WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. 12.07.1 Appointments shall be made in writing by a letter or letters similar to the “Offer of Appointment” form contained in Appendix B. The employer shall send the appointee two copies of the “Offer of Appointment.” If the appointee accepts the offer, one copy shall be signed and returned to the hiring unit, and the other will be retained by the appointee. A Revenue Canada TD1 form shall be included with the first “Offer of Appointment” sent to an employee for each academic session.
12.07.2 (i) When practicable, course directors shall be advised in writing of appointments two months prior to the beginning of the term in which the course will be offered in order to allow adequate preparation time offers of appointment for the Fall/Winter session will be issued by July 7, including ticketed course directorships.
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. Appointments shall be made in writing by a letter or letters similar to the “Offer of Appointment” form contained in Appendix B. The employer shall send the appointee two copies of the “Offer of Appointment.” If the appointee accepts the offer, one copy shall be signed and returned to the hiring unit, and the other will be retained by the appointee. A Revenue Canada TD form shall be included with the first “Offer of Appointment” sent to an employee for each academic session.
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. 12.07.1 Appointments shall be made in writing by a letter or letters similar to the “Offer of Appointment” form contained in Appendix B. The employer shall send the appointee two copies of the “Offer of Appointment.” If the appointee accepts the offer, one copy shall be signed and returned to the hiring unit, and the other will be retained by the appointee. A Revenue Canada TD1 form shall be included with the first “Offer of Appointment” sent to an employee for each academic session.
12.07.2 (i) When practicable, offers of appointment for the Fall/Winter session will be issued by July 7, including ticketed course directorships.
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. 12.07.1 Appointments shall be made in writing by a letter or letters similar to the “Offer of Appointment” form contained in Appendix
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. 1. The Parties agree that Offers of Appointment shall be sent to Sessional Instructors as soon as possible before classes commence. Except for situations covered by Article 2.94, A, section 11, the Board shall endeavour to mail Offers of Appointment by the following dates: July 15 for the Fall Term, November 15 for the Winter Term, and March 15 for the Spring Term. Each Offer of Appointment shall specify the course number(s), the number of credits, terms and conditions of employment including salary, benefits, sessional seniority, and cancellation conditions if applicable.
2. A copy of the current Collective Agreement shall be sent with any offer of employment, except where the applicant would already have received a copy.
3. A copy of each accepted Offer of Appointment shall be sent to the Association forthwith.
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. Appointments shall be made in writing and the employer shall send the appointee two copies of the offer of appointment. Normally, written offers of appointment will be made no later than 14 days before the contract begins. It is understood that research grant opportunities may require that written offers of appointment will be made less than 14 days prior to the contract beginning.
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. 12.12.1 Appointments shall be made in writing by a letter or letters similar to the ``Offer of Appointment'' form contained in Appendix B. The Employer shall send the appointee two copies of the ``Offer of Appointment.'' If the appointee accepts the offer, one copy shall be signed and returned to the Hiring Unit, and the other will be retained by the appointee. A Revenue Canada TD form shall be included with the first ``Offer of Appointment'' sent to an employee for each academic session.
(i) Except in exceptional circumstances, and in the absence of queries or grievances, Offers of Appointment for the Fall/Winter session will be issued by July 7.
(ii) Except in exceptional circumstances, and in the absence of queries or grievances, Offers of Appointment for the Summer session will be issued by April 1.
12.12.3 Further, after the dates specified in Article 11.16 (and where there are qualified applicants), and no query or grievance has been received, an ``Offer of Appointment'' shall be made forthwith. Applicants for such positions, if not already notified of the recommended appointee(s), shall be sent a ``Notice of Recommended Appointment.'' The requirement for posting of a position shall delay the appointment dates specified in Article 11.16 only to the extent necessary to comply with the Posting requirements.
12.12.4 Where practicable, a Hiring Unit shall prepare a ``Part-Time Academic (Contract Faculty) Employee Transaction Form'' for each appointment no later than five working days after receipt of a signed ``Offer of Appointment.'' Once prepared, such forms shall be immediately forwarded for processing so as to ensure payment of the employee on the first regular payday of her appointment period, where practicable.
12.12.5 Where a recommended appointee named in a ``Notice of Recommended Appointment'' does not receive an ``Offer of Appointment'' because of a grievance respecting the recommended appointment, and no equivalent position is found for the employee, the Employer agrees to waive the time limits for grieving/querying other appointments for which that employee applied and was not recommended.
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. Appointments shall be made in writing and the employer shall send the appoin- tee two copies of the offer of appointment . The written offer of appointment shall include the details set out in (i-iii) and (v-vii) of the posting as described in Article 11 .02 .1
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. The Parties agree that Offers of Appointment shall be sent to Sessional Instructors as soon as possible before classes commence. Except for situations covered by Article 2.94, A, section 11, the Board shall endeavour to mail Offers of Appointment by the following dates: July 15 for the Fall Term, November 15 for the Winter Term, and March 15 for the Spring Term. Each Offer of Appointment shall specify the course number(s), the number of credits, terms and conditions of employment including salary, benefits, sessional seniority, and cancellation conditions if applicable.
WRITTEN OFFER OF APPOINTMENT. 12.07.1 Appointments shall be made in writing by a letter or letters similar to the ``Offer of Appointment'' form contained in Appendix B. The employer shall send the appointee two copies of the ``Offer of Appointment.'' If the appointee accepts the offer, one copy shall be signed and returned to the hiring unit, and the other will be retained by the appointee. A Revenue Canada TD1 form shall be included with the first ``Offer of Appointment'' sent to an employee for each academic session.
12.07.2 Where practicable, a hiring unit shall prepare a ``Full-Time Graduate Student Personnel Action Form'' for each appointment no later than five working days after receipt of a signed ``Offer of Appointment.'' Once prepared, such forms shall be immediately forwarded for processing so as to ensure payment of the employee on the first regular payday of her appointment period, where practi- cable. Where returned by the appointee, a completed Revenue Canada TD1 form shall be attached to the Personnel Action Form.
12.07.3 When practicable, course directors shall be advised in writing of appointments two months prior to the beginning of the term in which the course will be offered in order to allow adequate preparation time.