Payments Musterklauseln
Payments. Zahlung von Kapital und Zinsen. Die Zahlung von Kapital und, sofern anwendbar, Zinsen auf die Schuldverschreibungen erfolgt, vorbehaltlich Absatz (2), an die Zahlstelle zur Weiterleitung an das Clearingsystem oder dessen Order zur Gutschrift auf den Konten der jeweiligen Kontoinhaber des Clearingsystems.
Payments. 1.8.1 Invoices are payable immediately without any deductions.
1.8.2 Payments may always be credited against the oldest outstanding receivables, of the respective supply relationship even if the customer has made other arrangements.
1.8.3 Setoff against contested counterclaims that are not legally binding and liens on the basis of such claims are not permitted.
Payments. Please use the following bank information for transfers, stating the name of the child being registered as well as the invoice number. For overseas transfers, be sure to mention that the transfer is to be made in CNY on the transfer form. All charges and fees are net amounts, i.e., for all payments made to the School Society/School, costs are to be borne by the principle. Payment can only be accepted in Chinese Yuan (CNY). For payments to German School Shanghai Hongqiao: Transfers within China 名称:上海虹桥德国外籍人员子女学校帐号:0300 4786 474 上海银行股份有限公司杨浦支行 Overseas transfers Account name: German School Shanghai Hongqiao Account number: 439 059 223 323 SWIFT: BKCH CNBJ 300 Bank: Xxxx xx Xxxxx, Shanghai International Trade Centre Sub-Branch For payments to German School Shanghai Yangpu: Transfers within China 名称:上海杨浦德国外籍人员子女学校帐号:0300 4701 177 上海银行股份有限公司杨浦支行 Overseas transfers Account name: German School Shanghai Yangpu Account number: 437 778 686 448 SWIFT: BKCH CNBJ 300 Bank: Xxxx xx Xxxxx, Shanghai International Trade Centre Sub-Branch The German version of the Payment Conditions of the DSS is binding. Other language versions are only provided for information purposes. 本付款条例是根据1999年3月9日上海德国外籍人员子女学校的家长联合会董事会决议制定的。最近修改于2023年5月25日并于2023年5月25日开始执行。本付款条例允许在不改变原则期限的情况下根据需要进行修改。 每学年在每年的8月1日开始至第二年的7月31日结束。并且分成上下两个学期。 1. 报 名 费 报名费是每个学生 人民币5,000元 学生报名时,需一次性缴纳的不退还的报名费。报名费的缴费凭证是报名材料的必要材料之一,并须提交给报名处。
Payments. Payment of Principal. Payment of principal in respect of Bonds shall be made, subject to paragraph (6) (Payment Business Date), via the Paying Agent to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the accounts of the relevant account holders of the Clearing System.
Payments. 5.1. Zahlungen sind gem. der vereinbarten Zahlungsziele fäl- lig.
5.1. Payments shall be due in accordance with the agreed payment terms.
5.2. Verzug tritt unter entsprechender Anwendung des § 286 Abs. 3 BGB 30 Tage nach Fälligkeit und Zugang einer Rech- nung ein.
5.2. Delay occurs in application of § 286(3) of the German Civil Code 30 by way of analoga, days after the due date and receipt of an invoice.
5.3. Verzugszinsen werden in gesetzlich zulässiger Höhe gel- tend gemacht.
Payments. 4.1. Payment for the invoice for the Goods shall be made on the condition of 100% payment. The date of payment shall be considered as the date of receiving bank transfer on the Seller account.
4.2. The price of the delivered Goods shall be determined in accordance with the Price List, in Attachment 2 of the Contract. And in the invoices, issued by Seller to Buyer. In case of 100% prepayment seller gives the buyer a discount of 2% of the price specified in the Price List. During the seasonal selling shares to the Seller shall have the right to provide additional discount on this Price List from 1 to 10%.
4.3. Any such payment as aforesaid shall be deemed to be completely effected by the Buyer as from the date on which the whole sum has been entered to the relevant account of Seller.
4.4. In case of payment delay, Xxxxxx has the right to claim at it's own discretion to delay delivery of the next lot as well as to demand 100% prepayment for the next lots.
