Vacation Accrual Regular employees shall accrue hours of vacation with pay for each hour of compensation to a maximum of eighty (80) hours per biweekly work period according to the following schedule, commencing with the employee's hire date of his latest period of County employment.
HOLIDAY COMPENSATION FOR TIME WORKED Employees required by their respective City representative to work on any of the above- specified or to substitute holidays excepting Fridays observed as holidays in lieu of holidays falling on Saturday, shall be paid for the legal holiday plus extra compensation of one (1) additional day’s pay at time and one-half (1-1/2) the usual rate in the amount of twelve (12) hours’ pay for eight (8) hours worked or a proportionate amount of less than eight (8) hours worked; provided, however, that at an employee’s request and with the approval of the appointing officer, an employee may be granted compensatory time off in lieu of paid overtime.