Verification of Leave. Upon return from leave the employee will provide the necessary claim form for verification of absence to his/her principal/supervisor within five (5) workdays in accordance with §1012.61, Florida Statutes.
Verification of Leave. Upon return from leave the teacher will provide the necessary claim forms for verification of absence to his/her principal/supervisor within five (5) work days in accordance with §1012.61, Florida Statutes.
Verification of Leave. Upon return from leave the teacher will request from his/her principal or immediate supervisor and will be provided the necessary forms for verification of absence. Such completed forms shall be submitted to the immediate supervisor following the teacher's return from leave.
Verification of Leave. An employee shall, before claiming and receiving compensation for the time absent from his/her duties, while absent because of leave as prescribed in A and B, make and file on a District form by the end of the school month following his/her return from such absence, with the Superintendent or designee, a written certificate which shall set forth the day or days absent, that such absence was necessary and that he/she is entitled to receive pay for such absence in accordance with provisions set forth above. The Superintendent may, at his/her option, require a certificate of illness from a licensed physician or from the county health officer.
Verification of Leave. When a represented employee has been absent under personal illness for more than five (5) consecutive working days or has established a pattern of personal illness exceeding twenty (20) working days in one work year, the City is authorized to request that the represented employee have a physical examination by a City selected physician and a certification by that physician of the represented employee’s physical fitness to return and continue the duties requisite to employment. The City will pay the cost of this examination and certification.
Verification of Leave. The necessary forms for verification of the reasons for absence will be available in each facility office. Teachers will complete the forms using the district approved process the first day they return to work.
Verification of Leave. When the District has cause to question the validity of leave utilization, other than Personal Business Leave under this Article, it may require a unit member to furnish appropriate verification to the District. Requirement of such verification shall not be used to harass, intimidate, or discourage appropriate use of leave benefits.
Verification of Leave. Upon return from leave as described in paragraph “A” the employee shall complete the necessary forms for verification of the reason for absence. Such forms shall be readily available and submitted to the immediate supervisor by the end of the second full work day following the employee’s return from leave.
Verification of Leave. When a unit member has been absent under personal illness for more than five consecutive working days or has established a pattern of personal illness exceeding 20 working days in one work year, the District is authorized to request that the unit member have a physical examination by a physician selected by the unit member and approved by the District, and a certification by that physician of the unit member’s physical fitness to return to work and perform the unit member’s job duties. The District will pay the cost of this examination and certification.
Verification of Leave. If the Employer has cause to believe that an employee has improperly requested, received, or utilized any leave authorized by this Article, the Employer may require that the employee provide acceptable substantiation that the employee was sick or otherwise eligible to utilize the leave.