WORK WEEK & WORK SHIFT. 11.1 The standard payroll workweek shall begin at 0001 hours Sunday and end at 2400 hours Saturday. The work cycle shall be a twenty-eight (28) day work period under the FLSA 7(K) exemption. The City agrees that employees assigned to eight (8) and ten (10) hour shifts covered by this Agreement shall be scheduled to work forty (40) hours per seven (7) day week. Officers assigned to work twelve (12) hour shifts shall be scheduled to work an average of eighty (80) hours per fourteen (14) day pay period. During each fourteen
WORK WEEK & WORK SHIFT. 3 A. The work week shall consist of forty (40) working hours between 4 6:00 a.m. on Sunday and 6:00 a.m. the following Sunday. The 5 schedule shall consist of five (5) consecutive days (including 6 recognized holidays) with two (2) consecutive days off, exclusive 7 of part-time unit members in the Adult School setting.
8 1. Part-time unit members in the Adult School setting shall work 9 a four- (4-) day work week, Monday through Thursday, with 10 three days of work consisting of 7.25 hours per day and one 11 day of work consisting of 7.0 hours per day. Said unit members 12 shall not be entitled to a health/welfare benefits package.
13 B. Work shift and daily schedule shall be determined by the District.
WORK WEEK & WORK SHIFT. 11.1 The standard payroll workweek shall begin at 0001 hours Sunday and end at 2400 hours Saturday. The work cycle shall be a twenty-eight (28) day work period under the FLSA 7(K) exemption. The City agrees that employees assigned to eight (8) and ten (10) hour shifts covered by this Agreement shall be scheduled to work forty (40) hours per seven (7) day week. Officers assigned to work twelve (12) hour shifts shall be scheduled to work an average of eighty (80) hours per fourteen (14) day pay period. During each fourteen (14) day period, an eight (8) hour shift will be scheduled and will count toward minimum staffing. The Police Department Organizational Chart on the effective date of this agreement will define assignments for specialty pay. In addition, management has the right to establish lineup time for officers and sergeants assigned to the Airport, and patrol. Lineup time for police officers will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes and for sergeants will not exceed thirty