Union Meeting Sample Clauses
Union Meeting. An employee on a shift which would normally preclude attendance at Union meetings shall be allowed to commence work earlier, or take unpaid leave, for the purpose of attending a Union meeting provided she has so notified her designated supervisor prior to the shift affected.
Union Meeting. The Board agrees to release two (2) members of the Union to attend Provincial, Regional or National Union meetings. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for the costs to replace each member. This leave of absence shall be requested at least one month prior to the meeting date, and shall not exceed five (5) days in total per meeting.
Union Meeting. The District may, upon formal application, provide space within the school for Union meetings at a time which will cause no disruption to District operations. The Union shall follow procedure to request approval for space.
Union Meeting. Any conference or dealings with the Company are to be conducted by a Union committee to consist of not more than four (4) employees of the Company, one of whom will act as Chairman, together with a duly accredited Representative of the United Food and Commercial Workers Canada Union, Local No. 401, who shall be a fully paid employee of the Union. An authorized Representative or Executive Officer of the Union shall be permitted, after notifying the Manager, to talk with an employee regarding Union matters during regular working hours. The interview shall be carried on in a place provided for and designated by the Company and shall normally take place on the employee's coffee or lunch break. Time taken for such an interview in excess of five (5) minutes shall not be on Company time. Upon any question being submitted to the Company by the Union Committee regarding the interpretation of the terms of this Agreement, any interpretation agreed upon shall be signed jointly by a person duly authorized by the Company and the President or paid Official of the Union. The committee of the Union shall at all times present the Company's side of all questions to its members as well as its own, and the Union further agrees that discussion amongst the employees of the Union matters will not be undertaken during the Company's working hours.
Union Meeting. Once per month, employees shall be allowed an hour off with pay for the purpose of attending a Union meeting.
Union Meeting. The night of the Union meeting, two (2) employees from the packaging department shall be relieved to attend the Union meeting and the Company shall pay those employees for such time spent at the meeting.
Union Meeting. The Union may schedule and conduct its meetings on Public Safety Department property provided it does not disrupt the duties of the Employees or the efficient operation of the Department.
Section 35.2 All records, reports and other information pertaining to a pending grievance of an involved Employee shall be made available for inspection by the Union.
Union Meeting. 14.1 Any conference or dealings with the Company are to be conducted by a Union committee to consist of not more than four (4) employees of the Company, one of whom will act as Chairman, together with a duly accredited Representative of the United Food and Commercial Workers Canada Union, Local No. 401, who shall be a fully paid employee of the Union. An authorized Representative or Executive Officer of the Union shall be permitted, after notifying the Manager, to talk with an employee regarding Union matters during regular working hours. The interview shall be carried on in a place provided for and designated by the Company and shall normally take place on the employee's coffee or lunch break. Time taken for such an interview in excess of five (5) minutes shall not be on Company time. Upon any question being submitted to the Company by the Union Committee regarding the interpretation of the terms of this Agreement, any interpretation agreed upon shall be signed jointly by a person duly authorized by the Company and the President or paid Official of the Union. The committee of the Union shall at all times present the Company's side of all questions to its members as well as its own, and the Union further agrees that discussion amongst the employees of the Union matters will not be undertaken during the Company's working hours.
14.2 Duly authorized Representatives of the Union shall be entitled, after notifying the RSC Director, Warehouse Manager or person in charge in their absence, to visit the warehouse. The Union Representative shall be escorted by a Shop Xxxxxxx and/or a bargaining unit member during such visitation of the Union’s choice.
14.3 The Union will provide two (2) lockable bulletin boards, which will be installed by the Company: (1) in the hallway between the change room upstairs and (2) in the Truck Shop. These bulletin boards are for Union information only. The Union will be responsible for all maintenance and repair of the bulletin boards.
14.4 The Company agrees to introduce each new employee to a Xxxxxxx during the new employee’s orientation.
14.5 The Company agrees to provide the Union with copies of documentation in the possession of the Company relating to any member of the bargaining unit, upon request from the Union. It is agreed that the Union may make such request for the purpose of investigating grievances or potential grievances, for reviewing benefit or related issues, or for Union administrative matters. It is understood that ...
Union Meeting.
10.01 The Union shall be able to conduct Union Meetings at Fire Station No. 1 after normal duty hours, upon advance notification to the Chief, providing such meetings do not interfere with the operation of the Department.