Y-Rate. The Board of Supervisors may adopt a Y-rate to apply to: (1) an employee who would suffer an actual decrease in salary as a result of action taken by the County, without fault or inability on the part of the employee, or (2) an employee who is changing from one (1) class series to another, as a normal consequent of career development through the County's upward mobility program, and the salary of the class the employee enters in the new class series is less than the salary the employee was receiving in the former class. A Y-rate means a salary rate, for an individual employee, which is greater than the established range for the class.
Y-Rate. Any employee occupying a position which is reallocated to a class, the maximum salary for which is less than the incumbent's present salary, or occupying a position in a class, the salary rate or range for which is reduced, shall continue to receive his present salary. Such salary shall be designated as a Y rate. When an employee on a Y rate vacates his or her position, subsequent appointments to that position shall be made in accordance with Section 11.1 (Salary Rates).
Y-Rate. An agreement negotiated by the District and CSEA by which an employee who is placed in a class with a lower rate of pay (salary range), continues to receive the specific hourly/monthly rate of pay he/she received in the higher class until such time as the pay rate of the lower class exceeds that rate.
Y-Rate. The compensation of any employee who is paid above the maximum step of the applicable range at the time the classification is established or at the time they are placed in the classification will not be reduced. Rather, the employee will be Y- rated until the salary for the classification increases to equal the employee's salary. This limitation shall not apply in the case of discipline.
Y-Rate. The following applies when an employee in a job classification ("former classification') has been reclassified or demoted to a different job classification ("new classification") and the employee's pay in the former classification exceeds the top pay step in the new classification:
a. The employee will work in the new classification but will be paid at the pay step the employee occupied immediately prior to the reclassification or demotion.
b. The employee's former classification pay will be frozen (i.e., no cost-of-living or other adjustments) until the top pay step of the new classification equals or exceeds the employee's frozen pay ("cross-over"). When the cross-over occurs, the employee will be placed at the top pay step of the new classification.
Y-Rate. The freezing of an employee’s pay level when, as the result of a transfer or reclassification, an employee would otherwise be placed in a lower classification with a lower pay scale, which freeze shall continue until, through step increase, promotion, or cost-of- living increase, the pay scale for the classification in which the employee is
Y-Rate. In the event a supervisor is involuntarily demoted to a lower classification, without fault or inability on the part of the supervisor, the County agrees to give full consideration to adopting a Y-rate to apply to the supervisor so affected.
Y-Rate. In the event an employee is involuntarily demoted to a lower classification, without fault or inability on the part of the employee, the County agrees to give full consideration to adopting a Y-rate to apply to the employee so affected.
Y-Rate. When an employee is placed in a job classification for non-disciplinary reasons (i.e. voluntary demotion, demotion in lieu of layoff, downward reclassification of position, etc.) with a lower rate and their current basic rate of pay exceeds the basic rate of the maximum step (E-Step) of the new job classification, the employee’s rate of pay shall be frozen until such time that maximum step of the new job classification becomes equal to or greater than the employee’s frozen pay rate. When that event occurs, the employee shall be placed on the maximum step of the new job classification and further pay adjustments shall occur as warranted. During the Y- Rate period an employee shall only receive a pay adjustment if they become eligible for a longevity pay adjustment if the employee is eligible for longevity pay pursuant to the employee’s applicable collective bargaining agreement.
Y-Rate. Any employee occupying a position which is reallocated to a class, the maximum salary for which is less than the incumbent’s present salary, or occupying a position in a class, the salary rate or range for which is reduced, shall continue to receive his or her present salary with no increase in pay until the salary range exceeds the incumbent’s salary. Such salary shall be designated as a “Y” rate.