Wet Places. An employee working in any place where their clothing or boots become saturated by water, oil or another substance, shall be paid 43 cents per hour extra. Any employee who becomes entitled to this extra rate shall be paid such rate only for the part of the day or shift that they are required to work in wet clothing or boots. This extra rate is not payable to an employee who is provided by the employer with suitable and effective protective clothing and/or footwear.
Wet Places. An FTM working in any place where their clothing or boots become saturated by water, oil or another substance, shall be paid 43 cents per hour extra. Any FTM who becomes entitled to this extra rate shall be paid such rate only for the part of the day or shift that they are required to work in wet clothing or boots. This extra rate is not payable to an FTM who is provided by the Company with suitable and effective protective clothing and/or footwear.
Wet Places. An employee working in any place where his/her clothing or boots becomes saturated, whether by water, oil or otherwise, shall be paid the amount as set out in Item 14 of Table 2; provided that this extra rate shall not be payable to an employee who is provided by the employer with suitable and effective protective clothing and/or footwear. And provided further that any employee who becomes entitled to this extra rate shall be paid such extra rate for such part of the day or shift as he/she is required to work in wet clothing or boots.
Wet Places. Waterproof boots, uniforms and/or protective clothing shall be provided by the employer when employee/s are required to work in wet places. Protective clothing shall be provided and laundered when employee/s are employed in a room where powders are being mixed or processed or handled in bulk. When employed in the handling in bulk of acids or other materials injurious to clothing they shall be provided with overalls or dustcoats whichever is the most suitable.
Wet Places. An employee working in any place where his/her clothing or boots become saturated, whether by water, oil or otherwise, shall be paid 49 cents per hour. Provided that this rate shall not be payable to an employee who is provided by the employer with suitable and effective protective clothing and/or footwear. Provided further that any employee who becomes entitled to this rate shall be paid such rate for such part of the day or shift as he/she is required to work in wet clothing or boots.
Wet Places. (1) An employee working in a place where water other than rain is falling so that his/her clothing shall be appreciably wet and/or water, oil or mud underfoot is sufficient to saturate his/her boots shall be paid as set out in the Allowance Tables of Part B per hour extra; provided that this extra rate shall not be payable in respect to an employee who is provided with suitable and effective protective clothing and/or footwear. An employee who becomes entitled to this extra rate shall be paid such rate for such part of the day or shift as he/she is required to work in wet clothing or boots.
(2) Where an employee is required to work in the rain he/she shall be paid as set out in Item 25 per hour extra for time so worked.
Wet Places. An employee working in any place where his / her clothing or boots becomes saturated, whether by water, oil or otherwise, shall be paid the amount as set out in Item 20 of Schedule A; provided that this extra rate shall not be payable to an employee who is provided by the employer with suitable and effective protective clothing and / or footwear. And provided further that any employee who becomes entitled to this extra rate shall be paid such extra rate for such part of the day or shift as he/she is required to work in wet clothing or boots.
Wet Places. An employee working under conditions which cause their clothing or boots to become saturated by oil, water or other liquid, shall be in accordance with schedule E per hour extra. Provided that this extra rate shall not be payable to an employee who is provided by the company with suitable protective clothing and/or footwear. Provided further that any employee who becomes entitled to this extra rate shall be paid such extra rate for such time as they are required to work in wet clothing and/or boots.
Wet Places any place where an employee, who has not been provided by management with the suitable protective clothing and/or footwear, becomes unavoidably saturated and is required to work in wet clothing or boots.
Wet Places. (a) An employee who is required to work in a wet place or during wet weather shall be provided with rubber boots and adequate waterproof clothing, including waterproof head covering so as to protect the employee from getting wet. Such waterproof clothing and rubber boots shall be replaced as required, subject to fair wear and tear in the service of the employer.
(b) An employee working in a wet place shall be paid an allowance of $2.35 per day in addition to his/her ordinary rate, irrespective of the time worked unless his/her classification expressly includes an allowance for wet pay.
(c) A place shall be deemed to be wet when it is agreed that water (other than rain) is continually dropping from overhead to such an extent that it would saturate the clothing of an employee if he/she were not provided with waterproof clothing or when the water in the place where the employee is standing is over 2.5 cm deep.
(d) Where the Company directs work to continue during rain, if the Company supplies adequate protective clothing to the employee, the Company may require him/her to continue working. For such work the employee shall be paid an allowance of 25% of his/her ordinary rate.