4.5. Currency of payments shall be EUR. Payment for
4.5. Валютой платежа является Евро. Оплата за товар осуществляется Покупателем банковским переводом на счет Продавца: Реквизиты банка Продавца: Банк: Commerzbank AG Eisenach Номер счета: 0000000 Bankleitzahl 00000000 S.W.I.F.T. XXXXXXXXXXX IBAN: XX00 0000 0000 0000 0000 00
4.6. Если Продавец в течение 180 (сто восемьдесят) календарных дней с даты оплаты инвойса не осуществит поставку товара, Продавец в течение 7 (семи) календарных дней с даты окончания срока установленного в настоящему пункте, обязуется осуществить возврат денежных средств, уплаченных Покупателем за данный товар, путем банковского перевода денежных средств на счет Покупателя.
5. Условия поставки
5.1. Поставка Товара осуществляется партиями на условиях FCA 99817 Айзенах, Айхродтер Вег 57, Германия (ИНКОТЕРМС 2010). Право собственности на товар, а также риски потери или повреждения товара переходят к Покупателю с момента его погрузки на транспортное средство Покупателя и передачи последнему сопроводительных документов на складе Продавца, расположенном по адресу: 99817 Айзенах, Айхродтер Вег 57, Германия. 5.2. Окончательный состав каждой партии (ассортимент, количество, цена) указываются в Инвойсе (Инвойсах) на поставляемую партию.
6. Упаковка и качество
6.1. В случае передачи Товара ненадлежащего качества (заводской брак), Покупатель извещает Продавца о наличии такого Товара с указанием на характер нарушения качества Товара в течение одного года с момента принятии Покупателем Товара по ассорт...
Payments. Die Zahlung von Kapital und Zinsen auf die Schuldverschreibungen erfolgt an das Clearingsystem oder an dessen Order zur Gutschrift auf den Konten der jeweiligen Kontoinhaber des Clearingsystems außerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten. Eine Bezugnahme in diesen Emissionsbedingungen auf Kapital oder Zinsen der Schuldverschreibungen schließt jegliche Zusätzlichen Beträge gemäß § 6 ein.
Payments. Die Zahlung von Kapital und Zinsen auf die Schuldverschreibungen erfolgt an das Clearingsystem oder an dessen Order zur Gutschrift auf den Konten der jeweiligen Kontoinhaber des Clearingsystems außerhalb der Vereinigten Staaten. Eine Bezugnahme in diesen Emissionsbedingungen auf Kapital oder Zinsen der Schuldverschreibungen schließt jegliche Zusätzlichen Beträge gemäß § 6 ein. 5.1.1 Payment of principal and interest on the Notes shall be made to the Clearing System or to its order for credit to the accounts of the relevant account holders of the Clearing System outside the United States. Any reference in these Terms and Conditions of the Notes to principal or interest will be deemed to include any Additional Amounts as set forth in § 6.
Payments. 5.1 Unless otherwise expressly agreed, all invoices are due for payment immediately upon receipt with no cash discount admissible.
5.2 In so far as Terrot accepts payment by letter of credit, bill of exchange or cheque, this is accepted only as conditional payment. All costs of bills of exchange or cheques shall be borne by the Customer; he is not entitled to any cash discounts.
5.3 If the payer’s bill of exchange is protested or any letter of credit or a cheque is not honoured in due time, the Customer shall furnish security for all current bills and any other outstanding payments. Xxxxxx is also entitled to withdraw from all contracts not yet performed in so far as counter-performance by the Customer has not yet been effected.
5.4 Payments made to any of Terrot’s employees or agents shall discharge the Customer only if they presented the Customer with a written special power of attorney citing the contract in question.
5.5 If Terrot has more than one unsettled claim from different transactions, any payments received from the Customer shall be credited against the respectively oldest outstanding claims. This also applies if the Customer has specified a different purpose.
Payments. Our invoices are payable within 30 days of the invoice date without deduction. If a SEPA Basic Mandate / SEPA Com- pany Mandate has been granted, the direct debit shall be collected 10 days after the invoice date. The customer agrees to a reduction of the period for pre-notification to 5 days. The customer shall ensure that his account is covered accordingly. Costs incurred by us due to non-payment or re- versal of the direct debit shall be borne by the customer if the customer is responsible for the non-payment or rever- sal. However, we are entitled at any time, even within the framework of an ongoing business relationship, to make a delivery in whole or in part only against prepayment. We shall declare a corresponding reservation at the latest with the order confirmation.