Leave Approval Sample Clauses
Leave Approval. All requests for leave shall be submitted on the proper form and shall be 35 subject to approval or disapproval by the Superintendent.
Leave Approval. On all leaves, the employee must indicate a start date for the leave and ending date for the leave. The terms of all leaves of absence shall be reduced to writing and may be extended up to the maximum time allowed for the specific leave. An employee must obtain written managerial approved extensions before the end date of the leave, except in cases of emergency. Extensions must be applied for a minimum of five (5) working days before the end of the leave. Extensions to leaves beyond the maximum times allowed will be non-precedent setting.
Leave Approval. All Sabbatical Leaves require the approval of the Board of Trustees. The number of Sabbatical Leaves approved by the Board shall be subject to fiscal and budget restraints as well as the applicable statutory maximums. The Board of Trustees shall make every reasonable effort to grant at least twelve (12) FTEF Sabbatical Leaves annually; provided that at least that number of applicants have applied and are ranked by the Sabbatical Leave Committee pursuant to Section 22.2.2 above. No Sabbatical Leaves may be granted for less than one (l) quarter.
Leave Approval. Each faculty member will ensure that his or her principal, or other person designated by the superintendent, is notified at the earliest possible time of his or her impending absence and will keep the district informed as to the status and possible duration of the absence. All planned absences must receive prior approval.
Leave Approval. Except in the case of sick or emergency leave, the scheduling of leaves is subject to the approval of the department head or his/her designee. It is the obligation of the employee to request in writing prior approval for all other leaves. Under unusual circumstances, the department head has the discretion to waive the requirement for prior approval. The department head shall respond to a request for leave within ten (10) days. Approvals may be rescinded by the department director in time of emergencies such as flood, earthquake, fire, civil disturbance, maintenance of skeleton staffing level, and other similar situations. Leave will not be denied unless the department demonstrates that it cannot function without the individual who is requesting a leave.
Leave Approval. Employees will submit Holiday Leave and Personal Leave time off requests to their supervisor. Upon receipt the supervisor will have fifteen (15) days to approve or deny the requests. If the employee is not notified that the leave request is approved or denied within fifteen (15) days, the request will be considered approved.
Leave Approval. Requested time off (vacation) will not be denied on the basis of dropping below “minimum staffing” if made at least 14 days in advance. This provision only applies to patrol, and can be used up to two days per year. The effectiveness of this incentive will be assessed during the term of the contract for potential re-evaluation in the next contract.
Leave Approval. The authority to grant leaves rests with the President or designee. The responsibility for reviewing an application for leave is that of the SA.
Leave Approval. Employees are guaranteed to receive approval from supervisor(s) for paid leave of not less than 80 hours non-consecutive Vacation, Floating Holiday or Compensatory Time each fiscal year to be deducted from the employee’s accrued leave time on record.
Leave Approval. Except in emergency or unanticipated circumstances, all leave must be requested, approved and scheduled before the employee is absent from work. If not requested and approved in advance, the employee must notify the supervisor, or supervisor’s designee, of the request by telephone/voicemail, email or text (in the manner designated by the supervisor) as soon as possible, but no later than the start of the employee’s scheduled tour of duty unless the employee is totally incapacitated and unable to communicate with his/her supervisor (e.g., the employee is unconscious). If the employee is physically unable to make the request herself, the employee must take proactive steps when possible to ensure that the supervisor or designee is notified consistent with this Article. If an employee receives an “out-of-office” message from the supervisor via phone or email, or otherwise becomes aware that the supervisor is not available that day, the employee must notify the supervisor’s designee (or higher level manager if there is no clear designee) of any request for leave that has not been preapproved. When an employee’s situation will require the employee to be absent longer than one day, the employee must indicate the expected return to duty date. These telephone/voicemail/email/text communications are not substitutes for other time accounting or payroll systems which are still required to show schedules or certify time.