Orders Musterklauseln

Orders. The supply agreement shall be considered concluded when we acknowledge the order placed in writing or when we indicate by delivery of the goods that we have accepted the order.
Orders. 1.1 Der Kunde kann die Produkte durch die Erteilung einer schriftlichen, mit seiner Unterschrift versehenen Bestellung auf einem Eurotax Auftragsformular oder (falls zutreffend) über eine elektronische Auftragseingabemaske auf den Eurotax Internetseiten bestellen (nachfolgend jeweils eine „Bestellung“). Bestellungen bedürfen der Annahme durch Eurotax. Diese Annahme kann dadurch erfolgen, dass Eurotax Zugriff auf die Produkte gewährt. Diese Lizenzvereinbarung sowie alle sonstigen Dokumente, auf die in der Bestellung Bezug genommen wird, gelten als integraler Bestandteil von akzeptierten Bestellungen und als für diese Bestellungen maßgebend und verbindlich. Alle anderen Bestimmungen und Bedingungen in einer Kundenbestellung oder in sonstigen Dokumenten, auf die in dieser Lizenzvereinbarung nicht ausdrücklich Bezug genommen wird, haben keine Rechtswirkung. 1.1 Customer may order Products by placing written, signed orders on a local Eurotax order form, or by placing orders via order-entry tools (where available) on Eurotax web sites (each, an “Order”). Orders are subject to acceptance by Eurotax. Eurotax may accept an order by providing access to Products. Accepted orders will be deemed to incorporate and be subject to this Licence Agreement, as well as any other documentation referenced in the Order. All other terms and conditions contained in any Customer purchase order or other document not expressly referenced in this Licence Agreement will have no effect. 2.
Orders. Die Arten von Orders, die von DEGIRO akzeptiert werden, sind im Dokument Orders und Orderausführungsgrundsätze in den Informationen zu Wertpapierdienstleistungen genannt und beschrieben.
Orders. Der Kunde kann Orders für ungedeckte Verkaufstransaktionen in Wertpapieren bei DEGIRO platzieren. Ungedeckte Verkaufstransaktionen sind nicht bei allen Wertpapieren möglich. Eine Order zur Durchführung einer ungedeckten Verkaufstransaktion gilt als Aufforderung des Kunden an DEGIRO, die betreffenden Wertpapiere an den Kunden auszuleihen.
Orders. 2.1 Inquiries Röchling makes with the supplier re- garding its products and services and the terms of its deliveries or requests from Röchling for the submission of offers shall not be legally binding on Röchling in any way.
Orders. 2.1 Our purchase orders and amendments or supplements to the purchase orders require the written form.
Orders. 3.1 An order is only deemed to have been placed if the Contractor has confirmed it in writing. Supplies or services that have not been ordered in writing will not be paid for.
Orders. 1. Supply contracts (order and acceptance of the order) and delivery call-offs, and any amendments or additions thereto, must be made in writing. Deliveries may also be called off by remote data transmission.
Orders. The Supplier shall confirm orders in writing within 10 working days (from Monday to Friday) after receipt of the order, stating prices and dates of delivery. If the Supplier did not confirm the order within the abovementioned period, Vishay reserves the right to cancel the order without incurring any costs. Oral agreements shall only be valid if confirmed in writing by Vishay. Written form shall also include confirmations sent by data transfer or fax. Prices specified in the order are binding. Unless otherwise agreed, prices shall be fixed net prices and shall include costs for packaging and for the delivery to the place of delivery designated by Vishay. Costs for packing and transportation as well as VAT, if applicable, shall be identified separately in the invoice. The Supplier shall mail three copies of all invoices, unless otherwise agreed in Euro, to Xxxxxx'x purchasing department immediately after the day of shipment or, in case the parties agreed upon monthly invoices, no later than the 5th day of the month following the day of delivery. Copies shall be specifically identified as such. Vishay may, at its option, make payment within 14 days following receipt of the invoice subject to a 3% discount, or within 30 days without deduction, or as otherwise explicitly agreed upon by the parties in writing. The timeliness of payment shall be governed by the date the invoice is received. AII invoices shall specify Xxxxxx'x order numbers and other reference numbers.
Orders. 2.1 Orders and changes to orders are required to be in written form. The content of an order given orally shall only apply if confirmed in writing.