personnel including ensuring a work environment that is free from physical hazards and that is sanitary.
c. Facilitate annual tuberculosis screening of all Personnel using either a skin test or blood tests (Interferon gamma release assays- IGRA).
d. Facilitate timely follow up (and when needed, treatment) of persons who screen positive for tuberculosis. Treatment may be done through outside partners such as the DPH tuberculosis clinics.
e. Respond to staff emergencies and urgent medical needs in all DDOC facilities.
f. Provide education to Personnel on safety in the workplace and send training logs, sign-in sheets and content to BHSAMH Bureau Chief or designee on at least a quarterly basis.
g. Ensure that adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) in sufficient quantities is available to all staff, contractors and Inmate workers who work in healthcare delivery areas.
h. Ensure that all staff, contractors and Inmate workers who routinely work in healthcare delivery areas are: ● Appropriately trained in avoiding exposure to blood and body fluid protocols ● Use of PPE ● Fit-tested for particulate respirators (N95 masks-at a minimum) ● Training logs and sign-in sheets as well as training content must be sent to BHSAMH Bureau Chief or designee on at least a quarterly basis
i. Specifically for Provider Personnel: Provide necessary post-exposure testing and prophylaxis following exposure to infectious agents. This may be done through a subcontract with an outside agency with the DDOC’s approval but must comply with nationally accepted guidelines for post-exposure testing and post-exposure prophylaxis. For non-medical staff, coordinat...
Staff Safety. In accordance with BHSAMH Policy B-08 Staff Safety, the Provider shall be responsible for maintaining an employee health and safety program at each facility that caters to all staff and contractors in that facility including DDOC staff, Provider staff, behavioral healthcare contractor staff, pharmacy staff, and includes but is not limited to:
1. Providing appropriately trained and qualified staff to administer work-specific vaccinations including, but not limited to influenza, COVID-19, tetanus, hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
2. The cost of the vaccine will be covered as follows:
a. DDOC staff - paid by DDOC
b. Provider/contractor staff - paid by Provider
3. In collaboration with facility administration, create policies and procedures to protect the safety and well-being of all staff who work in healthcare delivery areas of DDOC facilities including ensuring a work environment that is free from physical hazards and that is sanitary.
4. Facilitate annual tuberculosis screening of all DDOC staff and contractors.
a. The cost of the solution (PPD) will be covered by the DDOC.
b. Facilitate timely follow up and, when needed, referral to treatment of persons who screen positive for tuberculosis.
5. A protocol for responding to staff (DDOC, healthcare, volunteers, and contractors) emergencies and urgent medical needs in all DDOC facilities.
6. Provide education to patients, staff, and contractors on safety in the workplace and provide training logs, sign-in sheets, and content to the BHSAMH Bureau Chief (or designee) on a quarterly basis and/or when requested.
7. Ensure that adequate PPE in sufficient quantities is available to all staff (DDOC, Provider, volunteers, sub-contractors, and offender workers), who work in healthcare delivery areas.
8. Ensure that all staff, contractors, and offender workers who routinely work in healthcare delivery areas are:
a. Trained in avoiding exposure to blood and body fluid protocols
b. Trained in the proper use and disposal of PPE
c. Fit-tested for particulate respirators (N95 masks - at a minimum)
9. Training logs and sign-in sheets as well as training content must be sent to the BHSAMH Chief or designee on at least a quarterly basis, or more frequently when requested.
10. Specifically for Provider staff: Provide necessary post-exposure testing and prophylaxis following exposure to infectious agents. This may be done through a subcontract with an outside agency with the DDOC/BHSAMH approval but must comply with nationally accep...
Staff Safety. 1. The District’s asbestos safety and work practices program shall meet state and federal standards.
2. The District shall provide an annual medical examination for asbestos workers before the employee can use a respirator. Medical exams for asbestos workers are to be conducted at the termination of employment.
3. The District shall provide, to District-authorized asbestos workers, an additional premium pay increase of one-half (½) regular rate per hour above their normal hourly rate (time and one-half) for actual hours of District-authorized asbestos abatement or encapsulation not requiring the use of a respirator as recorded on the log. The District shall provide, to District-authorized asbestos workers, an additional premium pay increase equal to their regular rate per hour above their normal hourly rate (double time) for actual hours of District-authorized asbestos abatement or encapsulation requiring the use of a respirator as recorded on the log.
Staff Safety. Staff safety is a priority. When working to develop and implement the IEP, staff and administration will work collaboratively and proactively to provide a safe educational environment.
31.29.1 Staff will be fully informed of the educational history of the students as soon as possible. When needed, training and consultation will be made available to ensure safe implementation of the student’s educational program.
31.29.2 Staff are to report any injuries of potentially dangerous situations to administration at the first opportunity.
31.29.3 Should a student develop a history of actions that result in injury to staff, the teacher, building and district administration are to convene to determine appropriate actions on behalf of the staff and student. Options or points of discussion can include: Convene IEP team Work with administration to determine if communication devices such as cell phones, radio, or other might be appropriate classroom equipment Outside of classroom observer/consult Training provided as needed Appropriate student discipline CPI training for staff (provided upon request of principal) Develop safety plan/behavioral plan Alter physical environment Add staff as appropriate Provide safety clothing Assist teacher in documentation and reporting of injury, accidents Videotaping of students in classroom (subject to teacher approval – refer to Section 17.5)
Staff Safety. Due to an increase in staff feedback regarding student emotional dysregulation and physical behavior, the District shall create and follow a process to document student behaviors that affect staff safety. The District shall improve communication with staff who have been impacted by student behaviors. The teacher(s) and District will follow the agreed upon procedure in a timely fashion. This MOU will terminate at the end of the 2021-22 contract year by mutual agreement of both parties. In the event no agreement is reached the MOU will remain in effect until the end of the 2022-23 contract year.
Staff Safety. ○ Administration shall enact policies and protocols that allow staff to maintain physical distancing from each other. The District and site administration will communicate expectations and specific protocols with staff and parents/guardians. ○ Administration and staff shall minimize congregate movement through hallways as much as practicable. For example, establish more ways to enter and exit a campus, create staggered passing times when necessary or when students cannot stay in one room and create guidelines on the floor that students can follow to enable physical distancing while passing. ○ Administration shall ensure that at least six (6) feet of physical distancing can be maintained between staff and students, and between all staff to the extent feasible. ○ Administration shall provide for, implement and communicate policies and procedures that minimize the use of and congregation of adults in staff rooms, break rooms, and other settings. Administration shall implement procedures for daily symptom monitoring for staff, as outlined by the Reopening Procedures and the Health and Safety Procedures.