Local Connection Criteria definition

Local Connection Criteria. Means either (a) or (b) below: criteria which are met by a person who satisfies one or more of (i) and (ii) below: is ordinarily resident within [•] and has been for a continuous period of not less than [•] consecutive months prior to exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home; and/or who has a close family association with [•] [by reason of a parent or child who is ordinarily resident within [•]] such other local connection criteria as may be published by the Council from time to time as its “First Homes Local Connection Criteria” and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria”. which shall apply to that disposal.] 2 [such local connection criteria as may be designated and published by the Council from time to time as its “First Homes Local Connection Criteria” and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such criteria or replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria”. which shall apply to that disposal it being acknowledged that at the date of this agreement the Council has not designated any criteria as Local Connection Criteria.] 3
Local Connection Criteria means such local connection criteria as may be designated and published by the Council from time to time as its “First Homes Local Connection Criteria” and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such criteria or replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria” which shall apply to that disposal it being acknowledged that at the date of this deed the Council has not designated any criteria as Local Connection Criteria
Local Connection Criteria. Means the following criteria • persons who have been living within the Bristol City boundary continuously for the last 2 years immediately prior to the date of application to buy the First Home property. • persons who have close family (as set out in the Council’s HomeChoice allocations scheme policy or any superseded document) currently living in Bristol, who have lived in Bristol continuously for the last 2 years immediately prior to the date of application to buy the First Home property, and who need to live near that person to provide or receive care. • persons whose normal place of work is in Bristol. For the purposes of this criterion voluntary, temporary, casual or short-term employment will not be taken into account and employment must not be marginal. • persons who meet the criteria set out in The Allocation of Housing (Qualification Criteria for Armed forces) (England) Regulations 2012 for whom a local connection requirement cannot be applied. Only one member of a household buying a First Home in joint names needs to have a local connection to Bristol as set out above.

Examples of Local Connection Criteria in a sentence

  • Therefore applicants without a local connection will not qualify for inclusion in the Housing Needs Register unless specifically provided for in legislation or the Exceptions to the Local Connection Criteria in Section 2.4.3. Definition of a local connection under this policy is different to that under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996, dealing with homelessness.

  • The requirements of the Freedom of Information Act also apply.Appendix 2 – Local Connection Criteria Points‌Development at ..........................................................................................................

  • Doncaster HomeChoice operates a scheme with a Local Connection Criteria.

  • Include homeless applicants owed a reasonable preference to the list of applicants who are exempt from the Local Connection Criteria rules.

  • This may include potentially higher costs associated with the development of previously developed land.Planning permission will be linked to an agreement that any affordable housing delivered will remain affordable in perpetuity and occupancy will be restricted to those in the locality as defined in Appendix 5 - Local Connection Criteria for Affordable Housing.

