Xxxxxx Requirements Sample Clauses

Xxxxxx Requirements. Notice of Proposed Action (Xxxxxx Notice). Before taking a disciplinary action to dismiss, suspend for more than three (3) work days, temporarily reduce the pay of, or demote an employee, the appointing authority shall cause to be served personally or by certified mail, on the employee, a Notice of Proposed Action, which shall contain the following: a. A statement of the action proposed to be taken. b. A copy of the charges; including the acts or omissions and grounds upon which the action is based. c. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the County, department or district, a copy of said rule shall be included with the notice. d. A statement that the employee may review and request copies of materials upon which the proposed action is based. e. A statement that the employee has seven (7) calendar days to respond to the appointing authority either orally or in writing. In addition to the Notice of Proposed Action, the appointing authority will serve the employee with a document that gives the employee the option of authorizing the County to provide his/her union with a copy of the Notice of Proposed Action. If the employee signs the authorization document and returns it to the appointing authority, the appointing authority will thereafter, within one work day, provide a copy of the employee’s Notice of Proposed Action to his/her union, as authorized. In addition to the Order and Notice, the appointing authority will serve the employee with a document that gives the employee the option of authorizing the County to provide his/her union with a copy of the Order and Notice. If the employee signs the authorization document and returns it to the appointing authority, the appointing authority will thereafter, within one work day, provide a copy of the employee’s Order and Notice to his/her union, as authorized.
Xxxxxx Requirements. Before taking a disciplinary action to dismiss, suspend for more than five (5) work days (48 hours for employees on a 56 hour workweek) or demote an employee, the appointing authority shall cause to be served personally or by certified mail on the employee, a Notice of Proposed Action, which shall contain the following: A. A statement of the action proposed to be taken. B. A copy of the charges; including the acts or omissions and grounds upon which the action is based. C. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the County or District, a copy of said rule shall be included with the notice. D. A statement that the employee may review and request copies of materials upon which the proposed action is based. X. A statement that the employee has seven (7) calendar days to respond to the appointing authority either orally or in writing.
Xxxxxx Requirements. Before taking a disciplinary action to dismiss, suspend for more than five (5) work days (four (4) work days for employees on a 4/10 work week), temporarily reduce the pay of, or demote an employee, the appointing authority shall cause to be served personally or by certified mail, on the employee, a Notice of Proposed Action, which shall contain the following: A. A statement of the action proposed to be taken. B. A copy of the charges; including the acts or omissions and grounds upon which the action is based. C. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the County, department or district, a copy of said rule shall be included with the notice. D. A statement that the employee may review and request copies of materials upon which the proposed action is based. X. A statement that the employee has seven (7) calendar days to respond to the appointing authority either orally or in writing.
Xxxxxx Requirements. All of the work performed by the Xxxxxx shall be in addition to and not a substitute for any regular custodial operation.
Xxxxxx Requirements. Prior to signing a pre-hire agreement with a Xxxxxx, the contractor must show evidence that he/she is qualified as such. Such evidence may be in the form of (1) references from former employers, customers, or government forest practice foresters or sale administrators who can provide verbal or written verification of the Xxxxxx’x ability to fall and buck trees exceeding 24” dbh. If experience as a Xxxxxx cannot be verified, CAL FIRE should not enter into the agreement. Prior to signing a pre-hire agreement with a Chainsaw Operator, the contractor must show evidence that he/she is qualified as such. Such evidence may be in the form of references from former employers, customers, or government forest practice forester/sale administrators who can provide verbal or written verification of the contractor’s ability to fall and buck trees up to 24” dbh. If experience as a Chainsaw Operator cannot be verified, CAL FIRE should not enter into the agreement. • Nomex shirt and trousers (CalOSHA approved) • Hard hat (attached Nomex face shroud is required.) • Goggles • Gloves (CalOSHA approved) • Fire shelter - USFS specifications • Lace-up leather boots • Chainsaw chaps The contractor will be responsible for the safe condition, operation, maintenance, and fueling of his/her equipment and vehicle.
Xxxxxx Requirements. Before taking a disciplinary action to dismiss, suspend, reduction in salary or demote an employee, the Fire Chief/Administrator shall cause to be served personally or by certified mail on the employee, a Notice of Proposed Action, which shall contain the following: A. A statement of the action proposed to be taken. B. A copy of the charges; including the acts or omissions and grounds and all documents and materials upon which the action is based. C. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the District, a copy of said rule shall be included with the notice. D. A statement that the employee may review and request copies of materials upon which the proposed action is based. E. A statement that the employee has ten (10) calendar days to respond to the Fire Chief/Administrator either orally or in writing.
Xxxxxx Requirements. Notice of Proposed Action (Xxxxxx Notice). Before taking a disciplinary action to dismiss, suspend for more than five (5) work days (four (4) work days for employees on 4-10 work week), temporarily reduce the pay of or demote an employee, the appointing authority shall cause to be served personally or by certified mail on the employee, a Notice of Proposed Action, which shall contain the following: a. A statement of the action proposed to be taken.
Xxxxxx Requirements. Notice of Proposed Action (Xxxxxx Notice). Before taking a disciplinary action to dismiss, suspend for more than five (5) workdays (four [4] workdays for employees on 4/10 workweek), demote or reduce in salary any employee, the appointing authority shall cause to be served personally or by certified mail on the employee a Notice of Proposed Action which shall contain the following: A. A statement of the action proposed to be taken. B. A copy of the charges, including the acts or omissions and grounds upon which the action is based. C. If it is claimed that the employee has violated a rule or regulation of the County, department or district, a copy of said rule shall be included with the notice. D. A statement that the employee may review and request copies of materials upon which the proposed action is based. X. A statement that the employee has seven (7) calendar days to respond to the appointing authority either orally or in writing.
Xxxxxx Requirements. 15 Section 3.20.State Takeover Statutes..................... 15 Section 3.21.
Xxxxxx Requirements. Professional Services will be performed during Looker’s business hours, based on the location of the Looker Consultant. • Looker expects that Customer personnel are available during Looker business hours. Looker understands that occasions arise during customer engagements that require a longer or shorter working day. • Looker Personnel will make him or herself available only over email, phone, and/or video conference during the course of the Project, unless otherwise agreed to in an Ordering Document.