Damages Musterklauseln

Damages. All claims for compensation are excluded where there is no criminal intent or gross negligence of the Seller. The Buyer has the full onus of responsibility for all conditions of entitlement. As far as legally permissible, the liability of the Seller is limited to damages which arise to the object of delivery itself. The Seller is therefore not obliged to pay damages to the Buyer for damage to items which are not objects of the contract, for loss of profits or for any other consequential damages howsoever caused. The liability of the Seller shall generally be limited to the typical, foreseeable damage and to the amount of the relevant purchase price of the respective good(s). Xxxxxxx claims expire after six months from notification of the damages and damaging party, but in any case after one year from passing of risk. If an order is carried out according to the Buyer‘s design specifications, drawings or models, the Seller‘s liability does not extend to the correctness of design and only to the conformity of the design to the buyer‘s specifications. The Buyer must indemnify and hold harmless the Seller if any claims are asserted by third parties against the Seller due to an infringement of protective rights of third parties.
Damages. The equipment – including all pertaining accessories – must be returned with shock-resistant insulation to the lessor in the original box. The original box is that in which the rental object has been delivered to the lessee/user. An exception will be if the original box has been damaged
Damages. Unless otherwise stated in the Conditions the liability of NEUMAN for damages caused by minor negligence and for all indirect damages shall be excluded and else be limited to the net order value.
Damages flyd reserves the right to claim further damages, e.g. due to lost profits. An early termination of the contract by the customer also applies if an event that is the subject of the contract is not carried out or is canceled prematurely due to circumstances for which flyd is not responsible.
Damages. 10.1. All claims for damages shall be excluded in cases of slight negligence, including with respect to our recommendations and installation suggestions (see Section 11) for specific materials and types. In case of gross negligence, TSS is only liable for direct damages which have to be typically expected with such goods, but not for any consequential damages, loss or any unachieved cost savings. If the failure to comply with our recommendations and installation suggestions (see Section 11) is causal for the damage, no damages shall be payable. Nothing of this clause shall limit or exclude statutory liability under the ‘PHG – Produkthaftungsgesetz’ (Product Liability Act).
Damages. P&P takes all precautions in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations of the country of service provision to ensure the health and safety of your pet(s). P&P assumes no liability for any damage, contamination or loss of any pet or property, nor injury, escape, illness or death of any pet occurring while using P&P's services, except to the extent P&P is required to do so by law. Generally, no liability is assumed for occurrences that occur outside of service hours, including but not limited to when the pet is unattended.
Damages. All claims ror compgnsaīion arg g:cludgd whgrg īhgrg is no criminal inīgnī or gross nggliggncg or īhg Sgllgrs. Thg ÐuQgr has xxx xxxx onus or rgsponsibiliīQ ror all condiīions or gnīiīlgmgnī. As rar as lggallQ pgrmissiblg, xxx xxxxxxxxX or īhg Sgllgrs is limiīgd īo damaggs which arisg īo īhg objgcī or dglivgrQ iīsglr. Thg Sgllgrs is xxxxxxxxx xxx xxxxxxx xx xxX xxxxxxx xx xxx ÐuQgr ror damagg īo iīgms which arg noī objgcīs or īhg conīracī, ror loss or proÁīs or ror anQ oīhgr consgqugnīial damaggs howsogvgr causgd. Thg liabiliīQ or īhg Sgllgrs shall ggngrallQ bg limiīgd īo xxx xXxxxxx, rorgsggablg damagg and īo xxx xxxxxx or īhg rglgvanī purchasg pricg or īhg rgspgcīivg good(s). Dama- ggs claims g:pirg arīgr si: monīhs rrom noīiÁcaīion or xxx xxxxxxx and damaging parīQ, buī in anQ casg arīgr ong Qgar rrom passing or risK. Ir an ordgr is carrigd ouī according īo īhg ÐuQgr‘s dgsign spgciÁcaīions, drawings or modgls, īhg Sgllgrs liabiliīQ dogs xxx x:xxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxxx or dgsign and onlQ īo xxx xxxxxxxxxX or īhg dgsign īo xxx xxXxx‘s spgciÁcaīions. Thg ÐuQgr musī indgmnirQ and hold harmlgss īhg Sgllgrs ir anQ claims arg assgrīgd bQ īhird parīigs againsī īhg Sgllgrs dug īo an inrringgmgnī or proīgcīivg righīs or īhird parīigs.

Related to Damages

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