More Definitions of Local Connection Criteria

Local Connection Criteria means an individual who immediately before taking up occupation of an Affordable Housing Unit 1.14.1 had his only or principal home in the district of Mid Suffolk for a continuous period of not less than two (2) years and in the event that there are no or insufficient individuals qualifying under this sub-paragraph then the choice of person shall default to (but with no preference in ranking order) to those individuals fulfilling the criteria set out in the following sub-paragraphs 1.14.2 to 1.14.4
Local Connection Criteria. [Means either (a) or (b) below: criteria which are met by a person who satisfies one or more of (i) and (ii) below: is ordinarily resident within [•] and has been for a continuous period of not less than [•] consecutive months prior to exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home; and/or who has a close family association with [•] [by reason of a parent or child who is ordinarily resident within [•]] such other local connection criteria as may be published by the Council from time to time as its “First Homes Local Connection Criteria” and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria”. which shall apply to that disposal.] 10 [such local connection criteria as may be designated and published by the Council from time to time as its “First Homes Local Connection Criteria” and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such criteria or replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria”. which shall apply to that disposal it being acknowledged that at the date of this agreement the Council has not designated any criteria as Local Connection Criteria.] 11
Local Connection Criteria means either (a) or (b) below: (a) criteria which are met by a person who satisfies one or more of (i) and (ii) below: (i) is ordinarily resident within the area of Waverley Borough Council for three out of the last five years prior to exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home; and/or (ii) who has a close family relative (parent, adult son/daughter or adult sibling who has lived in the area of Waverley Borough Council for at least the last five years; and/or (iii) has worked over 16 hours a week within the area of Waverley Borough Council for at least 12 months preceding the date of the exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home (b) such other local connection criteria as may be published by the Borough Council from time to time as its “Waverley Borough Council Housing Allocation Scheme” as may be amended from time to time and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria” which shall apply to that disposal.
Local Connection Criteria means such local connection criteria as may bedesignated and published by the Council from time to time as its "First Homes Local Connection Criteria" and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Homes Dwelling and for the avoidance of doubt any such criteria or replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Homes Dwelling shall be the ''Local Connection Criteria" which shall apply to that disposal it being acknowledged that at the date of this Deed the Council has not designated any criteria as Local Connection Criteria. "Local People" persons whose principal or only home is within the Borough. "Market Rent" the estimated amount for which an Open Market Dwelling could be leased or let at the date of valuation between a willing landlord and a willing lessee or tenant on an appropriate lease or tenancy terms after proper marketing where those parties have acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion to be assessed in accordance with a property’s size, location and individual characteristics and the RICS approved valuation methods or intended or established valuation custom and practice. "Market Value" means the open market value as assessed by a Valuer of a First Homes Dwelling as confirmed to the Council by the First Homes Owner and assessed in accordance with the RICS Valuation Standards (January 2014 or any such replacement guidance issued by RICS) and for the avoidance of doubt shall not take into account the 30% discount in the valuation. "Mortgagee" means any financial institution or other entity regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority to provide facilities to a person to enable that person to acquire a First Homes Dwelling including all such regulated entities which provide Shari'ah compliant finance for thepurpose of acquiring a First Home.
Local Connection Criteria means an individual who immediately before taking up occupation of an Affordable Housing Unit 1.12.1. had his only or principal home in the parish of Lavenham for a continuous period of not less than 2 years and in the event that there are no or insufficient individuals qualifying under this sub-paragraph then the choice of person shall default to (but with no preference in ranking order) to those individuals fulfilling the criteria set out in the following sub- paragraphs 1,12,2 to 1,12,4 inclusive 1.12.2. has or a member of whose household has a parent adult child brother or sister which for the avoidance of doubt includes half-brothers/sisters and Step-mothers/fathers, whose only or principal is and has been for a continuous period of not less than 2 in the parish of Lavenham and wishes to be near that relative or 1.12.3. is employed in the parish of Lavenham on the date of the consideration of the individual's entitlement for an Affordable Housing Unit and has been continuously so employed for 2 years 1.12.4. who during the period commencing from the date on which an Affordable Housing Unit to which such individual is eligible pursuant to this sub-paragraph becomes available (for the purposes of this sub-paragraph called the "Availability Date") can provide satisfactory written evidence to the District Council of his or her former residency in the parish of Lavenham for three years out of the preceding five years and in either case such period of former residency shall end with the Availability Date 1.12.5. In the event that no person qualifying under the criteria set out in clause 1.12.1 to 1.12.4 inclusive of this Deed who is willing and able to accept the terms of an occupancy of one of the Affordable Housing Units is identified, then such criteria shall be applied to a person who is in housing need and references to the parishes of Acton, Alpheton, Xxxxx Eleigh, Cockfield, Great Waldingfield, Xxxx Xxxxxxx, Preston St Xxxx and Xxxxxx Morieux shall be substituted 1.12.6. In the event that there is no person qualifying under clauses 1.12.1 to 1.12.5 of this Deed, a second advertisement will be published in order that the nominees from elsewhere in the Babergh District who are on the Choice Based Lettings Scheme or the Government's Help to Buy Scheme (or any subsequent scheme) with regard to the Shared Ownership Dwellings can occupy the Affordable Housing Units subject to the other provisions of this Schedule 1.12.7. the Local connection criteria claus...
Local Connection Criteria means those person(s) having a connection which meets the criteria within paragraphs 4.21 to 4.27 of the Greater Cambridge – A First Homes Interim Position Statement published by the District Council on 30 March 2022 or such successor document or as may otherwise be designated and may be published by the District Council from time to time and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such criteria or replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria” which shall apply to that disposal;
Local Connection Criteria means either (1), (2) or (3) below: 1) ‘long and substantial local connection’ criteria which are met by a First Time Buyer who satisfies at least one of (a), (b), (c) or (d) below: a) is ordinarily resident within the Borough Council administrative area and has been for a continuous period of not less than three (3) years prior to exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home; or b) has been permanently employed within the Borough Council administrative area for a period of not less than two (2) years prior to exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home; c) has a close family relative (mother, father, brother, sister or adult children) who is ordinarily resident within the Borough Council administrative area and has been for a continuous period of at least five (5) years prior to the exchange of contracts for the relevant First Homes; or d) is a Relevant Tenant. 2) ‘lesser local connection criteria’ which are met by a First Time Buyer who satisfies (a) or (b) below: a) is ordinarily resident within the Borough Council administrative area and has been for a continuous period of not less than six (6) consecutive months out of the last twelve (12) prior to exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home; or b) has been permanently employed within the Borough Council administrative area for a period of less than two (2) years prior to exchange of contracts for the relevant First Home, AND meets one of the reasonable criteria under s166A(3) of the Housing Act 1966 3) such other local connection criteria as may be published by the Borough Council from time to time as its “First Homes Local Connection Criteria” and which is in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home and for the avoidance of doubt any such replacement criteria in operation at the time of the relevant disposal of the First Home shall be the “Local Connection Criteria” which shall apply to that disposal; “Intermediate Housing” means Shared Ownership Housing, and other housing for sale and rent provided at a cost above Affordable Rent and Social Rented Housing rents, but below local market levels by an Affordable Housing Provider and as may be further defined in the Local Plan, supplementary planning documents, development plan documents;