Work Study Program Sample Clauses
Work Study Program. The parties understand and agree that from time to time the Board enters into work study programs and other programs designed to further the technical education of students and give them employment experience and undertakes other educational programs which call for the employment of student helpers or other people involved in study programs. The above provisions of this Agreement are not intended to exclude such educational programs; however, the employment of persons under those programs shall not in any way be used to reduce the number of employees of the Board or be used to reduce the hours of employees of the Board.
Work Study Program. Teacher’s assistants shall be assigned to appropriate classroom service for a minimum of three hours each school day under the direct supervision of a tenured teacher in the field. Effective February 2006, teacher’s assistants will have their classroom service extended proportionately to that of teachers. They must complete a minimum of 32 semester hours of required courses per year provided by the Board in a program leading to a baccalaureate degree at an approved institution of higher learning, until they meet the minimum requirements for the appropriately related teaching license.
Work Study Program. The parties agree that working with educational institutions to provide work-study opportunities to students is an appro- priate contribution to the craft. The purpose is to further the education of individuals, to provide them with work experi- ence and build relationships between the parties. Participants must be enrolled in a full-time, post-secondary educational institution, such as a journalism school that has a requirement of work-study prior to graduation. Individual internships shall not exceed six (6) weeks in dur- ation unless there is a bonafide educational requirement. At the discretion of the company there may be up to ninety (90) cumulative weeks of internships in the school year (Septem- ber to June). Participants in work-study programs shall not be considered employees for the purposes of this agreement and will be paid a weekly honorarium of ($125 per week). Any such par- ticipant required to work hours not normally scheduled for the work-study, shall be paid at 75% of the “start” rate of the classification he or she is assigned for those hours worked. Students in this program will not be scheduled to replace full or part time employees.
Work Study Program. Off-Campus Employment Agreement
Work Study Program. Upon request from the Employer, a part-time employee will follow the necessary steps in order to apply for an UOSU position in the Work Study program of the University of Ottawa. No employee shall lose their employment or have their hours of work reduced as a result of not being accepted into the Work Study program.
Work Study Program. (a) Eligibility and Leave: two (2) full time staff nurses or supervisors from different programs, with a minimum of two years of service as City Health Department nurses (or an equivalent number of staff nurses or supervisors equal to two (2) full time positions) shall be permitted to attend school on agency time. The following guide will apply:
(1) Employees carrying fifteen (15) or more credits will work a maximum of three (3) one-half (½) days per week.
(2) Employees carrying ten (10) to fourteen (14) credits will work five (5) one-half (½) days per week.
(3) Employees carrying six (6) to nine (9) credits will work six (6) one-half (½) days per week.
Work Study Program. Xxxx Xxxxxx, a third year ad- vertising student, stands beside a poster she created for the yes means yes campaign, many of which can be seen around the school.
Work Study Program. An educational institution may elect to have students enrolled in a work training, work experience, or work study program deemed to be an employee of the educational institution. The policy may be endorsed to add coverage, provided the student is not on the payroll of the employer providing the training or work experience and the student is not otherwise receiving compensation on which an insurance carrier could assess a workers’ compensation premium. If this endorsement is provided for a secondary educational institution, code 9428— Work Study Coverage—Secondary Schools must be added to the policy. If this endorsement is provided for a post-secondary educational institution, code 9447—Work Study Coverage—Post Secondary Schools must be added to the policy. To provide this coverage, the carrier must attach endorsement WC 48 03 02A Wisconsin Work Study Coverage Endorsement; associated premium and losses must be reported under codes 9428 or 9447. • The endorsement charges will be reviewed with the annual rate revision. • Revisions to the Wisconsin Statistical Plan Manual are being prepared for filing and will be released under separate circular letter. GÄNDER CONSULTING GROUP, LLC Risk Management & Employee Benefits Consultants
Work Study Program. Any employee who takes courses which are job related shall receive reimbursement (books and tuition) for an amount up to $400 per year for courses which are approved by the Department Head and the Village Manager's Office. The maximum expenditure by the Village for the CSEA Unit will be $2,000 per year.
Work Study Program. The parties agree to adopt, via Letter of Agreement, a work study program for the Public Works Department similar to the programs adopted by other City Departments.