Local Connection Criteria definition
Examples of Local Connection Criteria in a sentence
Therefore applicants without a local connection will not qualify for inclusion in the Housing Needs Register unless specifically provided for in legislation or the Exceptions to the Local Connection Criteria in Section 2.4.3. Definition of a local connection under this policy is different to that under Part 7 of the Housing Act 1996, dealing with homelessness.
The requirements of the Freedom of Information Act also apply.Appendix 2 – Local Connection Criteria PointsDevelopment at ..........................................................................................................
Doncaster HomeChoice operates a scheme with a Local Connection Criteria.
Include homeless applicants owed a reasonable preference to the list of applicants who are exempt from the Local Connection Criteria rules.
This may include potentially higher costs associated with the development of previously developed land.Planning permission will be linked to an agreement that any affordable housing delivered will remain affordable in perpetuity and occupancy will be restricted to those in the locality as defined in Appendix 5 - Local Connection Criteria for Affordable Housing.