Workflows. Within the PANACEA platform, Taverna workflows are designed to provide a seamless end-to- end solution for lexical acquisition. In the WP6 workflows, tools for creating lexica are chained together, demonstrating the ability to perform automatic lexical acquisition. The PANACEA lexical acquisition components were particularly designed to use technologies that are scalable and implementable in a distributed environment.
Workflows a. The Riskonnect System will be delivered with workflows, approval process and e-mail notifications using e-mail templates
b. The workflows will be triggered by a data condition (e.g., new event report, property damage estimate in excess of $5,000, liability claim with bodily injury paid, etc.) and the associated workflow automation can initiate any number of:
i. E-mail notification(s) – e-mail templates that will auto-populate with data from the record associated with the workflow rule
ii. Task assignment(s) to user(s) (e.g., escalate a claim for supervisor review)
iii. Field update(s) to some other related data (e.g., update a subrogation status field)
c. Workflows for approval will include multiple layers of approval and will comply with standard platform approve/reject functionality.
d. The Riskonnect System will be delivered with the following workflow rules, approvals, and e-mail templates to produce up to a total of 25 workflows, 5 approval process and 10 e-mail notifications with their associated email templates.
Workflows. PANACEA has delivered various workflows that implement the way web services are chained as sequences, with specific input and output (all are at PANACEA myExperiment). For instance, a workflow that consists of a sequence of two "calls" to web services and may take as input a set of URL and identify the language(s) in which they are written and hence give as out a table with pairs (URL, language). It could be chained with one that crawl all URLs that are in a given language. Such work flow could be (identify-languages (list of URLs) + Crawl (URL, Language=Fr).
(1) (Input = set of URLs) 🡺 Web services 1: identify languages 🡺 (output (URLs, languages)
(2) (input (URLS, Languages) 🡺 Web services 2: Crawl (URLs, Language=Fr) and store 🡺 output (set of XML, HTML, PDF, … pages stored on a given address) It is clear that more sophisticated workflows could be designed, requiring deep analysis and more creativity and hence triggering the application of copyright and other property rights. Some of the workflows are illustrated by the diagrams given below. More details are given in the appendix elaborating on legal issues. The consortium took seriously all aspects related to the ownership of workflows, both to ensure that the exploitation within the consortium is done in a cleared legal framework as well as to ensure that such assets can be licensed to third parties under clean, easy to understand and implementable licensing schema. From a technical point of view, the consortium can easily work out the arguments about the added value of its achievements but it is also crucial that the legal aspects involved behind such a paradigm should not be neglected. When dealing with workflows, data are not only stored on the server of the different web services, but are also “travelling” between web services. To guarantee the privacy of the data transferred from one web service to another, the transfer protocol must be secured so as to avoid any security bridge. Indeed, data going from one server to another (e.g. in the case of a workflow process) or from a client machine to a server (e.g. in the case of a single web service process) should be secure enough so as not to be corrupted or retrieved by a third user. In PANACEA, this process is secured by using SOAP8 (Simple Object Access Protocol), which allows to reach a sufficient level of security since SOAP transports data using both SMTP and HTTP (and although not implemented in the current version, potentially HTTPS). Work...
Workflows. The workflows are intrinsically associated with the Platform and hence will be part of the platform exploitation. They may be exploited as standalone pieces if the users have adopted similar environment (Taverna, etc.). The tools developed during the life of the project (therefore foreground material as described in the Consortium Agreement) will be exploited by their owners, for instance to generate new resources on demand.
Workflows. Several relevant workflows are listed in this section regarding the 3rd version of the platform. The rest of the workflows are presented can be found on the PANACEA myExperiment portal. WP5 and WP6 new workflows will be presented in D5.4 and D6.2 respectively.
Workflows. A “Workflow” is the combination of multiple tasks or processes being utilized. The HelloWorks UI allows End Users to create combinations of multiple forms and documents that are required to be completed by a recipient. After a Workflow is launched it becomes a Transaction.
Workflows. This section identifies activities that engineers designing CPS will undertake. These activities are elements of both existing workflows and those en- abled by the INTO-CPS technologies. Various sections of this document provide further guidance on specific activities identified here. This section also presents some initial “get- ting started” workflows that engineers wishing to try out the INTO-CPS technologies can follow (supported by training material which reflect these).
Workflows. In this section, we list the types of activities that we expect engineers to perform when using the INTO-CPS technologies. The later sections of this document provide specific guidance on some of these activities, and we aim in the final version of this document to have complete coverage of the activities, as well as descriptions of how they come together to form different workflows that suit different modelling contexts.
Workflows. There are three main categories of PRECIOUS workflows: the initiation or onboarding of new users, automatically generated push activities, and pull activities initiated by the user. The latter two characterise the system interaction after the onboarding.
Workflows. These are various workflows that implement the way web-services are chained as sequences, with specific input and output. For instance, a workflow that consists of a sequence of two "calls" to web-services and may take as input a set of URL and identify the language(s) in which they are written and hence give as out a table with pairs (URL, language). It could be chained with one that crawl all URLs that are in a given language. Such work flow could be (identify-languages (list of URLs) + Crawl (URL, Language=Fr).
(1) (Input = set of URLs) Web-services 1: identify languages (output (URLs, languages)
(2) (input (URLS, Languages) Web-services 2: Crawl (URLs, Language=Fr) and store output (set of XML, HTML, PDF, … pages stored on a given address) It is clear that more sophisticated workflows could be designed, requiring deep analysis and more creativity and hence triggering the application of copyright. Some of the workflows are illustrated by the diagrams given below. The first workflow (ILSP Basic NLP Tools), illustrated herein, accepts a list of URLs to XCES files with Greek paragraph-segmented content. It then uses web services for three basic ILSP NLP tools (Sentence Splitter and Tokenizer, FBT Tagger, Lemmatizer) to process the content. Each service first downloads all XCES files to the server and, on successful completion, returns to the client a list of URLs to XCES files with the automatic annotations (xxxx://